Đồng nghĩa của most badass

Tính từ

(slang) Superlative for having an extreme appearance, attitude, or behavior that is considered admirable
sickest wickedest coolest wonderfullest superbest greatest excellentest fabbest splendidest neatest grandest sublimest meanest heavenliest phattest keenest peachiest swellest dopest loveliest bulliest finest dandiest grooviest perfectest choicest dreamiest niftiest soundest fabbiest deffest goodliest lankest supremest immensest hottest slickest bravest braggest worthiest best noteworthiest baddest extremest fliest nicest elitest augustest loftiest best-known proudest powerfullest strongest mightiest deftest adroitest ablest cleverest prettiest praiseworthiest intensest most awesome most phenomenal most marvellous most magnificent most marvelous most fantastic most ace most terrific most fabulous most brilliant most smashing most sensational most brill most stellar most divine most topping most glorious most outstanding most tremendous most exceptional most fantabulous most radical most rad most corking most top-hole most boffo most spiffing most bosting most amazeballs most bonzer most amazing most on fleek most remarkable most admirable most mind-blowing most top-notch most crackerjack most beautiful most crucial most gorgeous most bodacious most delightful most extraordinary most peerless most impressive most marvy most bitching most far out most A-OK most quality most matchless most supernal most classic most righteous most noble most prizewinning most hype most famous most dazzling most bonnie most bonny most incredible most high-class most bang-up most blue-chip most world-class most exquisite most consummate most breathtaking most eminent most masterly most sovereign most applaudable most formidable most prodigious most accomplished most awesomesauce most singular most skilful most stupendous most bosker most exemplary most skillful most shit-hot most astonishing most unparalleled most astounding most expert most thrilling most wondrous most unmatched most notable most rare most select most flawless most faultless most incomparable most noted most distinguished most splendiferous most transcendent most untouchable most unique most estimable most meritorious most illustrious most effusive most winning most excessive most solid most exaggerated most inflated most important most awe-inspiring most staggering most imposing most hypnotic most topnotch most leading most quintessential most uppermost most stunning most renowned most inspired most special most top-class most splendorous most elegant most elevated most celebrated most prominent most masterful most virtuoso most mind-boggling most state-of-the-art most eventful most far-out most arrestive most predominant most adept most affecting most inspiring most spectacular most competent most capable most colossal most miraculous most skilled most exciting most jaw-dropping most eye-popping most profound most consequential most momentous most influential most commendable most worthwhile most forcible most rousing most effective most impassioned most vital most meritable most honourable most valuable most honorable most venerable most laudable most deserving most respectable most creditable most unreal most attractive most bitchin' most copacetic most super-duper

Tính từ

Superlative for displaying outstanding skill, knowledge, or experience in a given field
ablest adroitest best deftest completest meanest finest handiest wickedest nimblest agilest excellentest greatest cleverest savviest supremest superbest tastiest smartest hottest slickest niftiest deadliest sharpest elitest keenest splendidest aptest readiest hippest brainiest coolest powerfullest mightiest strongest fabbest smoothest cleanest most ace most expert most skilled most masterly most skilful most adept most proficient most accomplished most skillful most virtuoso most masterful most practised most experienced most capable most consummate most talented most competent most gifted most dexterous most practiced most versed most polished most crackerjack most educated most professed most dextrous most artful most formidable most hotshot most leading most distinguished most topnotch most shit-hot most world-class most brilliant most impressive most outstanding most efficient most stellar most professional most peerless most bravura most delicate most workmanlike most trained most magnificent most seasoned most top-hole most habile most finished most exceptional most exquisite most marvellous most dazzling most qualified most marvelous most big league most up to speed most transcendent most ingenious most hep most tremendous most terrific most intelligent most redoubtable most effective most indomitable most fluent most magisterial most knowledgeable most conversant most effectual most pro most awesome most amazing most puissant most remarkable most astounding most admirable most smashing most brill most top-notch

Tính từ

Superlative for stubbornly, and perhaps unreasonably, holding to an opinion, decision or purpose
firmest stubbornest rigidest hardest steadfastest wilfullest perversest toughest strictest stiffest strongest ruggedest balkiest grittiest hardiest robustest powerfullest fittest feistiest doughtiest staunchest steeliest difficultest harshest grimmest sternest earnestest bolshiest severest steadiest unruliest extremest truest cruelest bravest pluckiest orneriest stoutest spunkiest stroppiest awkwardest boldest patientest gutsiest surest seriousest bentest deepest haughtiest pushiest bitterest uptightest pickiest deadliest austerest loyalest narrowest stoniest boniest wildest meanest dourest crispest headiest sturdiest stickiest proudest gamest knottiest thorniest stuffiest fiercest trickiest archest flintiest devoutest completest torridest supremest staidest acutest direst rabidest huffiest choosiest impolitest prickliest snappiest touchiest finickiest crabbiest uppitiest chippiest crotchetiest rudest grumbliest sourest testiest fussiest looniest most uncompromising most inflexible most unyielding most unbending most obstinate most obdurate most dogged most intransigent most adamant most implacable most unrelenting most determined most immovable most pertinacious most resolute most headstrong most mulish most unwavering most willful most relentless most tenacious most opinionated most hardened most intractable most inexorable most pigheaded most adamantine most bullheaded most hardheaded most unshakeable most ossified most inconvincible most pat most indurate most unsparing most unmalleable most diehard most unpersuadable most decided most categorical most stiff-necked most single-minded most self-willed most hard-core most bloody-minded most hard and fast most uncooperative most unaccommodating most unbudgeable most inveterate most narrow-minded most resilient most aggressive most stalwart most self-assertive most self-confident most cynical most high-powered most refractory most fixed most persistent most recalcitrant most persevering most strong-willed most unshakable most contrary most unswerving most indefatigable most set most strong-minded most contumacious most insistent most purposeful most froward most indomitable most unmanageable most incompliant most cussed most unreasonable most unfaltering most cantankerous most rock-ribbed most unflagging most insubordinate most unbendable most intent most bound most rigorous most undeviating most rebellious most committed most stringent most exacting most disobedient most ungovernable most defiant most dedicated most obstreperous most importunate most restive most dead set most assiduous most unappeasable most wayward most untoward most decisive most ruthless most unadaptable most pitiless most dyed-in-the-wool most spirited most solid most constant most forceful most unshaken most definite most sedulous most merciless most contrarious most troublesome most stout-hearted most wrong-headed most deliberate most settled most unchanging most mutinous most courageous most mettlesome most cast-iron most unmovable most perseverant most fanatical most unalterable most dogmatic most purposive most mortal most irreconcilable most draconian most unforgiving most immoderate most manful most uncontrollable most authoritarian most bent on most demanding most emphatic most vigorous most valiant most strenuous most faithful most radical most oppressive most devoted most diligent most unpermissive most fractious most unswervable most heavy-handed most annoying most driven most blinkered most rooted most unstoppable most obstructive most unsurpassable most militant most tiresome most critical most lionhearted most intrepid most iron-fisted most seditious most noncompliant most unbreakable most renitent most savage most seasoned most assertive most focused most wholehearted most domineering most enduring most obsessive most compulsive most positive most disputatious most opinionative most focussed most explicit most deep-seated most bred-in-the-bone most hard-shell most reactionary most conservative most hidebound most disaffected most factious most estranged most alienated most resistant most ungiving most hard-boiled most unmollifiable most unplacatable most iron-handed most inescapable most frozen most petrified most unprogressive most contentious most unhelpful most irrational most unimpressible most immalleable most durable most ineluctable most unemotional most impertinent most uncompassionate most hardhearted most unfailing most impregnable most illogical most vexatious most biased most compulsory most necessary most cohesive most undisciplined most doctrinaire most unflexible most disciplinary most illiberal most forbidding most delinquent most impassive most unresponsive most coherent most blimpish most boneheaded most unreceptive most concrete most exact most cocksure most assured most unmoved most unimpressionable most stony-hearted most possessive most energetic most arbitrary most unvarying most fearless most insuperable most insurmountable most bulletproof most untameable most heroic most hard-headed most pounding most unabated most undismayed most dauntless most convinced most monomaniacal most obsessed most hellbent most aloof most unmoving most puritanical most quiescent most unmodifiable most permanent most one-sided most impassable most insoluble most indocile most unpliable most clear-sighted most conformist most fogyish most maladjusted most disturbed most prejudiced most intolerant most spartan most despotic most certain most dominant most stable most strait-laced most no-nonsense most unqualified most inexpugnable most prevailing most ironhanded most onerous most brutal most consistent most go-getting most pressing most exigent most urgent most clamant most habitual most chronic most antagonistic most hostile most barbarous most ferocious most problem most established most thorough most unremitting most murderous most unmerciful most unfeeling most unpitying most ardent most indelible most vehement most fervent most fiery most unapologetic most zealous most unreformable most thoroughgoing most ingrained most accustomed most burning most clamorous most necessitous most nagging most compelling most imperative most emergent most revolutionary most progressive most well-established most deep-set most red-hot most solicitous most avid most suppliant most disturbing most overeager most reformist most revisionist most anarchistic most insurrectionary most fanatic most irritable most argumentative most unamenable most temperamental most trying most irritating most invidious most tyrannical most captious most fiendish most disputative most sensitive most overcritical most quarrelsome most ill-natured most boorish most perfectionist most querulous most particular most dissatisfied most finical most unpredictable most overbearing most dictatorial most hypercritical most bearish most delicate most discontented most negative most vexed most ungracious most irascible most oafish most fastidious most unflappable most swivel-eyed most lawless most far-out most nihilistic

Tính từ

Superlative for demonstrating a strict and uncompromising approach
toughest hardest severest sternest strictest firmest harshest flintiest rigidest austerest coldest coolest fiercest roughest stoniest stiffest steadfastest cruelest tightest grimmest extremest dourest pickiest stuffiest gravest stubbornest gruffest staunchest intensest direst uptightest unkindest flattest meanest seriousest steeliest iciest frigidest frostiest chilliest unfriendliest powerfullest ruggedest earnestest somberest sombrest most adamant most inflexible most ruthless most unbending most unyielding most hard-hitting most merciless most uncompromising most callous most drastic most rigorous most unsentimental most unsympathetic most authoritarian most draconian most exacting most stringent most unforgiving most ferocious most intractable most resolute most uncaring most desperate most headstrong most pugnacious most refractory most hardheaded most heavy-handed most stony-hearted most hard-boiled most unfeeling most heartless most cold-hearted most insensitive most implacable most uncharitable most unsparing most demanding most cast-iron most solid most oppressive most relentless most pitiless most competitive most aggressive most unprincipled most set most unwavering most fixed most unrelenting most intransigent most obdurate most undeviating most inexorable most unadaptable most unshakeable most determined most unpermissive most iron-fisted most immovable most single-minded most no-nonsense most indurate most unalterable most binding most unvarying most bullheaded most obstinate most hard and fast most forbidding most illiberal most adamantine most disciplinary most unchanging most hard-core most unswerving most procrustean most dead set most bound most dyed-in-the-wool most compulsory most dogged most astringent most tyrannical most absolute most hardhearted most diehard most immoderate most established most militant most ungiving most inalterable most rooted most regimented most disciplined most controlled most concrete most exact most unappeasable most incompliant most meticulous most painstaking most systematic most scrupulous most spartan most definite most unmoving most despotic most savage most strait-laced most onerous most ironhanded most unmollifiable most unplacatable most iron-handed most inescapable most tenacious most brutal most mulish most domineering most ossified most ascetical most disciplinarian most formidable most pressing most hardened most stiff-necked most autocratic most ascetic most ineluctable most pertinacious most puritanical most hostile most affectless most stoney most inclement most cold-blooded most unmovable most necessary most settled most frozen most certain most inexpugnable most final most stable most unpersuadable most ironfisted most unmerciful most ironhearted most stonyhearted most formal most solemn most reserved most forceful most unemotional most aloof most distant most compelling most acrimonious most valid most convincing most remote most intimidating most lowering most ungentle most decisive most mandatory most conclusive

Trái nghĩa của most badass

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