Trái nghĩa của fanciful

Alternative for fanciful

Đồng nghĩa: imaginary, imagined, notional,

Tính từ

Opposite of existing only in the realms of one's imagination
actual existent existing literal real conventional down-to-earth dry dull ordinary pedestrian predictable routine sensible sober unimaginative uninspired grave normal prosaic serious sincere unfanciful unromantic usual matter of fact boring plodding uninteresting flat tedious commonplace monotonous mediocre tiresome wearisome humdrum unexciting run-of-the-mill mundane banal unexceptional second-rate uncreative unremarkable undistinguished stodgy uneventful vanilla spiritless average stale unoriginal lifeless unvarying unvaried repetitive repetitious colorless colourless workaday quotidian uninspiring matter-of-fact indifferent everyday hackneyed derivative trite turgid passionless ho-hum anemic anaemic unadventurous derived sterile OK jejune so-so dreary bog-standard half-pie bland insipid stock vapid uninventive plain vanilla lackluster lacklustre barren hacky run of the mill not so hot no great shakes common or garden not up to much nothing to write home about common regular standard natural typical general reasonable expected familiar customary plain accustomed traditional unnoteworthy generic simple mainstream middle-of-the-road genuine unartistic imitative logical orthodox new bromidic orderly stereotypical unpoetical common place realistic unresourceful unextraordinary unmemorable stupid unamusing unpretentious modest characterless humble stereotyped humourless unfunny humorless witless suburban popular established set nondescript household middling fair nonglamorous settled unexotic daily frequent unglamorous nonexotic plain-Jane habitual passable garden-variety wonted stable

Đồng nghĩa của fanciful

fanciful Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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