Từ đồng nghĩa của sharp practices

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The secret planning of something illicit or detrimental
machinations dealings plots schemes artifices cabals chicaneries conspiracies designs devices intrigues knaveries plans plotting ploys ruses stratagems tactics trickeries tricks wiles collusion collusions complots conspiracy contrivances deceptions expedients maneuvering maneuvers manipulations manoeuvres manoeuvring scheming subterfuges deviousnesses underhandedness unscrupulousness double-dealings dirty tricks frame-ups games dodges frauds covin treacheries fixes plottings plannings maneuverings manoeuvrings confederacies fit-ups leagues rackets frames countermines practices hookups put-up jobs disloyalties seditions counterplots perfidies treacherousness cons deceits hoaxes stings swindles scams gimmicks moves traps flimflams bluffs impositions duplicities fetches fakeries cheats gambits buncoes juggles lurks knacks shenanigans gyps jigs feints rorts canards sleights plays wheezes grifts snares shifts schlenters pretenses rigs flankers impostures decoys ambushes delusions distortions set-ups falsehoods rip-offs inventions pretences confidence tricks con tricks covers stunts shams pretexts blinds put-ons strategies setups cover-ups fronts evasions methods excuses smokescreens fakes crafts angles measures courses of action whitewashes red herrings means disguises sleights of hand projects brainchildren masquerades hustles humbugs leg-pulls wangles fabrications twists capers stalls cop-outs game plans baits misrepresentations programmes programs facades grounds lies dissimulations lines pranks spoofs sells chicanes alibis Trojan horses craftinesses coverups switches curveballs stories feats escapades finesses routines snow jobs booby traps catches cover stories shows funny business monkeyshines practical jokes justifications guises reasons masks distractions screens cloaks charades cheatings pleas cunnings fiddles defences explanations enterprises guiles ventures blueprints vindications mitigations extenuations ways lures gamesmanships actions rationalizations veils codology wrinkles scenarios pretensions kidology jokes hanky-panky costumes defenses palliations causes baseis apologies slynesses artfulnesses loopholes apologias arguments master plans jives allurements illusions demarches smoke screens whys and wherefores con games shell games slants refuges ground plans shuffles fish stories rationalisations make-believe maskings get-outs accomplishments japes antics frolics jests gags gambols larks sports tomfooleries approaches escapes tacks ideas agendas struggles courses paths roads policies savvy hoodwinkings innovations coinages creations concoctions kites swizzles diddles concealments sellouts sweet talk soft soaps dirty work crocodile tears toils systems blusters boondoggles patterns improvisations propositions cunningnesses purposes ducks scenes bits one-upmanships skulduggeries jiggery-pokery legerdemains skullduggeries juggleries resources disturbances deviations interruptions commotions diversions distractors arrangements shrouds formations camouflages honeytraps shades steps road maps bombasts braggings bravadoes horseplay monkey business dishonesties beguilements simulations equivocations fools' errands false faces wild-goose chases fig leaves boasts braggadocii snows expediencies makeshifts resorts recourses stopgaps porkies hokums hogwash rides crocks fallacies confidence games shucks fibs pork pies bilks mare's-nests malarkey fraudulences gins pitfalls swindlings acts seducements dragnets snags hooks enticements temptations inveiglements baloneys plants jazz wrongs come-ons poses semblances hoaxings bamboozlements cozenings bills of goods dirty pool quackeries charlatanries airs hocus-pocus impersonations mummeries playactings colors personations colours revels

Danh từ

Plural for commercial activity that is possibly dishonest while not actually being illegal
chicaneries deceits deceptions trickeries deceitfulnesses dishonesties duplicities frauds fraudulences legerdemains sophistries subterfuges underhandedness unscrupulousness cheatings crafts craftinesses deviousnesses guiles hoodwinkings intrigues skulduggeries swindlings artfulnesses crookednesses flimflams hanky-panky shenanigans slynesses wiles codology funny business jiggery-pokery knaveries managements monkey business monkeyshines bad faith double-dealings artifices cunnings wilinesses chicanes treacheries hocus-pocus perfidies sneakiness perfidiousnesses faithlessnesses criminalities trickinesses falsities falsehoods mendacities foxiness corruptions dissimulations shadinesses cunningnesses infidelities guilefulness grafts improbities rackets swindles rascalities infamies insidiousnesses bunks duperies stealings deceptiveness shiftinesses dissemblings fakeries crookeries cozenages indirections gamesmanships ruses subtleties canniness stratagems juggleries slicknesses cageyness caginess skullduggeries subtlenesses schemes tricks dirty tricks clevernesses evasions machinations ploys manoeuvres falsenesses unfairnesses pretences maneuvers knavishness kidology dirty pool pretenses foul play betrayals surreptitiousness bluffs unjustnesses dodges strategies disloyalties unfaithfulnesses impostures furtivenesses untrustworthiness ingenuities shrewdnesses dissemblances sleights of hand mischiefs lyings dirty work misconducts stabs in the back double-crosses slipperinesses untruthfulness arts two-timing evasivenesses treasons suspiciousness dubiousnesses mendaciousness Punic faith malfeasances dishonours jives sellouts astutenesses dishonors lawbreakings lawlessnesses rogueries devices roguishnesses tactics gambits verbiages feints waffles nonsenses talks plots prestidigitations conjurations magics contrivances carry-ons goings-on hokey-pokey misbehaviors devilries misbehaviours embezzlements stings stunts snow jobs cheats shell games jokes cons quackeries hoaxes hokums scams disingenuities spuriousness skunks misrepresentations smokes extortions lines bamboozlements blackmail strings songs barratries shakedowns sells hot air snake oil racketeerings scandals sleazes malpractices dualisms treacherousness dualities one-upmanships twonesses impositions sleights defraudings expedients moves bluffings gyps shifts buncoes fetches juggles knacks jigs gimmicks plays ambidextrousness ambidexterity trappings games overreachings cozenings perspicacities plans calculations means designs insincerities equivocations shams humbugs rorts grifts boondoggles beguilements con tricks wheezes finesses misappropriations deceivings fiddlings illegalities manoeuvrings manipulations abilities unlawfulnesses nefariousness skills footworks corruptness fraudulency dishonourableness sagacities adroitnesses expertises skilfulness complexities maneuverings switches lures horseplay allurements twists slants setups angles unprincipledness questionableness questionability resources fiddles projects hustles controls intentions measures steps obfuscations speciousnesses disingenuousness unrepresentativeness phoninesses inaccurateness unreliabilities unreliableness illusoriness inaccuracies feignings kites spoofs swizzles pranks leg-pulls diddles rip-offs misleadings falsifications untruths blarney disinformations jugglings dirts sophisms circumventions trumperies defraudations prevarications canards piousnesses disguisings counterfeitings concealings maskings posturings cants expediencies makeshifts resorts recourses refuges stopgaps traps fakes patterns improvisations cabals methods ways propositions purposes loopholes practical jokes veilings hidings shroudings concealments camouflages disguises suppressions connivances complicities conspiracies set-ups lurks schlenters confidence tricks rigs flankers savvy lies plottings guiltinesses knowledges collaborations flams approvals agreements guilts whitewashes cahoots involvements consents collusions bills of goods con games

Từ trái nghĩa của sharp practices

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