Trái nghĩa của volatile

Alternative for volatile

Đồng nghĩa: explosive, fickle,

Tính từ

(of a person) Opposite of liable to unreasonable changes of mood
unflappable unexcitable unperturbable imperturbable collected nerveless relaxed unflustered unruffled unshakable composed unmoved controlled calm easy peaceful together disimpassioned stoical cool-headed dependable easy-going even-tempered laid-back level-headed placid self-controlled self-possessed tranquil cool deliberate easygoing even-keeled happy impassive insouciant nonchalant phlegmatic pleased serene tolerant equable unworried chilled unperturbed quiet patient untroubled unfazed undisturbed mild coolheaded casual peaceable unshaken self-composed cool as a cucumber unconcerned unbothered poised comfortable unaffected unhurried unagitated levelheaded good-natured stolid calm and collected assured civil nonviolent laidback mellow mild-mannered stress-free self-assured carefree good-humoured agreeable good-humored still steady lackadaisical pleasant unemotional equanimous sedate amenable at ease happy-go-lucky undemanding dispassionate detached affable lenient centered permissive gentle level idyllic flexible lax nice restful liberal halcyon complaisant amiable nonplussed pacific unimpassioned balmy blithe breezy calming quieting laissez-faire hassle-free centred in control free and easy slow to anger thick-skinned prudent relaxing passive understated moderate hushed uneventful friendly passionless blase unexcited complacent unrestrained cosy leisurely at peace unrestricted chilled out slack uncritical cheerful good-tempered charming delightful loose confident genial congenial cozy docile blasé delayed old sluggish old-fashioned outdated forbearing safe stable temperate generous considerate indulgent understanding cordial broad-minded open-minded

Tính từ

Opposite of extremely, excessively, or feverishly passionate

Tính từ

Opposite of having a passionate nature

Tính từ

Opposite of having or producing a sudden sense of thrilling excitement

Tính từ

Opposite of easily offended or upset

Tính từ

Opposite of of, containing, or using undetonated explosive

Đồng nghĩa của volatile

volatile Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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