Đồng nghĩa của Disappointment

Alternative for Disappointment


Trái nghĩa: encouragement, inspiration,

Danh từ

Something that impedes, or stands in the way of, progress
setback drawback obstacle adversity downfall hitch barrier blow blunder complication difficulty encumbrance glitch hiccup hindrance hurdle impasse impediment issue misfortune problem upset defeat delay discouragement handicap hardship holdback holdup inconvenience obstruction slip snag bummer crimp disadvantage error inefficacy knock mishap reversal trammel bafflement block cramp miscalculation mischance mistake whammy body blow hold-up bitter pill catch-22 hang-up knock-back stroke of bad luck stumbling block fly in the ointment piece of bad luck reversal of fortune bit of trouble monkey wrench kick in the teeth spanner in the works one in the eye reverse lapse check backset relapse meltdown rebuff comedown foil bottom regress unfortunate development slowdown trouble bath about-face regression flip-flop shock reverse of fortune double whammy letdown drawing board trauma upheaval whole new ballgame catch monkey wrench in the works bar facer hazard deterrent restriction stop limitation balk embarrassment baulk inhibition drag fetter manacle interference restraint chain shackles clog let cumber uphill defect pitfall curb interruption millstone headache sticking point weakness stoppage burden barricade joker blockage rub fault brake bug flaw impedance albatross cumbrance baggage hassle gridlock dilemma hampering prob hamper preventive road block jam-up snafu ball and chain booby trap complaint disbenefit blockade pale bump gotcha gimmick disincentive stumbling stone predicament mountain to climb tangle land mine discontinuance aggravation quandary entanglement factor web development stone in one's path prohibition detriment tie load shackle disablement impairment retardation bottleneck retardment disorder stricture wall tribulation gremlin malfunction pickle pinch dead weight red tape millstone around your neck blip point at issue can of worms disputed point anomaly kink something wrong prevention lock sabotage intervention excess baggage foot dragging

Danh từ

A feeling of sadness or displeasure caused by the non-fulfillment of one's hopes or expectations
regret dissatisfaction distress chagrin dejection discontent disenchantment disillusionment dismay displeasure despondency disgruntlement frustration mortification despair disconsolation discontentment disfavor indignation sadness sorrow aggravation depression disaffection disapproval disconsolateness discontentedness disfavour disillusion dispiritedness disquiet distaste exasperation gloominess glumness lamentation melancholy resentment unhappiness vexation anger anguish annoyance discomfort discouragement disgust dislike disrelish downheartedness fretfulness gloom irritation letdown misery torment unfulfilment upset desolation disapprobation discomposure malaise malcontent malcontentment uneasiness weariness woe heavy-heartedness heaviness of heart low spirits ill-humor grief blues hopelessness worry disheartenment heartache demoralization mournfulness oppression wretchedness dolefulness dumps demoralisation anxiety despondence forlornness miserableness doldrums sorrowfulness pessimism joylessness dreariness perturbation heartsickness despond mopes bitterness blue devils grievance rude awakening pain embarrassment trouble agony unease desperation agitation melancholia discomfiture heartbreak shame cheerlessness shock dolor defeatism cynicism the hump bother alarm humiliation misgiving confusion mourning rue suffering affliction torture nervousness fright fluster horror surprise concern defeat disquietude angst hurt cold feet hassle funk excruciation tribulation travail straits ordeal trial cross the blues dolour blue funk enlightenment embitterment world-weariness botheration aggro pip disregard restlessness restiveness infuriation qualm scruple Weltschmerz lost innocence disturbance resignation boredom aversion disinclination querulousness heartburn complaint envy disliking indisposition jealousy ennui sorriness grieving weeping lamenting a rude awakening ache spleen resignedness trauma burden hardship rack pique crossness throe worriment perplexity stew unconsolability pang dashed hopes visitation care twinge headache wrath fury rage umbrage lack of confidence lack of enthusiasm bad news fear smarting rankling sullenness moodiness harassment derangement turmoil inconvenience consternation mopery abashment somberness catatonia dysphoria desperateness woefulness foreboding bleakness saturninity ire ill-humour peevishness disarray shake-up disruption dismals dullness moroseness morbidity mope dourness pensiveness anhedonia heaviness sulks dismalness panic trepidation mulligrubs mubblefubbles blahs loss of confidence crushing baulk blow balk reversion affront destruction commotion queasiness dislocation apprehension dread terror awkwardness disconcertment tizzy the dismals problem heavy heart low-spiritedness being bummed blue Johnnies turn-up the mopes subversion downer bummer beating ruin failure disconcertion flusteredness disorientation the blahs discombobulation undoing nonplus rout overthrow comedown descent conquest vanquishment defeasance

Danh từ

A setback, or change for the worse
reverse misfortune setback mishap tragedy blow catastrophe disaster misadventure adversity affliction trial tribulation accident hardship failure difficulty woe reversal problem distress upset knock vicissitude defeat check lapse hitch rout bath snag repulse conquering turnabout vanquishment bad luck ill luck hard times non-success calamity debacle trouble misery mischance cataclysm contretemps loss nuisance inconvenience casualty dole annoyance disadvantage anxiety crunch burden cross discomfort bad news bad break hard luck harm infelicity unluck visitation worry unpleasantness haplessness unluckiness whammy tough luck rotten luck unfortunateness ill bummer sorrow untowardness grief frustration doom reverse of fortune shock struggle pain stroke of bad luck body blow kick in the teeth failing ill fortune wretchedness issue downfall breakdown mishappening car crash bad trot evil chance evil fortune lack of success hardshi blight devastation hold-up apocalypse bad experience agony injury sadness unhappiness one in the eye wreck downer curse heartbreak waterloo lot dolor humiliation hard knocks grievous blow sad event bad fortune serious accident letdown bombshell surprise jolt comedown disturbance thunderbolt torment danger concern bind deep trouble bother dire straits dilemma hindrance hot water predicament mess headache disgruntlement bolt out of the blue rude awakening bolt from the blue knock-back source of distress let-down tough break raw deal suffering hard time rotten break hard cheese trauma grievance ruination exigency buffet jam drag hassle unfortunate incident slip rigor hazard travails ill-luck the worst can of worms rigour stroke of ill luck ill-fortune devil's own luck ill chance miscalculation unpredictable outcome error blunder hurt faux pas ruin damage holocaust emergency bale mischief heartache bane mishanter undoing stroke torture crisis crash flood shit show farce heavy blow fall abyss fell stroke rough situation act of God depression collapse anguish destruction strain evil hell hardness asperity dolour stress pain in the backside clutch poison hell on earth pain in the rear evil eye trials and tribulations pain in the neck hurting pain in the bum kiss of death harsh conditions nakba tough situation deep water jinx reversal of fortune skids malice cruelty poverty privation indigence destitution want difficulties need impoverishment penury straits deprivation pickle austerity lack pinch beggary way of the world throe scrape travail unholy mess ticklish spot holy mess human condition karma kismet way of it destiny way the cookie crumbles life hand one is dealt way things go usual state of affairs times we live in luck school of hard knocks unfortunate chance

Danh từ

Mental torment or distress

Danh từ

Depressing experience
downer bummer drag misfortune letdown comedown discouragement down pity shame bad deal bad scene bad trip raw deal rotten hand annoyance nuisance bad experience disaster problem pest downside snag bringdown shortcoming pitfall weakness stumbling block negative aspect irritation unfortunate occurrence trauma tragedy ordeal heartache adversity burden hassle trouble fiasco blow vexation grief distress heartbreak catastrophe affliction pain tribulation torment sorrow misadventure debacle albatross drama hardship travail suffering sadness trial failure dud ill fortune sad event cross to bear stroke of bad luck misery difficulty wretchedness woe mishap worry straits setback calamity bad luck torture curse reverse unpleasant situation unhappy situation bum trip travails headache hard time anguish agony unhappiness hurt excruciation rack issue care jam crunch accident rigor vicissitude cross dolour rigour tough luck ill-luck hard knocks can of worms hard times dire straits ill luck reversal of fortune ill-fortune freak-out psychedelic crisis unpleasant drug experience plague scourge nightmare bane inconvenience complication gloom depression bad news big trouble severe test trying time poverty dejection privation despair anxiety melancholy despondency desolation indigence destitution sorriness dolefulness dolor want difficulties need impoverishment penury deprivation grieving rue blues deploring lamentation cataclysm dole bemoaning rain regret pickle austerity lack pinch discomfort beggary exigency injury throe grievance hazard scrape ruination tough break unholy mess rotten luck hot water ticklish spot holy mess oppression visitation wronging crucible persecution depressing experience unpleasant experience misfortunate event double whammy rainy day hard knock shock upset reversal crisis hell hardness asperity buffet ill danger contretemps mischance stress pain in the backside clutch poison hell on earth pain in the rear evil eye the worst trials and tribulations knock pain in the neck hurting stroke of ill luck pain in the bum kiss of death harsh conditions nakba tough situation deep water jinx bad break skids

Danh từ

The act or instance of being defeated or failing
defeat failure loss collapse downfall breakdown flop frustration ruin fall misstep abortion blunder bungle bust crash fail failing foundering misfiring setback undoing botch clunker debacle discomfiture misadventure miscarriage miss bomb dud fizzle hash implosion mess misfire nonperformance reverse washout bummer calamity catastrophe clinker cropper disaster fiasco misfortune mishap nonachievement nonsuccess rejection snafu turkey let-down non-success falling through false step faux pas fizzling out lack of success balls-up breaking down coming to nothing foul-up non-fulfilment screw-up state of defeat insuccess vanquishment vain effort premature delivery defeatedness wreck lemon rout bankruptcy stoppage sinking ship lead balloon ruination loser deterioration decline rupture shipwreck overthrow stalemate disintegration total loss flash in the pan damp squib tragedy dead duck decay inadequacy deficiency deficit checkmate frost dead loss unsuccessfulness malfunction interruption shutdown shambles disruption halt folding cessation car crash letdown vain attempt error unsuccess reversal mistake end crumbling trainwreck slump crumpling degradation disorganization seizure termination whammy non-starter disorganisation no-hoper falling to pieces train wreck falling apart non-function falling down nonaccomplishment oversight neglect default negligence misprision dereliction delinquency omission trouble stumble capitulation vanquishing flameout muck omnishambles muddle bodge nonfeasance rabble pig's breakfast shit show trouncing thwarting liquidation mismanagement perversion fall from grace disturbance hitch shellacking crack-up beating farce havoc licking dissolution smash smashup defeasance devastation drubbing impecuniousness pennilessness penury beggary crackup hindrance impediment mischance aborting administration indebtedness pauperdom receivership seizing up conking out break blue ruin financial ruin insolvency spontaneous abortion still birth insufficiency lapse miscarriages buckling falling depression

Danh từ

A discouraging response to an offer or approach
repulse rebuff snub brush-off spurning rejection cold-shouldering discouragement knock-back refusal repudiation slight failure nix reverse silent treatment turndown cold shoulder nothing doing slap in the face the old heave-ho thumbs down smack in the eye smack in the face kick in the teeth brushoff cut dismissal kiss-off insult put down go-by rebuke elbow humiliation non-acceptance affront pooh-poohing bum's rush the elbow cold-shoulder defeat opposition check denial repulsion reprimand hard time indignity outrage offense offence slur dig aspersion epithet barb abuse brickbat slap injury diss sarcasm dis dart gird poke name personality taunt discourtesy backhanded compliment left-handed compliment disrespect derision injustice slam negation disparagement jibe attack black eye contempt incivility disdainfulness despite disregard hurt harm hit indignation zinger shame scorn sneer mockery obloquy insolence rudeness ignominy wrong veto opprobrium dirty dig disapproval no grievance gibe criticism shaft scandal negative response blow to one's pride microaggression back-handed compliment no compliment home truth uncomplimentary remark iciness aloofness coldness reproach provocation mistreatment scoff spurn atrocity disservice desecration displeasure scoffing jeer goading cutting remark spite knock pan take-down suppression burn ridiculing rebuttal snubbing turning down declining sting wrongdoing unfairness disparaging remark neglect indifference inattention one in the eye dirty deed unjustness inequity red light dissatisfaction ostracism pointed comment negative nay detriment declination disallowance objection nonacceptance blitzkrieg onslaught assailment battery onset pique huff resentment dudgeon push assault aggression miff blitz umbrage mugging raw deal no dice non placet no go no way ruffled feathers embarrassment disgrace degradation dishonor humbling dishonour abasement mortification disesteem chagrin discredit reprobation vitiation discomfiture condescension comedown submissiveness resignation submission loss of pride loss of face self-abasement mental pain touché slander libel defamation vilification contumely impertinence impudence vituperation scurrility aspersions depreciation revilement invective blasphemy superciliousness sledge impugnment unpleasantry flame pejorative cheap shot abusive remark

Trái nghĩa của Disappointment

Disappointment Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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