Đồng nghĩa của more mannered

Tính từ

(of behaviour, art, or a literary style) Comparative for marked by idiosyncratic or exaggerated mannerisms
stiffer artsier camper campier falser stagier phonier faker hammier awkwarder hollower showier posier splashier catchier rigider heavier queerer snider clumsier colder cooler tricker schmaltzier hokier ungainlier gawkier weightier difficulter tauter tighter uptighter harder harder put unwieldier uglier vulgarer uncouther coarser drier stodgier flatter unhandier more affected more artificial more pretentious more stilted more contrived more actorly more elaborate more forced more insincere more precious more theatrical more unnatural more airish more apish more chichi more conscious more genteel more highfaluting more self-conscious more stuck up more strained more laboured more overdone more exaggerated more labored more spurious more assumed more bogus more sham more mechanical more melodramatic more overripe more unconvincing more plastic more factitious more dramatic more overworked more wooden more actressy more histrionic more unreal more fakey more ostentatious more superficial more meretricious more flamboyant more comic more constrained more determined more manufactured more overblown more farcical more expressive more animated more operatic more conceited more affectated more unrestrained more thespian more ponderous more guarded more inhibited more reserved more stringent more coercive more binding more forcible more bound more inflexible more grudging more long-winded more overwrought more over-elaborate more inauthentic more unauthentic more reticent more laborious more convoluted more inelegant more complex more turgid more embarrassed more tongue-tied more restrained more uneasy more repressed more distant more prolix more ornate more intricate more subdued more controlled more aloof more unspontaneous more ersatz more deceptive more pompous more ceremonious more legitimate more amateur more dramaturgic more tragic more emotional more synthetic more graceless more gauche more uncomfortable more ungraceful more rustic more rustical more maladroit more imitative more leaden more specious more inept more fraudulent more far-fetched more fixed more recherche more tortuous more arduous more makeshift more farfetched more unglued more wired more choked more effortful more toilsome more operose more strenuous more lumbering more strung out more uncoordinated more elephantine more unco more lifeless more uncourtly more rusty more passionless more unrelaxed more soulless more spiritless more unimpassioned more heavy-handed more inexpressive more unyielding more deadpan more obstinate more unbending more mincing

Tính từ

Comparative for strictly conventional in one's manner or behavior
stiffer austerer primmer stuffier starchier frigider icier nicer soberer staider stodgier stricter rigider squarer straighter uptighter prissier narrower mimsier statelier courtlier smugger seemlier severer politer auguster portlier sterner finickier fussier seriouser vainer dapperer cleanlier better choosier sprucer mustier deadlier fustier smellier smokier puffier warmer hotter loftier grander kinglier lordlier fitter better-mannered prouder unfriendlier haughtier apter somberer sombrer greater graver niftier more formal more punctilious more forced more ceremonious more correct more decorous more proper more labored more laboured more unnatural more artificial more priggish more strained more unrelaxed more stiff-necked more stilted more genteel more pompous more fogeyish more conservative more conventional more strait-laced more prudish more reserved more sedate more starched more solemn more old-fashioned more puritanical more Victorian more schoolmarmish more old-maidish more schoolmistressy more moralistic more niminy-piminy more dignified more narrow-minded more governessy more prim and proper more straitlaced more precise more bluenosed more straightlaced more nice-nelly more respectable more puritan more demure more distinguished more tight-laced more Pecksniffian more fastidious more imposing more overnice more scrupulous more exact more ceremonial more affected more traditional more particular more official more moral more self-righteous more sanctimonious more sententious more censorious more bigoted more shockable more pedantic more forbidding more overmodest more rigorous more meticulous more overscrupulous more self-satisfied more careful more civil more imperial more courteous more orthodox more upright more regal more po-faced more conforming more couth more refined more majestic more important more magisterial more ascetic more pietistic more fanatical more spartan more ornate more elaborate more abstinent more abstemious more ritualistic more hypocritical more complacent more reverential more portentous more momentous more squeamish more virtuous more god-fearing more straight-laced more unctuous more PC more wooden more snobbish more offish more pretentious more overexact more mincing more illiberal more deferential more politically correct more ritual more impersonal more deliberate more measured more conformist more humourless more grandiose more noble more self-important more fetid more supercilious more arrogant more bloated more humorless more conscientious more decent more slow-moving more precious more painstaking more diligent more thorough more studious more attentive more accurate more unbending more suitable more standard more befitting more fitting more venerable more religious more perfectionist more persnickety more methodical more detailed more mathematical more mannerly more civilized more accepted more gracious more composed more eminent more honorable more impressive more honourable more inflexible more aloof more unsympathetic more detached more remote more usual more customary more appropriate more exacting more finical more pernickety more demanding more respected more magnificent more aristocratic more unresponsive more uncommunicative more unforthcoming more undemonstrative more restrained more unapproachable more withdrawn more antisocial more unsocial more taciturn more reticent more namby-pamby more diplomatic more OK more kosher more laborious more de rigueur more becoming more okay more acceptable more civilised more done more punctual more assiduous more heedful more conscionable more observant more formalistic more overconscientious more self-respecting more comme il faut more right on

Trái nghĩa của more mannered

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