Trái nghĩa của prevalent

Alternative for prevalent

Tính từ

Opposite of widespread in a particular area or at a particular time
rare uncommon unusual restricted uncharacteristic uncustomary nonstandard unconventional odd scarce special unaccustomed unpopular exceptional irregular unexpected limited unique sparse atypical unorthodox different abnormal extraordinary strange eccentric novel unfamiliar original individual bizarre singular peculiar infrequent idiosyncratic anomalous distinctive nonconformist curious weird isolated outlandish queer new out of the ordinary unprecedented alternative offbeat nontraditional funny oddball private quirky left-field radical especial independent unwonted surprising out-of-the-way untraditional crazy personal aberrant unknown nonconventional quaint bohemian narrow particular separate exclusive specific selfstanding lone single nonconforming innovative foreign fresh deviant off-the-wall maverick sole experimental remarkable occasional unheard of disorderly unlikely insular inconceivable sometime scattered unnatural nontypical non-standard groundbreaking untypical alien extreme low seldom zany kooky nonrepresentative pioneering freakish wacky undiscovered individualistic secondary extra off-beat unhackneyed esoteric avant-garde bizarro partial incomplete unsteady inconstant exotic unimportant underlying minor unfixed obsolete light localized few and far between startling nonuniversal unheard-of unrepresentative localised local lonely discrete distinct respective broad-minded open-minded nonconservative large-minded liberal nonorthodox progressive autonomous distinguished solo out of character disparate alone solitary particularized unaccompanied nonpublic heterodox heretical recalcitrant particularised companionless out of keeping lonesome out there unescorted only

Tính từ

Opposite of of urgent interest or importance

Tính từ

Opposite of being fully accessible and obtainable with little regard to restrictions

Tính từ

Opposite of modern or contemporary, especially when mirroring some person or thing of the past

Đồng nghĩa của prevalent

prevalent Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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