Đồng nghĩa của dog s breakfast

Danh từ

A messy, complex, troublesome or confused situation
mare's nest mess confusion disorder disorderedness havoc muddle chaos disarrangement disarray disorderliness disorganisation disorganization jumble messiness shambles bedlam derangement dishevelment hash misorder muss omnishambles pandemonium turmoil clutter confusedness hell muddiness sloppiness disruption grubbiness heck irregularity scramble tumble untidiness welter mess-up rat's nest snake pit can of worms car crash complete mess free-for-all topsy-turviness chance-medley mix-up troublesome situation anarchy tangle state mayhem commotion hullabaloo madhouse ataxia botch upheaval tumult hotchpotch uproar furore entropy clamor babel madness unruliness hodgepodge mishmash clamour a mess imbroglio maelstrom riot furor a madhouse complication holy mess a three-ring circus pig's breakfast all hell broken loose hubbub lawlessness trouble hurly-burly frenzy foul-up screw-up topsy-turvydom unholy mess an omnishambles discombobulation utter confusion ravel topsy-turvyness dirtiness snarl a shambles a muddle unkemptness upset disharmony indiscipline disunity morass place of disorder chaotic place discomposure fankle predicament mess and a half confused state plight flurry mass fiasco hodge-podge disaster scrappiness grunginess slovenliness scruffiness muck dog's dinner lack of order wild disarray wreckage a dog's dinner a dog's breakfast huddle web rush perturbation stir ado bungle snafu balls-up comess snarl-up consternation intricacy fracas wilderness bustle rout dislocation racket haze row slip-up ferment grovel toss roll overturn incompetence inefficiency incoherence inadequacy dissolution disunion ineptitude unconnectedness ineffectiveness disjointedness calamity unrest anarchism ruckus fussing bangarang mobocracy misrule a maelstrom discord a car crash hue and cry disturbance fuss rumpus stew agitation ruction pother storm flap kerfuffle to-do turbulence bother bluster brouhaha hoopla hoo-ha ballyhoo shindy moil coil clatter blather whirl bobbery foofaraw squall williwaw splore helter-skelter corroboree hurly do hurry hurricane hubble-bubble hurry-scurry hoo-hah zoo hurry-skurry fun dither alarums and excursions tizzy hassle fluster din noise twitter melee panic lather excitement brawl flutter sweat fret outcry violence carry-on affray huff fever stink restlessness strife disquiet donnybrook broil big scene quarrel revolution stramash swivet swelter convulsion tizz distraction twit palaver rumble uprising scene insurrection scuffle tiz-woz shouting babble fray yelling state of agitation song and dance jangle bagarre disquietude tempest outburst shindig hysteria rebellion rampage tremor mutiny wildness pantomime inarticulateness worry state of panic hell broke loose hustle and bustle cataclysm big stink state of anxiety convulsions swirl unintelligibility struggle whirlwind paroxysm bouleversement earthquake screaming clangor clangour scrap babbling ructions illogicality ailment shivaree dust-up delirium seething mass anxiety Sturm und Drang eruption rage upturn activity street fight fermentation aggro explosion performance ochlocracy rough house hustle tamasha annoyance blue funk nervous state argy-bargy state of confusion mob rule reign of terror breach of the peace destruction pig's upheavals altercation uncertainty rowdydow heap storms tohubohu dismay stooshie hectic anxiousness instability distress untidy state craziness litter bickering roughhouse hubba-hubba rhubarb scribble chaotic situation tremble alarm provocation incitement fury glow heat hype all hell breaking loose unquietness restiveness uneasiness scandal sensation folderol rubbish tension craze deliriousness tempests maelstroms quake controversy splash excitation train wreck mania feverishness shock fisticuffs hindrance action fireworks three-ring circus spasm discomfiture trepidation melodrama drama pell-mell production backwash combustion to do vandalism fight skirmish state of nervous excitement state of unrest distressed state blare katzenjammer chatter cacophony discordance rattle bowwow roar decibels bruit tussle set-to entanglement incitation bobsy-die fuss and bother wilding nihilism misgovernment tizz-woz confused noise charivari fix snit fuming fretting overthrow bad mood nongovernment hostility disregard street fighting distemper burst insurgence protest brannigan mob violence wingding violent disorder demonstration shower run-in revolt scrimmage clang tower jargon state of untidiness stirring flip-flop outbreak alteration turnaround shakeout switch catastrophe violent change about-face temblor crime criminality free fall punch-up rough-and-tumble absence of government vociferation insurgency shout rammy battle royal biffo lack of control irresponsibility terrorism lack of restraint words battle clash brush knock-down-drag-out new deal major change seismic shift sudden change new ball-game ululation caterwauling buzz enthusiasm thrill boisterousness tintamarre rambling nonsense disconnectedness incongruity animation elation passion inarticulacy incomprehensibility inaudibility indistinctness unclearness interruption division break interference stimulation disarranging disordering unsettling confusing upsetting stoppage a buzz a charge adventure a kick ruining obstruction impeding discontinuation wrecking suspension hampering spoiling undermining delay retardation delaying splitting separation severance holding up rigmarole fuss and feathers

Trái nghĩa của dog s breakfast

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Copyright: Proverb ©

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