Đồng nghĩa của most chickenshit

Tính từ

Superlative for basely or weakly fearful
cowardliest timidest yellowest weakest fearfullest softest feeblest wimpiest dastardliest wettest sissiest jitteriest shiest abjectest basest unmanliest wishy-washiest wussiest nerviest jumpiest lowest trickiest frailest coyest funkiest lamest mousiest meekest shakiest weediest scariest antsiest silliest foolishest drippiest windiest daftest tamest soppiest cringiest gentlest swishiest twitchiest ignoblest quietest ficklest uselessest infirmest spookiest unquietest humblest nerdiest edgiest faintest unsurest blandest limpest dullest tensest trembliest unsteadiest wobbliest most spineless most craven most pusillanimous most chicken most timorous most wimpish most recreant most unheroic most spiritless most poltroon most scared most chickenhearted most afraid most frightened most nervous most sissified most apprehensive most boneless most diffident most fainthearted most panicky most anxious most caitiff most dismayed most backward most cowhearted most worthless most lily-livered most weak-kneed most faint-hearted most chicken-livered most pigeon-hearted most chicken-hearted most milk-livered most yellow-bellied most candy-assed most white-livered most irresolute most submissive most weak-willed most pathetic most mean-spirited most inadequate most niddering most ineffective most inefficient most poltroonish most ineffectual most indecisive most half-hearted most half-assed most half-arsed most effete most offensive most deceitful most treacherous most unethical most unprincipled most spooked most unassertive most characterless most weakened most nerveless most hesitant most tentative most insufficient most insignificant most vacillating most squeamish most pithless most namby-pamby most limp-wristed most milk-and-water most tremulous most intimidated most cowed most skittish most fearsome most wavering most terrified most petrified most startled most impotent most frantic most hysterical most worried most agitated most milksoppish most inept most horrified most perturbed most disturbed most enervated most aghast most shocked most frozen most stunned most upset most bashful most panic-stricken most excited most reluctant most sheepish most capricious most bullied most unassured most browbeaten most frenzied most self-effacing most stressy most demure most reserved most modest most unassuming most passive most distressed most worked up most dishonourable most dishonorable most persuadable most impressionable most compliant most persuasible most doubtful most keyed up most overstrung most trepidatious most reticent most unconfident most uncertain most powerless most fallible most indeterminate most perplexed most blanched most suspicious most abashed most discouraged most disheartened most agog most vapid most feeble-minded most biddable most undependable most unreliable most yielding most supine most corruptible most insipid most flavorless most mediocre most watered-down most flavourless most languid most listless most sapless most concerned most uneasy most bothered most fretful most affrighted most troubled most overwrought most hysteric most frit most quivery most horror-struck most horror-stricken most quavery most shuddery most wabbly most tottering most tottery most aflutter

Tính từ

Superlative for very poor or bad in standard or quality
lousiest poorest baddest terriblest wretchedest shoddiest rottenest awfullest miserablest trashiest cheapest junkiest crappiest commonest uselessest duffest bummest punkest schlockiest faultiest horriblest sleaziest wackest coarsest cheesiest crumbiest poxiest sourest suckiest shittiest harmfullest slovenliest crummiest direst crappest pitifullest woefullest ropiest sorriest shabbiest paltriest saddest tawdriest tattiest tackiest basest nastiest meanest crudest feeblest unpleasantest unworthiest grottiest beastliest lamest tinniest naffest cruddiest ghastliest grimmest dodgiest yuckiest abjectest trickiest vilest obscenest grodiest foulest ickiest grubbiest rattiest scroungiest kitschest brassiest absurdest silliest meagrest wettest flimsiest weakest pettiest measliest wankiest meagerest most substandard most mediocre most unsatisfactory most dreadful most execrable most inadequate most deficient most appalling most atrocious most unacceptable most rubbishy most pathetic most abysmal most rubbish most dissatisfactory most frightful most dismal most wanting most worthless most hopeless most cheapjack most pants most wrong most bush most off most bastard most unspeakable most tinhorn most desperate most careless most second-rate most low-grade most bush-league most piss-poor most lamentable most chronic most deplorable most laughable most disgraceful most diabolical most egregious most disappointing most God-awful most imperfect most defective most abominable most shameful most godawful most direful most shit most inept most unsound most insufficient most disastrous most lemon most pitiable most tenth-rate most amateurish most negligent most bungling most average most hellacious most regrettable most catastrophic most meretricious most unfortunate most calamitous most negligible most horrendous most contemptible most odious most derisory most hideous most distressing most below average most god-awful most grievous most ineffectual most amiss most ordinary most middling most cheapo most inexpert most broken most poopy most detestable most outrageous most noisome most repulsive most excruciating most damnable most indifferent most pinchbeck most ropey most cataclysmic most ludicrous most rueful most tragic most affecting most ridiculous most low-end most despicable most trifling most tinsel most offensive most subnormal most unimpressive most unsatisfying most unsuitable most trivial most displeasing most ill most minimal most insignificant most damaged most insubstantial most dishonourable most dishonorable most minor league

Tính từ

Superlative for of little value or importance
slightest least pettiest smallest paltriest flimsiest minutest foolishest measliest piddliest puniest tritest wankiest meagrest meagerest meanest scantiest basest lightest shallowest cheapest pottiest beggarliest pitifullest miserablest sorriest wretchedest scantest poxiest lowest merest mingiest dinkiest trashiest shabbiest commonest shoddiest narrowest sleaziest tiniest silliest frothiest uselessest absurdest mildest skimpiest stingiest lousiest emptiest faintest fussiest wimpiest hollowest vainest slenderest tackiest tawdriest crummiest most trivial most insignificant most minor most unimportant most inconsequential most trifling most negligible most incidental most inconsiderable most meaningless most nugatory most worthless most frivolous most footling most non-essential most commonplace most nickel-and-dime most piffling most chicken most idle most insubstantial most no-account most penny-ante most picayune most pimping most pointless most small-bore most diminutive most evanescent most ignorable most immaterial most irrelevant most marginal most microscopic most momentary most futile most contemptible most junior most secondary most subordinate most casual most inconsequent most derisory most insufficient most inadequate most pitiable most pathetic most niggardly most ungenerous most exiguous most limited most set most unconsequential most ineffectual most minimal most minuscule most peripheral most token most lightweight most infinitesimal most superficial most imperceptible most subsidiary most ridiculous most laughable most insulting most ludicrous most preposterous most miserly most outrageous most risible most unnecessary most second-rate most impractical most unessential most undemanding most null most indifferent most unintellectual most unsubstantial most unconsidered most inappropriate most nondescript most niggly most banal most insipid most vapid most inane most unconsiderable most purportless most senseless most neglectable most imponderous most dependent most accessory most derisive most cockamamy most farcical most cockamamie most comical most rubbishy most low-grade

Tính từ

Superlative for used for emphasis, especially to express anger or frustration
damnedest bloodiest rottenest wretchedest lostest ruddiest shittiest unhappiest hatefullest baddest lousiest fullest miserablest horriblest vilest curstest disgustingest evillest peskiest terriblest wickedest foulest viciousest awfullest nastiest horridest obscenest ghastliest beastliest loathliest completest cruelest fellest unpleasantest scurviest yuckiest bitterest grossest orneriest sordidest abjectest basest dirtiest shabbiest cruddiest lamest measliest uselessest stupidest most confounded most accursed most blessed most blooming most flaming most infernal most pestilential most precious most abhorred most cursed most damnable most despicable most detestable most doomed most infamous most revolting most abominable most loathsome most pissant most reprobate most afflicted most banned most blighted most cussed most execrable most unwelcome most contemptible most footling most misbegotten most hellish most heinous most devilish most fiendish most odious most diabolical most abhorrent most accurst most annoying most irritating most demonic most demoniac most Mephistophelian most unspeakable most exasperating most infuriating most diabolic most satanic most demoniacal most atrocious most monstrous most nefarious most obnoxious most offensive most pestiferous most dreadful most repellent most repugnant most repulsive most nightmarish most Stygian most total most barbarous most inhuman most ungodly most bothersome most trying most vexatious most pernicious most dashed most insufferable most disagreeable most objectionable most forbidding most distasteful most God-awful most disgustful most appalling most intolerable most invidious most uncool most shuddersome most resentful most undesirable most unbearable most deplorable most pathetic most reprehensible most disgraceful most worthless most degenerate most sinful most iniquitous most villainous most outrageous most culpable most depraved most low-down

Trái nghĩa của most chickenshit

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