Đồng nghĩa của Brownie points

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The quality of how good the reputation of something or someone is, how favourably something or someone is regarded
prestige honor honour authority cachet celebrity distinction eminence esteem fame importance influence kudos note prestigiousness regard renown reputation standing stature status weight account bottom estimation image mana class consequence credit laurels prominence rank repute superiority supremacy clout control dignity éclat illustriousness izzat notability position power preeminence prominency respect state sway glory greatness acclaim name mark pre-eminence notoriety significance station popularity character recognition luster favour favor lustre merit good name rep leverage pull accolade acclamation excellence stardom dominance quality respectability applause praise report worth teeth admiration ranking homage muscle exaltation laudation ascendancy noteworthiness veneration high standing place approval famousness odor odour acceptability privilege command elevation props plaudits accolades approbation reputability reverence nobility good reputation prepotency beef force caliber calibre bays juice predominance loftiness eminency say value sovereignty strength import tribute immortality sun commendation leadership heft domination impact perfection style transcendence trustworthiness reign dominion level pride flair extolment footing laud grade adulation credibility paramountcy glorification deference rating supereminence celebration devotion bouquets consideration rung tributes obeisance worship eulogy salutes congratulations echelon rap trust compliment advantage momentousness social position jurisdiction dependability decoration opinion conspicuousness public esteem moment fashion high rank substance capacity mastery visibility reaches degree adoration aggrandizement peerlessness appreciation stratum salience rule excellency puff flattery high station primacy fealty reach magnitude elegance preponderancy preponderance refinement self-respect choiceness superbness primeness apotheosis deification immortalization canonization compliments attention lionization signification in sophistication first-rateness stage concern interest eulogium paeans commemoration lionisation aggrandisement ability weightiness polish stock effectiveness self-image relevance face majesty hold self-esteem effect reliability pat on the back good image big up voice responsibility connection agency manner badge award seniority puissance outstandingness nobleness specialness success triumph situation grading size superstardom aristocracy might laurel caste ego raves brand sphere awe awards honours decorations snob value edge acceptance gravitas physique virtue figure competence development qualification growth impressiveness extraordinariness memorability publicity grandness infamy stamp seal design blue blood plausibility integrity confidence exposure high relief public exposure pumping up high regard urgency pressure street cred street credibility heyday acknowledgement myth legend acknowledgment splendor splendour self-regard panegyric encomium high birth good report drag faith seriousness gravity honors snob appeal media interest media attention cheering citation hurrah cheer recommendation bravo thanks rave sycophancy paean plaudit cry boost hymn ovation PR condition graveness meaning exigency bargaining chip jump on knowledge high profile conviction experience order mode type category blue ribbon gold star feather in cap classification tier purpose essence social standing emphasis monopoly access good word big hand gradation division grease persuasiveness efficacy extent matter thrust league notch estate groove niche forcefulness forcibleness powerfulness potency pith taste stylishness panache dash involvement input participation role part chic couth élan savoir-faire share contribution association expression engagement feedback grip commitment inspiration stimulus fineness brilliance savoir vivre bon ton savoir faire finesse gentility right authorization high calibre high standard high quality high caliber warrant sovranty vantage commission hand upper hand permission prerogative management permit prestidigitation strings authorisation governance law license regency direction birthright arm diadem say-so strong arm inside track licence entitlement steam government hegemony ascendance ascendency prepotence cogency capability ascendence whip hand efficaciousness administration reins efficiency imperium predominancy efficacity charge vigour vigor potence effectualness clutch prepollency death grip productiveness effectuality supervision grasp usefulness validity predomination punch conclusiveness convincingness persuasion performance suasiveness tyranny eloquence guidance energy authoritativeness horsepower sinew tenure scope presidency superintendence benefit firepower compass empire bearing point field possession materiality lordship area orbit regimentation fruitfulness regime despotism purview superintendency use regiment successfulness stewardship validness constructiveness ambit duty supreme power operation priority dictatorship applicability effectivity realm soundness range foundation articulateness logic territory province ownership occupation spell logicality coherence reasonableness retention jump suzerainty rangatiratanga regulation rulership radius pertinence subjection regimen precedence potential bounds adequacy leg up turf bailiwick oversight mightiness application raj brawn intendance running conduct precinct intensity care capableness sufficiency stamina sturdiness strong influence handling dynamism omnipotence might and main what it takes absolute rule implication severity polity bureaucracy time in power patronage political practice enormity execution period of influence politics appeal venerability notedness venerableness Augustness oppression suppression prevalence claim slickness smoothness inducement bargaining counter fascination occupancy subjugation intimidation repression valuation verve monarchy wallop subordination mastery power kingship forefront hands helpfulness obligation custody ascendant dynasty leading place regnancy proprietorship helm guardianship invincibility word first place primary position clasp commandeering collaring first position coercion generalship distinguishment stress function pwnage ownage top spot head place unanswerability prowess clutches headship stranglehold stake keeping significancy upshot orderliness rationality lucidity clarity methodicalness powers-that-be executive predominanc ministry principality toughness robustness muscularity valour stoutness directorship domain all-powerfulness almightiness undisputed sway progress facility consistency evil embrace moxie valor captaincy premiership governorship sweep fierceness grandeur aggressiveness vividness richness assertiveness circuit district zone driver's seat supreme authority total domination hard power good organization progression breadth autarchy autocracy totalitarianism organization remit department head start carrying on instrumentality activity confines discretion slot limits judicature arbitration magistracy inquisition lead orchestration initiative preserve absolute power divine right unlimited power bite stomping grounds conduction foresight conveyance organisation area of activity career limit boundary pilgrimage arena extension circumference gamut extent of power oyer and terminer relation play memorableness remarkableness unforgettableness gumption determination pilotage skill sphere of influence span of control markedness sapience unusualness obviousness rarity cruciality strikingness uncommonness leading steering guiding statecraft exceptionalness relevancy Uncle Sam the feds pronounced nature linkage kinship liaison aptness affinity relationship kick outstanding nature headiness germaneness appurtenance appositeness reference overlordship

Danh từ

Appreciation or acclaim for an achievement, service, or ability
recognition appreciation gratitude acclaim commendation honor honour acknowledgement acknowledgment credit esteem respect thanks tribute acclamation approval homage reward acceptance accolade attention congratulations salute notice rave regard applause bouquet mention hat tip puffing up pumping up pat on back pat on head pat on the back round of applause praise laudation approbation admiration adulation extolment eulogium points stroke bouquets encouragement citation stroking puff honourable mention good opinion pat on the head glory kudos merit distinction veneration props fame laurels laud sun bays liking favour favor estimation consideration support account byline heading expression of gratitude a pat on the back strap line a round of applause expression of appreciation high opinion high regard positive reception eulogy paean congratulation dithyramb salutation hymn prize award encomium panegyric recommendation honorable mention special mention shot in the arm testimonial celebration ovation reverence compliment remembrance welcome commemoration adoration deference plaudits memorial greeting love glorification reaction worship awe plaudit exaltation accolades affection memory compliments obeisance thankfulness endorsement appreciativeness observance devotion response kudo permission indebtedness gratefulness assent honoring flattery popularity consent gift sanction hailing nod honouring go-ahead cheering salutes okay great respect rave review address hello reception ratification hail validation obligation memorialization service repute blessing imprimatur OK cheer court concurrence loyalty agreement thanksgiving reminiscence idolization good word fealty opinion grace astonishment amazement genuflection gramercy testament valuing prizing cheers fondness mark of respect green light cherishing stamp of approval seal of approval O.K. strong praise treatment monument toast namecheck big hand allegiance fidelity ceremony reference offering present note clapping courtesy sentiment faithfulness duty troth commemorative reputation salvo care sympathy plume decoration privilege premium eulogizing high esteem dulia kneeling thank you note surprise wonder value PR eulogising strokes treasuring enjoyment pleasure delight heed answer reply receipt blarney cajolery blandishment title palm symbol statement token plug apotheosis obsequiousness fear piety devoutness bow religiousness prostration deification tributes undertaking wonderment photo credit flattering remark keeping magnification marking monumentalization marveling idolatry marvelling admission compliance blue ribbon acknowledgement of celebration of recognition of comeback saluting answering warm fuzzy honeyed word buttering up trade last bells assumption memorial service red-letter day kiss salaam wave tackling avowal pats on the back signal gesture taking on the nod hallo authority authorization gesture of respect raves allowance leave clean bill of health sign of respect recollection warrant confirmation licence positive feedback thought recall acquiescence dispensation clearance requital anamnesis backing accreditation sufferance countenance granting permit license retrospect say-so stamp flash afterthought hindsight flashback mental image reconstruction fiat affirmation word authorisation thumbs up echo from the past sense of obligation

Danh từ

Good will
good will kindness benevolence charity goodwill generosity altruism sympathy tolerance friendliness favor favour amity rapport cordiality comity friendship helpfulness good deed indulgence compassion mercy grace clemency kindliness tenderness goodness beneficence consideration leniency forbearance humanity love understanding lenience mercifulness lenity charitableness liberality compassionateness patience magnanimity benignity benefaction service sensitivity courtesy quarter affection boon gentleness warmth thoughtfulness concern graciousness humaneness philanthropy neighbourliness kind-heartedness pardon liberalness neighborliness reprieve caritas fellow feeling aid help assistance decency benefit care amiability benediction affinity benignancy munificence kindheartedness magnanimousness good turn tender-heartedness helping hand warm-heartedness feeling act of assistance sufferance broad-mindedness liberalism pity solid turn forgiveness regard permissiveness humanitarianism concession responsiveness permission toleration freedom license endurance unselfishness considerateness fondness intimacy bounteousness fellowship empathy largesse good-heartedness closeness backing familiarity warmheartedness mildness philanthropism aroha errand patronage kind act gift good-fellowship cooperation obligement dispensation brotherhood cordialness charitability largess act of kindness accommodation big-heartedness public-spiritedness open-mindedness lavishness free-handedness almsgiving bounty social conscience open-handedness softheartedness commiseration tenderheartedness solicitousness soft-heartedness oblation office largeheartedness bigheartedness heart ruth allowance lack of bias acceptance complaisance sanction laxness condoning long-suffering condonation lack of prejudice appreciation mindfulness camaraderie comradeship companionship receptiveness receptivity support brotherly love unity harmony company moderation amicability devotion liking attachment sodality partiality sisterhood mutual affection sociability passion endearment sentiment desire warmness soft spot devotedness admiration puppy love respect amore attentiveness ardor crush solicitude warm feelings emotion strong fondness ardour shine caring hospitality affectionateness selflessness courteousness sweetness nobleness tact generousness nobility self-sacrifice fellow-feeling good intention bountifulness openhandedness geniality openheartedness affability great-heartedness alms-giving high-mindedness congeniality pleasantness conviviality freehandedness agreeableness agreeability unsparingness free giving all heart readiness profusion amiableness niceness amenity good-naturedness comradery large-heartedness good nature congenialness genialness self-denial sociableness amenability approachability chumminess civility clubbiness gregariousness open arms companionability clubbability accessibility bonhomie approval hospitableness good-temperedness condolence softness esteem charm estimation approbation virtue fatherliness brotherliness fancy dole personableness heartiness politeness good humour peacefulness peaceableness joviality communicativeness preference blessing commendation obligingness social concern openness fraternity enjoyableness wholeheartedness mateyness palliness relish taste like feelings easy-going manner approachableness soul earnestness heedfulness reverence relief appetite imprimatur account solace use good opinion comfort condolement kind regard humanism greatheartedness chivalry collaboration princeliness inner beauty fairness lovingness motherliness sisterliness principle supportiveness protectiveness loftiness honor honour honourableness disinterest blessings mutual support gifts favours faith liveliness gemütlichkeit large-heartedn discretion awareness public spirit Agape favors doing no harm moderateness forthcomingness extroversion likability pleasurableness loveliness satisfaction appeal cheeriness likableness affableness douceur agape character hospitability lifesaver sponsorship urbanity constitution mutuality jovialness sincerity gratefulness reciprocity sadness sorrow distress naturalness informality ease relaxedness endowment prosocial behaviour gifting fund nei accord harmoniousness easiness tender feelings social intelligence nonmaleficence lack of severity companionableness demonstrativeness obliging nature hospitable manner prosocial behavior good works peace amicableness concurrence concord due regard rue regret socializing concern for others heart of hearts lack of reserve manners collaborating togetherness simpatico good humor sweetness and light dejection melancholy compunction etiquette outgoingness community involvement intercourse association relations mingling encouragement succor succour consolation pampering spoiling decorum good manners dignity shyness quietness mixing communion congress good vibrations good relations same wavelength deference propriety veneration lack of reservation lack of inhibition modesty repose placidness demureness serenity stillness humility tranquillity tranquility enthusiasm vehemence league acquaintance fraternization socialising fraternisation hitting it off refinement courtliness large-hea cheer optimism reassurance assuagement easement gladdening inspiration mansuetude docility meekness profligateness fondling fulfilment toadying kowtowing hedonism placating profligacy pleasure favouring intemperateness favoring absolution petting privilege pleasing attention fulfillment treating intensity social contact social intercourse social interaction zeal eagerness welcomingness calmness delicacy pliancy placidity pliability fragility passionateness ardency cheerfulness violence heat fire fervency fervidness intenseness fervor fervour happiness effusiveness spiritedness emotions amorousness zest excitement white heat spirit glow empressement

Trái nghĩa của Brownie points

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