Đồng nghĩa của stauncher

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Comparative for very loyal and committed in attitude
loyaler firmer steadfaster trustier steadier truer sounder stronger surer devouter faster better stouter trustworthier securer stiffer tougher stubborner earnester bolder steelier pluckier stancher rigider braver keener grittier sturdier gutsier doughtier safer intenser spunkier honester harder fervider deeper seriouser hardier robuster fiercer patienter feistier straighter eagerer stricter heartier ambitiouser grimmer closer completer pushier longer-lasting lovinger ruggeder powerfuller benter gamer better-built lustier extremer thirstier hungrier wilfuller purer better-made fresher arranter manlier mightier ballsier perverser bigger haler abler directer fitter sterner healthier juster nicer perkier maturer obscener realer fuller squarer worthier longer-term ancienter saintlier torrider supremer better-balanced bloodthirstier meaner staider scrappier normaler closer-knit perfecter warmer rabider fonder brawnier burlier heftier wholer timelier foolhardier heavier bitterer stonier starker harsher severer difficulter balkier austerer bolshier crueler awkwarder pickier haughtier fussier tighter stroppier ornerier finickier flintier choosier stuffier unrulier rougher prissier dourer unfriendlier primmer narrower high and mightier colder uptighter lordlier daintier stiller flatter deadlier graver prouder cockier faddier uppitier huffier ruder direr rockier stupider bonier crisper brittler wilder creakier stickier thicker archer headier thornier knottier needier plainer shrewder cooler frigider chillier icier frostier world-wearier gruffer smaller-minded quieter sombrer somberer sorer pricklier crabbier testier impoliter sourer snappier touchier crotchetier chippier grumblier pebblier denser craggier shinglier loather unpleasanter leveler smoother bumpier chestier toploftier sniffier loftier finer sharper acuter starchier jaggeder seemlier politer more faithful more constant more stalwart more dependable more devoted more reliable more dedicated more resolute more committed more stable more unwavering more hard-working more redoubtable more unfaltering more unswerving more vigorous more immovable more allegiant more ardent more inflexible more tried and tested more tried and true more determined more unyielding more dogged more indefatigable more unshakeable more tenacious more persistent more unbending more single-minded more uncompromising more unrelenting more unflagging more spirited more fixed more indomitable more obstinate more solid more strong-willed more persevering more zealous more relentless more enduring more unfailing more purposeful more adamant more dyed-in-the-wool more obdurate more unshakable more pertinacious more intransigent more valiant more intent more undeviating more dutiful more mettlesome more unremitting more set more driven more enthusiastic more courageous more hardened more strong-minded more implacable more diehard more unchanging more fanatical more decided more insistent more unshaken more forceful more wholehearted more inexorable more fervent more lionhearted more willful more passionate more assertive more assiduous more intrepid more tried more established more genuine more abiding more responsible more sincere more diligent more hard-core more trustable more honourable more calculable more honorable more active more certain more durable more decisive more upright more emphatic more inveterate more manful more rock-ribbed more settled more fearless more perseverant more bound more energetic more conscientious more attached more unflappable more ruthless more thorough more true-hearted more confident more absolute more unceasing more avid more unqualified more thoroughgoing more patriotic more heroic more aggressive more supportive more gallant more indurate more motivated more cast-iron more perdurable more truthful more vehement more positive more purposive more headstrong more resilient more gutty more industrious more strenuous more deliberate more dauntless more adherent more consistent more rooted more focused more reputable more intractable more permanent more unmovable more ingrained more self-assertive more unbendable more bred-in-the-bone more incorruptible more deep-seated more enterprising more high-spirited more stouthearted more bullheaded more dynamic more militant more pigheaded more focussed more inseparable more self-willed more pat more dead set more valorous more resistant more substantial more indelible more righteous more go-getting more impassioned more infallible more unvacillating more bent on more daring more stiff-necked more unswervable more unquestioning more unapologetic more unappeasable more rigorous more explicit more unwearied more stringent more audacious more lasting more irrepressible more inspired more desirous more obsessed more compulsive more sedulous more heroical more greathearted more mulish more conservative more undauntable more scrupulous more obsessive more red-hot more weariless more definite more dear more seasoned more orthodox more valued more intimate more balanced more self-confident more sustained more capable more cherished more treasured more special more timeless more everlasting more correct more unsurpassable more well-established more potent more influential more profound more impregnable more unstoppable more traditional more impervious more long-lived more virtuous more ethical more bulletproof more sensible more decent more heartfelt more well-founded more undeterred more domineering more unequivocal more assured more unimpeachable more predictable more unlimited more chronic more habitual more unshrinking more studious more fiery more time-honoured more ferocious more importunate more prevailing more adventurous more adoring more composed more poised more undismayed more monomaniacal more obedient more undying more truehearted more hardheaded more ossified more opinionated more adamantine more inconvincible more unmalleable more unvarying more uniform more even more affectionate more circumspect more confiding more progressive more dominant more veracious more regular more inexpugnable more self-assured more unmoved more refractory more tried and trusted more defiant more invariant more bombproof more hard and fast more unfearful more muscular more rock solid more deep-set more power-hungry more able-bodied more self-seeking more heavy-duty more unwearying more concerned more attentive more reactionary more Herculean more incessant more confidential more straightforward more hopeless more perfervid more immoderate more exacting more boundless more admiring more uninfluenced more unprogressive more perseverative more convinced more credible more religious more dinkum more unblinking more undiscouraged more reverent more embedded more cohesive more high-powered more radical more prayerful more principled more pietistic more unintimidated more hellbent more coherent more ungiving more hard-boiled more laborious more insuperable more insurmountable more untameable more surefire more moral more believable more familiar more possessive more unmistakable more effective more equable more plodding more jumping more unstinted more hyper more foolproof more pornographic more unalterable more unadaptable more hidebound more right-minded more sagacious more nerveless more imperturbable more possessed more impassable more competitive more impeccable more respectable more blimpish more unambiguous more total more unstinting more categorical more noble more unaccommodating more blinkered more unsinkable more veridical more undistorted more creditable more estimable more careful more inalterable more time-honored more unmitigated more unrestricted more unconditional more flawless more cutthroat more calculated more single-hearted more fixated more obsessional more doting more exuberant more attested more proven more unreformable more unabated more daredevil more unalloyed more perceptive more independent more accustomed more impulsive more conformist more fogyish more warlike more brutal more gladiatorial more convincing more uncorrupted more compelling more recognized more classic more recalcitrant more venturesome more unfeigned more animated more tough-minded more quiescent more level-headed more uncooperative more unpersuadable more venturous more used more recognised more in-your-face more gung ho more fullhearted more authentic more hale and hearty more commanding more expedient more favourable more unspoiled more seasonable more felicitous more unimpaired more trenchant more eatable more unhurt more persuasive more serviceable more important more herolike more imprudent more fortitudinous more chivalrous more bullish more hard-shell more hard-wearing more demanding more sure-fire more significant more burning more unquenchable more furious more authoritative more imposing more forcible more bloody-minded more renitent more uncontaminated more unblemished more promising more controlling more bossy more overbearing more immalleable more merciless more competent more strapping more rocklike more statuelike more collected more favorable more copper-bottomed more athletic more reinforced more sinewy more puissant more self-reliant more contrary more unreasonable more authoritarian more contumacious more draconian more cussed more dogmatic more froward more incompliant more unmanageable more tyrannical more oppressive more dictatorial more unsparing more heavy-handed more cantankerous more insubordinate more obstreperous more despotic more arbitrary more pitiless more rebellious more doctrinaire more disobedient more iron-fisted more obstructive more unmodifiable more unforgiving more wayward more untoward more unsympathetic more ungovernable more unbreakable more unhelpful more illiberal more peremptory more restive more wrong-headed more autocratic more repressive more fastidious more particular more high-handed more exact more unamenable more tiresome more troublesome more intolerant more prejudiced more overweening more binding more drastic more arrogant more final more discriminating more narrow-minded more opinionative more magisterial more masterful more callous more unflexible more contrarious more truculent more biased more unvaried more meticulous more choosey more iron-handed more pontifical more finical more irreconcilable more mortal more forbidding more frozen more trying more bigoted more unchanged more concrete more zero-sum more puritanical more concentrated more unfeeling more fractious more unemotional more undemocratic more critical more perfectionist more precise more anti-democratic more unpermissive more aloof more tyrannous more agreed more persnickety more tyrannic more punctilious more formal more monolithic more monotonous more no-nonsense more pernickety more unmoving more selective more unpliable more hypercritical more one-sided more inelastic more squeamish more fussbudgety more delicate more overnice more pedantic more old-maidish more nit-picky more strait-laced more engrossed more absorbed more excessive more mutinous more disciplinary more inconsiderate more unresponsive more ageless more swivel-eyed more conventional more punishing more punitive more unsentimental more incontrovertible more cynical more stony-hearted more dogmatical more procrustean more savage more preoccupied more petrified more totalitarian more clamorous more unrelieved more autarchic more occupied more immersed more unmerciful more reserved more hardhanded more undiversified more officious more desperate more proper more autocratical more querulous more hardhearted more disciplinarian more pompous more faddish more unquestionable more discerning more imperative more remote more ironhanded more sensitive more cocksure more methodical more uncharitable more overparticular more systematic more unpredictable more ill-natured more uninterrupted more negative more astringent more fretful more impliable more irrational more clear-cut more illogical more annoying more vexatious more unbudgeable more regimented more exasperating more noncompliant more impassive more unwilling more unmollifiable more inescapable more unplacatable more controlled more disciplined more estranged more seditious more alienated more factious more disaffected more heartless more unimpressionable more unimpressible more unsupportive more uncompassionate more impertinent more maniacal more sectarian more ineluctable more unreceptive more boneheaded more uncontrollable more pounding more compulsory more necessary more inordinate more undisciplined more chauvinistic more partisan more sacrosanct more judgmental more judgemental more unbudging more monocratic more outrageous more extortionate more punitory more spartan more painstaking more inextensible more inductile more immotile more nagging more exigent more hostile more barbarous more antagonistic more predetermined more specified more indocile more insoluble more Neronian more onerous more enthralled more defined more interminable more murderous more unpitying more clear-sighted more express more hard-hitting more cavillous more faultfinding more overscrupulous more disparaging more ascetical more ascetic more formidable more pressing more egotistic more solemn more practical more realistic more dystopian more swingeing more classical more customary more enforceable more coercive more impatient more complex more matter-of-fact more pushing more driving more czarlike more definitive more theoretical more impractical more speculative more demeaning more censorious more carping more uncaring more distant more punctual more heedful more trivial more conscionable more overfastidious more complicated more downright more unchallengeable more didactic more normative more preceptive more accepted more pugnacious more hypothetical more unrealistic more unpragmatic more ideological more argumentative more boorish more hard-handed more compressed more packed more compacted more compact more lowering more intimidating more hooked more egotistical more fascistic more high-maintenance more bearish more oafish more dissatisfied more irascible more discontented more involved more bureaucratic more ungentle more observant more prescriptive more quarrelsome more captious more temperamental more disputatious more vexed more invidious more fiendish more irritating more ungracious more overcritical more irritable more disputative more leathery more exclusive more enrapt more similar more watchful more alert more unobliging more identical more equivalent more discourteous more uncivil more equal more hesitant more negativistic more averse more reluctant more indisposed more disagreeable more intensive more well-proportioned more orderly more ordered more compatible more plumb more symmetrical more consonant more fateful more uncongenial more unamiable more uppish more bumptious more hifalutin more assumptive more cavalier more presumptuous more toploftical more highfalutin more huffish more pretentious more high-hat more supercilious more mountainous more prudish more refined more pushful more stagnant more bored more rheumatic more aching more mathematical more scientific more priggish more overdelicate more affected more starched more stilted more detached more gravelly more lapidarian more stonelike more rockbound more undemonstrative more unapproachable more unsocial more taciturn more restrained more official more uncommunicative more reticent more unforthcoming more withdrawn more antisocial more schoolmarmish more Victorian

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