Đồng nghĩa của more affected

Tính từ

Comparative for unnatural or artificial in one's mannerisms or behavior
stiffer faker hollower phonier falser posier awkwarder hammier stagier camper campier snider showier heavier fishier benter queerer clumsier hokier splashier catchier difficulter rigider artsier weightier harder schmaltzier fulsomer wilder unfairer fussier busier messier untidier flowerier faultier cooler colder more artificial more assumed more forced more strained more unnatural more contrived more overblown more overdone more insincere more labored more laboured more overripe more overworked more mannered more unconvincing more exaggerated more superficial more bogus more mechanical more plastic more stilted more factitious more sham more spurious more affectated more conceited more fakey more melodramatic more theatrical more actorly more ersatz more pretentious more fictitious more fraudulent more deceptive more elaborate more unreal more dramatic more histrionic more misleading more pirate more wrong more cod more ponderous more self-conscious more ostentatious more overwrought more wooden more actressy more over-elaborate more manufactured more delusory more delusive more Hollywood more synthetic more flamboyant more meretricious more supposititious more suppositious more professed more ostensible more convoluted more extravagant more prolix more ornate more intricate more laborious more unspontaneous more imitative more constrained more pseudonymous more operatic more comic more made-up more over the top more farcical more seeming more expressive more animated more apparent more specious more imaginary more fixed more recherche more unrestrained more thespian more leaden more tortuous more arduous more hypocritical more precious more stringent more coercive more binding more forcible more bound more inflexible more grudging more far-fetched more invented more unauthentic more conscious more apish more chichi more highfaluting more genteel more airish more inauthentic more impostrous more cheating more masked more falsified more imposturous more untrue more long-winded more pompous more stuck up more inelegant more complex more turgid more effortful more toilsome more operose more maladroit more strenuous more inept more ceremonious more legitimate more amateur more dramaturgic more tragic more emotional more phony-baloney more excessive more inordinate more disproportionate more undue more immoderate more overstated more Daliesque more inflated more gushing more needless more unreasonable more effusive more unnecessary more hyped more preposterous more sensationalistic more far out more overelaborate more trumped-up more florid more baroque more fallacious more invalid more fictional more apocryphal more uneasy more dishonest more doctored more cluttered more crowded more high-flown more incorrect more inaccurate more erroneous more muddled more disorderly more embellished more mixed-up more ungraceful more gingerbreaded more gingerbready more unsound more untruthful more inexact more graceless more unrelaxed more gauche more uncomfortable more flawed more grandiloquent more beguiling more deceitful more mistaken more rustic more rustical more mincing more imprecise more adulterine more ungenuine more truthless more improper more mythical more coloured more sophistical more colored more mythic more fantastical more fantastic more embarrassed more guarded more inhibited more reserved more reticent more incredible more restrained more repressed more distant more controlled more subdued more aloof more make believe more tongue-tied

Tính từ

Comparative for pretentious and designed to impress
stagier posher schmaltzier campier showier splashier flashier gaudier swanker snippier louder brasher vulgarer kitscher swankier fancier ritzier glitzier dictier tawdrier artier trashier classier glitterier noisier cheaper tonier frillier cutesier bougier haughtier snootier snottier uppitier high and mightier bolder grabbier catchier jazzier snazzier crasser gayer splurgier sportier jauntier fussier tackier crummier gimmickier cheesier camper commoner kitschier posier grander flauntier hollower faker more pretentious more pompous more ostentatious more grandiose more highfalutin more theatrical more hifalutin more chichi more pedantic more poncey more fancy-pants more high-minded more hoity-toity more la-di-da more over-elaborate more high-flown more toffee-nosed more flamboyant more extravagant more conspicuous more garish more flash more tinselly more ornate more obtrusive more overdone more tinsel more tasteless more snobbish more specious more meretricious more artificial more over the top more contrived more mannered more conceited more flaunting more precious more dashing more peacocky more plastic more sham more superficial more pinchbeck more grandiloquent more bourgie more refined more genteel more lah-di-dah more snot-nosed more stuck-up more eye-catching more noticeable more kenspeckle more commanding more bodacious more dramatic more striking more remarkable more emphatic more marked more pronounced more brilliant more prominent more splendiferous more resplendent more sensational more overwrought more screaming more sumptuous more glaring more luxurious more histrionic more opulent more actorly more spectacular more exhibitionistic more corny more clinquant more twee more Daliesque more inflated more overambitious more exaggerated more heroic more elaborate more vainglorious more sophomoric more flatulent more stilted more highfaluting more puffed up

Tính từ

Comparative for involving the use of exaggerated or flowery writing or language
flowerier purpler wordier loftier fancier showier fussier windier fulsomer gassier stodgier bolder stuffier stagier primmer rotunder bigger mouthier grander haughtier longer flashier higher louder busier vaster artier taller shallower breezier ambitiouser finer richer glibber lengthier sublimer bubblier fizzier graver seriouser fervider noisier vivider vainer jauntier crasser larger more inflated more grandiloquent more bombastic more magniloquent more pompous more pretentious more florid more ornate more orotund more verbose more highfalutin more turgid more grandiose more overripe more overwrought more elaborate more aureate more extravagant more overdone more declamatory more prolix more ostentatious more puffed more complex more complicated more decorated more detailed more involved more hyperbolic more excessive more rhapsodical more high-flown more la-di-da more overblown more tumid more stilted more Ossianic more strained more laboured more labored more convoluted more magnific more hifalutin more theatrical more exaggerated more sesquipedalian more flamboyant more over-elaborate more pleonastic more flatulent more gaseous more sonorous more long-winded more ponderous more dramatic more self-important more high-minded more snobbish more blustering more discursive more overinflated more egotistic more histrionic more pedantic more swollen more loudmouthed more eloquent more melodramatic more elocutionary more formal more fluent more booming more mannered more actorly more full of hot air more articulate more silver-tongued more effusive more scholarly more erudite more boastful more baroque more bombast more Ciceronian more epideictic more imposing more Demosthenean more Demosthenic more epic more heroic more Miltonian more Homeric more tedious more braggart more vaunting more portentous more elevated more tumescent more diffuse more embellished more figurative more ornamental more wedding-cake more majestic more impressive more elegant more monumental more self-righteous more tiresome more learned more overelaborate more lexiphanic more solemn more superficial more pontifical more decorative more luscious more redundant more euphemistic more voluble more contrived more vocal more sententious more overambitious more meandering more loquacious more stylistic more swaggering more effervescent more carbonated more arrogant more stentorian more important more expressive more noble more persuasive more impassioned more senatorial more forceful more garish more brazen more over the top

Tính từ

Comparative for affectedly grand, solemn, or self-important
haughtier uppitier stiffer vainer chestier huffier loftier lordlier prouder showier sniffier snippier snootier toploftier flowerier grander puffier splendider high and mightier smugger cockier snobbier snottier brasher swankier bolder brassier cheekier pushier pottier ritzier tonier posher windier louder nervier smarter saucier flipper ruder sassier wiser preachier perter fresher cooler rasher archer arranter ambitiouser surer foolhardier busier snoopier nosier impoliter hastier braggier cuter perkier freer stuffier recklesser higher curter lippier airier mouthier trashier brighter terser brusquer glibber balder sheerer jauntier bigger fiercer more pompous more pretentious more arrogant more grandiose more self-important more overbearing more supercilious more magisterial more pontifical more ostentatious more bloated more conceited more domineering more egotistic more hifalutin more highfalutin more sententious more uppish more assumptive more bumptious more cavalier more condescending more high-handed more high-hat more high-minded more huffish more important more la-di-da more masterful more overweening more patronising more patronizing more peremptory more portentous more presumptuous more puffed up more self-assertive more stiff-necked more toploftical more vainglorious more exaggerated more flatulent more flaunting more highfaluting more magnificent more narcissistic more overstated more self-centred more self-centered more selfish more snobbish more spectacular more stuck-up more boastful more egotistical more prideful more opinionated more hoity-toity more disdainful more egoistic more egoistical more inflated more toffee-nosed more self-satisfied more fancy-pants more egocentric more swaggering more biggity more bigheaded more elitist more aloof more swellheaded more self-conceited more biggety more insolent more complacent more brazen more full of oneself more overconfident more hubristic more autocratic more immodest more contemptuous more scornful more blustering more mocking more self-serving more impudent more self-righteous more bossy more assured more consequential more audacious more persnickety more self-absorbed more swollen more individualistic more inner-directed more self-congratulatory more orgulous more stuck up more exclusive more cocksure more egomaniacal more aristocratic more self-obsessed more introverted more remote more isolated more personal more intrinsic more intimate more subjective more obsessive more high-flown more stuck on oneself more vaunting more puffed more poncey more idiosyncratic more ingrained more obnoxious more cliquish more peacockish more self-interested more pietistic more sanctimonious more hypocritical more priggish more bullish more solipsistic more inconsiderate more self-involved more unctuous more pharisaic more mealy-mouthed more dictatorial more thoughtless more uncaring more unthinking more officious more self-seeking more impertinent more contumelious more unabashed more pushful more noble more boldfaced more malapert more barefaced more procacious more smart-alecky more self-confident more confident more self-assured more assertive more overbold more aggressive more forceful more brazen-faced more bold-faced more blatant more pushing more familiar more blusterous more flippant more obtrusive more offensive more disrespectful more impetuous more bombastic more braggart more authoritarian more dismissive more off-base more intrusive more nosy more meddlesome more protrusive more uncivil more shameless more indifferent more discourteous more hotheaded more impulsive more impolitic more careless more heedless more insistent more loudmouthed more strident more precipitate more snippety more self-complacent more extroverted more extraverted more uninhibited more blustery more full of hot air more self-aggrandizing more smart-aleck more facetious more offhand more overfamiliar more previous more premature more tyrannical more madcap more temerarious more daredevil more presumptive more highhanded more detached more reserved more distant more despotic more refined more high falutin more inappropriate more improper more casual more irreverent more overoptimistic more unconcerned more uninterested more insouciant more gracious more honorable more honourable more go-ahead more insubordinate more unmannerly more importunate more unceremonious more commanding more standoffish more insulting more brazenfaced more effervescent more headlong more vivacious more untactful more maladroit more incautious more ungracious more cursory more off more perfunctory more abrupt more positive more self-opinioned more prognathous more flagrant more hotshot more certain more pococurante more offish more driven more bad-mannered more brass-necked more ill-bred more ill-mannered more militant more in-your-face more enterprising more go-getting more sharp-elbowed

Tính từ

Comparative for inclined to sob
sloppier soppier mushier schmaltzier sugarier slushier syrupier weepier tenderer gushier soapier softer dreamier sweeter sillier lovinger spoonier drippier gooier stickier wetter fruitier soupier ickier sicklier cutesier treaclier cheesier sloshier hokier tackier fulsomer lavisher oilier tearier feebler triter cuter kitschier sadder prettier hackier campier schlockier kitscher pitifuller gentler disgustinger staler duller quainter daintier bitterer painfuller hammier glibber mournfuller wretcheder intenser miserabler powerfuller more corny more mawkish more touching more maudlin more romantic more sappy more overemotional more gushing more pathetic more tearful more bathetic more nostalgic more effusive more softhearted more idealistic more impressionable more sobby more demonstrative more passionate more vapid more inane more insipid more affectionate more moonstruck more visionary more lovey-dovey more dewy-eyed more sentimental more cloying more sugarcoated more chocolate-box more novelettish more twee more emotional more toe-curling more enthusiastic more oleaginous more overdone more excessive more exuberant more lyrical more ebullient more expansive more unctuous more unrestrained more adulatory more extravagant more hagiographic more overenthusiastic more over the top more oversentimental more ingratiating more sickening more nauseating more lachrymose more honeyed more candied more oversweet more self-pitying more banal more precious more poignant more moving more sickly sweet more affecting more tragic more emotive more evocative more melodramatic more heartbreaking more impressive more impactful more plaintive more heartrending more fatuous more romanticized more wistful more bromidic more melting more harrowing more poetic more piteous more upsetting more misty-eyed more saddening more disturbing more pitiable more expressive more corn-fed more picturesque more attractive more hackneyed more old-fashioned more commonplace more shopworn more histrionic more bijou more melancholy more depressing more namby-pamby more tragicomic more distressing more dismal more sorrowful more blubbery more voluble more gut-wrenching more agonizing more uplifting more dramatic more haunting more impassioned more exciting more thrilling more bittersweet more lovelorn more sweet-and-sour more mind-blowing more responsive more compassionate more sympathetic more stunning more uninhibited more infatuated more twitterpated more frustrated more obsessed more tactual more tactile more sensitive more touchy-feely more lovesick

Tính từ

Comparative for characteristic of or resembling the style of a dandy

Tính từ

Comparative for rich, mellow and carefully articulated, especially with an upper-class accent

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Comparative for shy and fond of being on one's own
shier meeker quieter humbler timider coyer purer chaster seemlier milder silenter soberer nicer lowlier primmer staider closer seriouser earnester prissier straighter starchier squarer uptighter gentler cooler cleaner colder mousier simpler fearfuller wholesomer peacefuller plainer frigider icier placider softer unfriendlier warier charier politer better austerer neater archer severer unsurer yellower sissier scarier fainter cowardlier patienter tamer subtler poorer homelier smaller perfecter whiter holier honester wishy-washier dumber chillier more demure more modest more reserved more diffident more unassuming more bashful more withdrawn more reticent more unpretentious more decent more introverted more unassertive more virginal more sheepish more virtuous more backward more proper more timorous more recessive more innocent more decorous more respectable more maidenly more prudish more blushing more sedate more ladylike more unassured more retired more coquettish more skittish more priggish more puritanical more solemn more self-effacing more strait-laced more old-maidish more niminy-piminy more prim and proper more flirtatious more restrained more unobtrusive more reclusive more undefiled more immaculate more uncommunicative more unsullied more secretive more undemonstrative more inhibited more standoffish more uncorrupted more subdued more taciturn more distant more aloof more cautious more unsociable more self-contained more unpresuming more unostentatious more offish more soft-spoken more sinless more self-conscious more nervous more unapproachable more unblemished more discreet more insecure more eremitic more unforthcoming more unconfident more apprehensive more serene more collected more constrained more hesitant more uncompanionable more conventional more private more controlled more introvert more embarrassed more unaffected more moral more abstinent more formal more unresponsive more ceremonious more composed more misanthropic more noncommittal more docile more shamefaced more detached more self-denying more deferential more rabbity more spotless more unboastful more unambitious more uncontaminated more self-controlled more ordinary more faint-hearted more inconspicuous more submissive more unpretending more reluctant more overmodest more yielding more remote more closemouthed more compliant more hermitic more abashed more tentative more laconic more acquiescent more guarded more upright more temperate more untainted more cowed more guiltless more snobbish more low-key more thoughtful more manageable more tight-lipped more continent more elegant more refined more untarnished more intemerate more impotent more inexperienced more apologetic more girlish more evasive more respectful more unaggressive more delicate more independent more doubtful more unnoticeable more low-profile more prudent more moderate more weak-kneed more isolated more antisocial more introspective more natural more insular more unsocial more ungregarious more platonic more uncertain more hermitical more ingenuous more understated more ashamed more genuine more artless more eremetic more unrevealing more courteous more yellow-bellied more wimpish more trepidatious more fearsome more tremulous more fainthearted more chicken more suspicious more distrustful more dubious more unpoised more pensive more self-absorbed more contemplative more self-interested more seclusive more secret more incurious more recluse more casual more indifferent more disinterested more unconcerned more uncurious more uninterested more repressed more unimposing more unflashy more impeccable more eremitical more meditative more reflective more inner-directed more ruminative more self-centred more obsequious more servile more egoless more inelaborate more ill at ease more scared more frightened more recreant more afraid more self-deprecating more unaffable more unexpansive more spineless more spiritless more obedient more unprotesting more obliging more self-centered more righteous more subservient more reverential more self-sufficient more flawless more long-suffering more resistless more biddable more supplicatory more unadorned more impeccant more pristine more forbearing more conservative more sycophantic more tractable more blameless more faultless more nunlike more token more economical more verecund more blushful more uncorrupt more inculpable more reverent more peaceable more clean-living more exemplary more angelic more unoffending more sackless more faithful more orderly more lenient more tolerant more passive more longanimous more unemotional more Olympian

Tính từ

Comparative for caused by or relating to an allergy

Trái nghĩa của more affected

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