Trái nghĩa của impassioned

Alternative for impassioned

Tính từ

Opposite of filled with intense emotion or passion
impassive blank emotionless unemotional expressionless inexpressive pokerfaced aloof cool deadpan dispassionate heartless insensible placid stoical empty hardened unconcerned unfazed vacant apathetic collected fixed reserved serene stoic unflappable composed frigid imperturbable sedate unexcitable unexpressive affectless insusceptible nonchalant stolid stony unmoved unrevealing dry dull passionless reticent unexcited unfeeling wooden impassible spiritless undemonstrative unenthusiastic unimpressible callous indifferent inexcitable lifeless numb phlegmatic unruffled calm cold indurated inscrutable peaceful taciturn unresponsive cold-blooded dead pan poker-faced self-contained straight-faced not giving anything away uninterested detached half-hearted disinterested uninvolved listless restrained uncaring mild unpassionate happy subdued lethargic flat unimpressed lukewarm bored unimpassioned blasé languid impersonal untouched uneager passive dispirited controlled neutral bland lackadaisical distant unsentimental nonemotional remote moderate gentle weak laid-back lacklustre lackluster languorous perfunctory casual unsympathetic insensitive glacial turned off unaffected hollow toneless meek pleased uncompassionate draggy lazy droopy wimpy moony blah impartial unaroused unstimulated negligent uncurious undramatic unhappy unkind low-key unenthused hardhearted unmoving torpid disloyal halfhearted nonpartisan dead cursory insincere irreligious impotent ineffective unaffecting joyful gleeful selfish tepid icy unagitated equable chill obdurate faint coldhearted not enthusiastic unimportant civilized quiet rational friendly mellow reasoned prudish vestal level-headed hard-headed unimpressionable clinical hard-hearted dim OK well stony-eyed self-controlled frozen kind content civilised insouciant incurious unambitious non-committal pococurante unmotivated withdrawn chaste celibate matter-of-fact feeble

Tính từ

Opposite of acting or done quickly and without thought or care

Tính từ

(of a person) Opposite of excited or elated by something

Tính từ

Opposite of hoping to become

Đồng nghĩa của impassioned

impassioned Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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