Từ đồng nghĩa của thirstily awaited

Động từ

Past tense for to anticipate, expect, or wait for, especially with a feeling of approval or pleasure
looked forward to coveted yearned craved desired pined fancied hankered hungered wanted envied thirsted anticipated awaited expected hankered after hankered for pined after pined for yearned for hoped for itched for longed for set one's heart on waited for wished for wished to counted the days until hungered for lusted after really wanted thirsted for yenned for actively awaited ardently awaited awaited with anticipation awaited with enthusiasm awaited with gusto awaited with pleasure breathlessly awaited eagerly awaited earnestly awaited energetically awaited enthusiastically awaited expectantly awaited fervently awaited hungrily awaited impatiently awaited intently awaited longingly awaited repined for spiritedly awaited vigorously awaited zealously awaited actively anticipated anticipated with enthusiasm anticipated with gusto ardently anticipated breathlessly anticipated eagerly anticipated earnestly anticipated energetically anticipated enthusiastically anticipated expectantly anticipated fervently anticipated had your eye on hungrily anticipated impatiently anticipated intently anticipated longingly anticipated spiritedly anticipated thirstily anticipated vigorously anticipated zealously anticipated anticipated with pleasure had an eye on had a yen for ached for aspired to burned for salivated for sighed for panted for lusted for licked one's chops anticipated with anticipation counted the hours until sought longed dreamt dreamed dreamt of aspired desiderated hoped wished strived panted after hungered after jonesed for died for pursued required needed aimed to aimed desired to longed to hoped to begrudged wanted to strove yearned to aimed for hankered to striven chosen chose raised expectations pushed the envelope tried desired intensely died over had designs on wanted more lusted had the hots for expected more spoilt for hungered to had hard feelings suspired for had the objective of struggled feened cried out for thirsted after objected to eaten your heart out sought to spoiled for suspired raised standards expected to had hots for turned green jonesed ate your heart out raised the bar given eyeteeth for eaten one's heart out over ate one's heart out over gave eyeteeth for

Từ trái nghĩa của thirstily awaited

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