Trái nghĩa của amateurish

Alternative for amateurish

Đồng nghĩa: amateur, inexpert, unskilled,

Tính từ

Opposite of suggesting or reflecting the efforts of an amateur
professional expert ace adept consummate crackerjack experienced master masterful masterly virtuosic virtuoso able competent dexterous practised skilful skilled skillful accomplished proficient talented qualified clever outstanding apt adroit gifted great bravura deft excellent good crack wonderful fine knowledgeable capable brilliant magnificent first-rate marvelous marvellous artful trained seasoned first-class superlative champion exceptional handy dazzling elite formidable superb wizard slick specialist splendid efficient versed impressive smart polished practiced dextrous savvy stellar nifty superior supreme finished tasty fantastic sensational terrific smashing tremendous fabulous fab very good genius facile leading schooled demon mean magic veteran tip-top top-notch wicked world-class exquisite hotshot intelligent sharp class peerless awesome ingenious habile compleat brill deadly well versed leet well trained A1 au fait dominant out of this world very skilled highly skilled exceptionally good a dab hand at extraordinarily skilled immensely skilled exceptionally skilled highly qualified highly trained nimble-fingered big league top-drawer top-hole supremely skilled fit ultracompetent effective complete educated professed suitable strong useful sure-handed notable remarkable high-grade graceful brisk fluent pro learned conversant drilled moral right ethical up to it reasonable satisfactory suited fitted appropriate authorized adequate empowered decent equipped familiar authorised well-versed mature accustomed tested tried matured knowing cultivated

Tính từ

Opposite of failing to give the proper care and attention that is required

Đồng nghĩa của amateurish

amateurish Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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