Đồng nghĩa của shittiest

Alternative for shittiest

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Tính từ

Superlative for characterized by poor quality
crappiest lousiest miserablest poorest terriblest crummiest rottenest baddest trashiest shoddiest awfullest wretchedest duffest bummest pitifullest direst uselessest poxiest grottiest sorriest cheapest woefullest crappest ropiest cruddiest grodiest mankiest saddest dreckiest junkiest sleaziest commonest schlockiest coarsest cheesiest horriblest suckiest tattiest meanest paltriest punkest shabbiest tawdriest basest feeblest abjectest nastiest unpleasantest vilest trickiest tinniest tackiest naffest absurdest beastliest ghastliest silliest jankiest faultiest wackest crumbiest sourest harmfullest slovenliest sickest peakiest queasiest roughest seediest funniest crudest queerest sickliest weakest lamest dizziest giddiest infirmest faintest unhealthiest grimmest lowest dodgiest gaudiest frailest groggiest flimsiest wooziest rattiest meagrest meagerest rockiest ricketiest unworthiest yuckiest dickiest hatefullest dirtiest iffiest sordidest scruffiest dingiest scurviest grubbiest grossest queaziest ickiest showiest vulgarest ugliest unfittest qualmiest ignoblest obscenest foulest greenest strangest wettest palest horridest scroungiest brassiest kitschest pettiest scummiest scabbiest gruesomest shlockiest measliest wobbliest snidest filthiest stinkiest raunchiest grungiest wankiest oddest fidgetiest most poopy most mediocre most unsatisfactory most dreadful most appalling most worthless most chickenshit most inadequate most atrocious most frightful most abysmal most rubbish most execrable most substandard most lamentable most deplorable most pathetic most second-rate most hopeless most dismal most disgraceful most rubbishy most tenth-rate most pants most diabolical most cheapjack most egregious most direful most low-grade most shameful most inept most chronic most disappointing most disastrous most godawful most unacceptable most bungling most catastrophic most calamitous most laughable most abominable most horrendous most tinhorn most odious most derisory most piss-poor most god-awful most bush-league most average most middling most ordinary most grievous most imperfect most God-awful most lemon most outrageous most pitiable most insufficient most hellacious most excruciating most damnable most indifferent most unfortunate most distressing most cataclysmic most regrettable most ropey most rueful most tragic most affecting most hideous most ludicrous most contemptible most ridiculous most deficient most dissatisfactory most wanting most wrong most bush most off most bastard most unspeakable most desperate most careless most ill most unwell most crook most indisposed most nauseous most nauseated most out of sorts most liverish most wabbit most peaked most unsound most peculiar most defective most peakish most ailing most washed out most below average most sickened most diseased most lightheaded most disagreeable most subnormal most off-color most low-end most bedridden most infected most downmarket most flawed most pedestrian most unexceptional most laid up most meretricious most slipshod most valetudinarian most invalid most squeamish most detestable most sickish most queerish most despicable most afflicted most garbagy most trifling most makeshift most dilapidated most insubstantial most cheapo most uncomfortable most negligible most reprehensible most dishonorable most unsightly most repulsive most delicate most feverish most dishonourable most pukish most stinking most low-down most broken-down most bummed most tinsel most corny most tasteless most garish most commonplace most amiss most ramshackle most noisome most disordered most haggard most uneasy most disreputable most ignominious most loathsome most craptacular most pinchbeck most offensive most unimpressive most unsatisfying most unsuitable most lacking most bilious most infamous most depraved most tottering most inglorious most pretentious most plastic most blah most godforsaken most trivial most displeasing most minimal most seasick most villainous most erroneous most fallacious most indefensible most scurrilous most airsick most trainsick most carsick most insignificant most damaged most currish most upset most minor league most uncertain most concerned most troubling most dubious most unsettled most restless most unsettling most doubtful most amateurish most negligent most shit

Tính từ

Superlative for extremely unpleasant to the senses
vilest disgustingest horriblest foulest awfullest unpleasantest horridest terriblest grossest obscenest yuckiest baddest lousiest beastliest ickiest loathliest miserablest filthiest scurviest abjectest sleaziest coarsest nastiest rottenest ghastliest bitterest hatefullest wretchedest harshest sourest yukkiest wickedest dirtiest unloveliest uncleanest lowest basest cruelest evillest peskiest orneriest damnedest gruesomest ugliest fulsomest skankiest grisliest grottiest rankest smelliest niffiest stinkiest whiffiest pongiest funkiest sickest acridest meanest direst fearfullest grodiest squalidest blackest grubbiest creepiest grimmest grimiest sordidest grungiest pitifullest lamest cruddiest cheapest paltriest muddiest dingiest dustiest unfairest scummiest scabbiest sorriest smuttiest muckiest rattiest bummest unholiest rudest adversest vulgarest poorest bloodiest sickliest cattiest harmfullest unfriendliest bloodthirstiest unhealthiest fustiest stenchiest mustiest strongest highest violentest frowsiest frowstiest frowziest squickiest scuzziest curstest wooziest rockiest ripest deadliest seriousest fiercest eeriest gnarliest raunchiest uselessest goriest weirdest uncanniest dimmest ghostliest unearthliest faintest weakest viciousest trashiest crummiest saddest punkest darkest wantonest hairiest unseemliest unfittest most dreadful most offensive most revolting most loathsome most sickening most odious most distasteful most repulsive most repellent most nauseating most obnoxious most disagreeable most atrocious most noxious most noisome most stinking most disgustful most bogging most vomitous most egregious most worthless most flagitious most off-putting most God-awful most frightful most detestable most appalling most objectionable most abominable most contemptible most unpalatable most displeasing most unsavory most unwelcome most unpleasing most uncongenial most despicable most poisonous most unsavoury most repugnant most abhorrent most heinous most insufferable most execrable most piggish most boorish most ferine most carnal most monstrous most degraded most gluttonous most sadistic most barbarous most irrational most inhuman most bestial most swinish most brutish most brute most brutal most depraved most feral most prurient most damnable most forbidding most pestiferous most cursed most intolerable most infamous most invidious most uncool most shuddersome most confounded most resentful most undesirable most accursed most unbearable most cussed most hideous most horrendous most nauseous most rancid most scandalous most repellant most putrid most deplorable most reprehensible most uninviting most rebarbative most unacceptable most diabolical most malodorous most fetid most mephitic most unspeakable most stomach-turning most stomach-churning most festy most olid most exceptionable most hellish most hellacious most miasmal most macabre most horrifying most horrific most foul-smelling most unappetizing most annoying most dislikeable most upsetting most unsatisfactory most nightmarish most outrageous most censurable most lurid most terrific most distressing most unwanted most emetic most polluted most blackened most uncleanly most illegal most draggled most soiled most bedraggled most unsportsmanlike most sullied most stained most pitiable most ungodly most grewsome most godawful most terrifying most irritating most insupportable most savage most infernal most spine-chilling most murderous most harrowing most unforgivable most unsightly most hateable most grievous most pestilential most opprobrious most off-color most dislikable most biting most cutting most embarrassing most abysmal most unsuitable most inadmissible most unlikable most rubbish most inappropriate most inexpedient most gut-wrenching most diseased most tainted most scabrous most shameful most shameless most hated most disconcerting most hostile most contradictory most incompatible most inconsistent most antagonistic most antipathetic most averse most inimical most inexcusable most unpardonable most unconformable most extrinsic most alien most foreign most different most revulsive most unfitted most chunderous most pernicious most injurious most deleterious most hurtful most mischievous most reeky most tasteless most galling most sanguinary most unwholesome most baneful most discourteous most abusive most impertinent most insolent most miasmic most cloying most exasperating most infuriating most tremendous most brackish most dreaded most unpopular most insalutary most immoral most dangerous most alarming most unattractive most sanguine most godforsaken most depressing most unwished-for most blood-stained most morbid most frightening most mediocre most outcast most inconvenient most scorned most bothersome most incommodious most defective most disadvantageous most detrimental most troublesome most daunting most spine-tingling most wraithlike most sepulchral most anaemic most ghoulish most anemic most deathlike most haggard most supernatural most corpselike most funereal most unnatural most substandard most dismal most disastrous most barbaric most lamentable most deficient most pathetic most fiendish most ruthless most wanting most laughable most low-grade most rubbishy most villainous most nefarious most second-rate most merciless most flagrant most low-down most inhumane most heartless most butcherly most truculent most facinorous most desperate most indecorous most ill-favoured most ill-favored

Tính từ

Superlative for wicked or immoral in nature
foulest evillest basest wickedest vilest viciousest baddest hatefullest meanest profanest unholiest blackest darkest horriblest ignoblest sordidest abjectest bentest dirtiest shadiest wretchedest beastliest cowardliest cruelest dastardliest lowest nastiest unworthiest disgustingest obscenest paltriest rottenest scurviest shabbiest snidest unkindest unpleasantest spitefullest unfairest scummiest unfriendliest cheapest sorriest cattiest filthiest bitchiest horridest terriblest harshest grossest grubbiest lamest pitifullest rattiest cruddiest scabbiest shoddiest lousiest rudest surliest stingiest beggarliest nattiest worst-tempered orneriest perversest lewdest vulgarest tawdriest squalidest coarsest sleaziest smuttiest wantonest unseemliest seediest seamiest crudest sneakiest uncouthest harmfullest commonest ugliest poorest naughtiest shadowiest guiltiest adversest pettiest humblest shiest lowliest trashiest violentest unhealthiest strongest skankiest fiercest uncleanest loosest sickest bloodthirstiest bloodiest awfullest fellest grimmest trickiest dodgiest faultiest wildest ficklest falsest most corrupt most wrong most immoral most sinful most iniquitous most despicable most ungodly most wrongful most abominable most blasphemous most heinous most impious most irreligious most monstrous most nefarious most sacrilegious most unrighteous most detestable most impure most villainous most contemptible most low-down most odious most reprehensible most atrocious most barbarous most diabolic most diabolical most dishonest most dishonorable most dishonourable most execrable most fiendish most godless most murderous most offensive most treacherous most unscrupulous most criminal most crooked most degenerate most depraved most disgraceful most disreputable most dissolute most ignominious most infamous most notorious most outrageous most perverted most reprobate most underhand most underhanded most unprincipled most egregious most illegal most illegitimate most illicit most lawless most roguish most scandalous most shameful most sullied most tainted most unbecoming most uncharitable most undignified most unlawful most abhorrent most malfeasant most rascally most scoundrelly most stinking most warped most flagitious most caitiff most currish most degraded most inelegant most lamentable most menial most servile most off-color most malicious most obnoxious most hurtful most mean-spirited most inconsiderate most malevolent most loathsome most disagreeable most poisonous most deplorable most vindictive most malignant most hostile most thoughtless most malign most despiteful most virulent most ill-natured most off most unacceptable most unwarranted most insensitive most callous most heartless most coldhearted most unsympathetic most uncaring most unfeeling most inhuman most inhumane most cold-blooded most sadistic most savage most brutal most uncalled for most pitiable most ungentlemanly most ungenerous most abusive most churlish most venomous most cantankerous most annoying most inglorious most mercenary most despisable most miserly most selfish most disrespectful most ill-humored most ill-tempered most ruthless most sarcastic most unethical most unsavoury most unsavory most indecent most improper most felonious most dreadful most miscreant most knavish most devilish most sinister most infernal most unspeakable most irreverent most unsportsmanlike most indictable most unjust most louche most maleficent most debauched most worthless most abandoned most amoral most profligate most venal most satanic most unsporting most appalling most dangerous most damnable most hellish most inappropriate most opprobrious most pernicious most injurious most repugnant most shameless most putrid most indelicate most culpable most decadent most devious most deceitful most unfaithful most untrustworthy most faithless most fraudulent most perfidious most hollow-hearted most demonic most unjustified most unreasonable most unjustifiable most unsatisfactory most ruffianly most blackguardly most rancorous most wrathful most unsuitable most thievish most glaring most flagrant most unnecessary most unrefined most unconscionable most peccant most undesirable most unbefitting most indecorous most delinquent most intolerable most deleterious most damaging most facinorous most accursed most condemnable most hideous most baneful most prejudicial most noxious most nocuous most mischievous most baleful most ill most wayward most detrimental most slavish most graceless most unrespectable most unforgivable most ferocious most blamable most salacious most censurable most plebeian most rakish most hardened most exceptionable most heretical most irreverential most unhallowed most atheistic most questionable most avaricious most barbaric most merciless most brutish most distasteful most covetous most calculated most bribable most jackleg most unregenerate most libertine most rakehell most unwholesome most rakehelly most bestial most corruptible most butcherly most truculent most brute most corrupted most sanguinary most contaminated most untamed most insubordinate most licentious most libidinous most self-seeking most extortionate most open most disloyal most deceptive most hypocritical most traitorous most untrue most unreliable most duplicitous most mendacious most inconstant most insincere most unsound most recreant most untruthful most cheating most treasonable most adulterous most delusive most false-hearted most Janus-faced most falsehearted most back-stabbing most double-crossing

Trái nghĩa của shittiest

shittiest Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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