Trái nghĩa của categorical

Alternative for categorical

Đồng nghĩa: categoric, flat, unconditional,

Tính từ

Opposite of to an utter or complete degree
qualified conditional equivocal indefinite questionable uncertain vague ambiguous exceptional hesitant hypothetical implied indistinct inexact relative tentative uncategorical partial unclear incomplete limited obscure dubious part restricted fractional indeterminate unfinished hazy imperfect inexplicit fuzzy inconclusive cryptic doubtful clouded obfuscated ill-defined half unspecific fragmentary nonobvious unapparent indecisive undecided imprecise undetermined provisional blurred unclarified mysterious enigmatical unsettled enigmatic undefined debatable implicit disputable inferred circuitous unresolved moderate dark confusing obscured mitigated unsure mixed dim indiscernible unconfirmed diminished abated unclouded lessened assuaged sectional fragmental reserved abstruse weak slight unintelligible unreliable faint iffy broken arguable superficial indistinguishable non-specific provisory unconvincing contingent unimportant muddy polysemous temporary uncompleted restrictive puzzling fragmented unproven contestable speculative inadequate in doubt unsound unverified nebulous rough approximate unspecified loose sketchy blurry inaccurate shadowy nonspecific softened soothed adulterated semi mistakable hidden uncombined false interim doubtul secret unknown dull deficient abridged hesitating suspect impeachable refutable specific tempered guarded unrecognized open groundless wavering deceitful misleading cautious moot unfounded unproved perplexing slow impermeable moral clean polysemic inarticulate half- moderated doubtable dubitable oracular unrecognised paradoxical inscrutable controvertible indefinable unsatisfactory prepared ready multivocal touch and go open to question up for discussion unexplained murky clothed covered anything but bewildering elusive unsubstantiated unsupported uncorroborated open to debate open to argument shallow cursory narrow not absolute nonemphatic nonassertive unemphatic amphibological unformed unfixed foggy opaque indecipherable unexplicit obfuscatory hearsay bleary disputed cloudy tame generalized secondary supplemental accessory supplementary open-ended lacking definition generalised impotent lethargic unconfident inactive understated insignificant unpronounced idle ineffective evasive noncommittal stipulatory conditioned wooly nondeterminate woolly dependent codicillary murmuring faltering mild padded faded tenuous thin bland bated pale light low stifled muted deadened subdued imperceptible muffled feeble

Tính từ

(zero) Opposite of to an absolute degree

Tính từ

Opposite of to an absolute degree

Tính từ

(tainted) Opposite of to an absolute degree

Tính từ

Opposite of incapable of being reversed, recalled, repealed, or annulled

Tính từ

Opposite of true, real

Tính từ

Opposite of stubbornly, and perhaps unreasonably, holding to an opinion, decision or purpose

Đồng nghĩa của categorical

categorical Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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