Trái nghĩa của discouraged

Alternative for discouraged

discourages, discouraged, discouraging

Đồng nghĩa: daunt, deject, deter, disapprove, hinder, keep from, prevent,

Trái nghĩa: encourage,

Tính từ

Opposite of filled with sadness or melancholy
joyful joyous happy cheerful merry gladdened blissful buoyant cheery contented effervescent elated gay jolly overjoyed glad upbeat delighted jubilant gleeful chipper buoyed gladsome sunny encouraged satisfied content optimistic chirpy pleased heartened hopeful blithe blithesome light-hearted positive ecstatic gratified jovial thankful exuberant chuffed genial enthusiastic above unworried lively cheered inspirited excited mirthful rapt fulfilled uplifted comforted in high spirits thrilled enchanted untroubled bright jocund grateful canty euphoric peppy consoled lighthearted solaced enraptured over the moon in good spirits in seventh heaven on cloud nine appreciative bubbly inspired gruntled sprightly consolable perky appeased stoked reassured confident triumphant high bouncy animated exhilarated relaxed well pleased rhapsodic exultant upright rapturous of good cheer honest decent spirited understanding assuaged high-spirited carefree friendly cheering auspicious propitious pacified sparkling engrossed engaged trusting starry-eyed absorbed intrigued interested stimulated happy-go-lucky light charmed cheer up successful glowing comfortable expectant felicitous fond frolicsome sanguine beaming moral increased prominent respectable elevated rich healthy well bullish higher warmed soothed on top of the world at ease tickled pink on a high at peace in a good mood jumping for joy pleased as punch enlivened full of hope hearted cock-a-hoop giddy psyched rhapsodical pumped lightsome cheerly laughing zingy pert vivacious zappy Pollyannaish Pollyanna rosy rose-colored Polyannish Panglossian smiley pleasant good-humoured good-humored up

Tính từ

Opposite of feeling or showing a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with

Động từ

Opposite of past tense for to oppose by expressing disapproval

Đồng nghĩa của discouraged

discouraged Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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