Đồng nghĩa của more disproportionate

Tính từ

Great, or greater than normal, in quantity or size
higher bigger greater healthier huger larger ampler extremer vaster immenser lavisher steeper stiffer fulsomer fancier severer seriouser gushier verier ambitiouser bolder lordlier showier grander ballsier wilder grosser wantoner sillier mightier heftier goodlier tidier bulkier huskier broader heavier plentifuller roomier better wider comfortabler fuller weightier richer vastier spacier fatter burlier fairer stronger sturdier longer widerspread princelier unwieldier flusher brawnier beefier hunkier loftier taller thicker kinglier lanker wholer awkwarder stouter airier ungainlier rifer heartier completer terribler meatier powerfuller hulkier squarer steadier massier cushier clumsier slouchier intenser baggier deeper clunkier wider open ranker wealthier buffer portlier robuster lengthier excellenter looser starker statelier splendider prettier awfuller beamier stockier simpler fiercer harsher superber fearfuller wonderfuller finer auguster prouder sublimer juicier haughtier realer sounder firmer usefuller plainer fleshier musclier chunkier noteworthier better-built flabbier fubsier paunchier buxomer uncommoner unhandier girthier more copious more significant more considerable more enormous more excessive more exorbitant more inordinate more profuse more substantial more voluminous more abundant more extraordinary more extravagant more sizable more sizeable more massive more monumental more substantive more boundless more epic more handsome more heightened more humongous more immoderate more intemperate more jacked up more limitless more major more tremendous more unreasonable more abnormal more astronomical more unusual more exaggerated more undue more superfluous more plethoric more needless more over the top more unconscionable more overextravagant more unrestrained more insane more overweening more unnecessary more prodigal more profligate more overabundant more towering more unwarranted more intolerable more extortionate more uncalled for more redundant more unbounded more indulgent more dizzying more unmeasurable more recrementitious more self-indulgent more supernatural more stratospheric more outrageous more overdue more devilish more grandiose more overblown more fantastic more uncurbed more wasteful more imprudent more prodigious more overgenerous more de trop more abounding more baroque more unmerciful more overripe more supererogatory more gushing more effusive more fancy-pants more unmitigated more unrelenting more unyielding more outré more pompous more pretentious more overgrown more inflated more bloated more overstated more over-elaborate more ostentatious more imposing more immodest more audacious more elaborate more commanding more magnificent more impressive more heroic more zealous more adventurous more fanciful more unbridled more unrestricted more gratuitous more uncontrolled more improvident more unlimited more stupendous more monstrous more immeasurable more astronomic more infinite more unhampered more ridiculous more ludicrous more extensive more thumping more gigantic more uninhibited more mountainous more mammoth more super-duper more colossal more overindulgent more gargantuan more preposterous more unfettered more generous more biggish more oversize more spacious more capacious more commodious more titanic more expansive more elephantine more respectable more appreciable more plenteous more solid more ginormous more marked more bountiful more decent more liberal more brobdingnagian more reasonable more humungous more cosmic more cosmical more galactic more cyclopean more pharaonic more bounteous more large-scale more noticeable more comprehensive more pronounced more ponderous more gigantesque more prolific more strapping more almighty more cavernous more oceanic more heroical more sweeping more material more terrific more cumbersome more Herculean more consequential more profitable more lucrative more open more sufficient more measurable more worthwhile more staggering more teeming more formidable more stellar more opulent more plenty more Bunyanesque more mastodonic more cornucopian more bonny more sensible more extended more awesome more good-sized more mondo more prosperous more filling more perceptible more detectable more advantageous more muscular more rolling more visible more striking more obvious more momentous more innumerable more notable more meaningful more important more monolithic more phenomenal more gainful more thickset more mesomorphic more uncrowded more luxuriant more munificent more dramatic more spectacular more thewy more cumbrous more magnific more earthshaking more numerous more Homeric more adequate more luxurious more incalculable more lumbering more legit more vital more crucial more competitive more distensible more dilatable more illimitable more oafish more lumpish more maxi more thundering more family-sized more unstinting more protracted more overwhelming more interminable more behemothic more statuesque more clodhopping more affluent more ripped more shredded more mahoosive more detailed more far-reaching more far-flung more prolonged more decided more urgent more fundamental more critical more outstretched more outspread more convenient more unco more tolerable more jacked more stalwart more unsparing more money-spinning more moneymaking more economic more majestic more glorious more essential more pressing more central more latitudinous more convoluted more multifarious more multitudinous more dreadful more horrific more noble more amazing more eminent more flowing more thunderous more remarkable more ultra more exceeding more regal more discernible more distinguishable more gorgeous more resplendent more elevated more imperial more marvellous more royal more baronial more gallant more dignified more exceptional more astounding more miraculous more fabulous more startling more splendiferous more illustrious more astonishing more stunning more key more unreal more awe-inspiring more conspicuous more incredible more unbelievable more breathtaking more sensational more perceivable more clear-cut more discernable more evident more palpable more recognizable more definite more apprehensible more ascertainable more eventful more historic more distinctive more mind-blowing more mind-boggling more fantabulous more durable more valuable more principal more wondrous more manifest more tangible more apparent more observable more estimable more major-league more mortal more ominous more marvelous more heavyset more prominent more outstanding more recognisable more zaftig more kenspeckle more unexpected more rare more surprising more muscle-bound more broad-shouldered more corn-fed more unmanageable more unmanoeuvrable more incommodious

Tính từ

Comparative for unreasonable or inappropriate in magnitude
extremer fancier lavisher steeper stiffer wantoner unfairer higher unseemlier pricier huger absurder fulsomer wickeder sneakier unholier posher more inordinate more excessive more exorbitant more extravagant more undue more immoderate more unconscionable more unreasonable more preposterous more unrestrained more unwarranted more intemperate more needless more unjustifiable more unnecessary more unwarrantable more baroque more devilish more insane more intolerable more outrageous more overabundant more overdue more overextravagant more overweening more plethoric more superfluous more towering more unmerciful more unrestricted more dizzying more extortionate more gratuitous more irrational more overindulgent more supererogatory more uncalled for more uncalled-for more uncurbed more unlimited more unmeasurable more untempered more wasteful more over the top more unjustified more unjust more unmerited more improper more inappropriate more undeserved more unprovoked more prohibitive more monstrous more unsuitable more ridiculous more non-essential more inexcusable more criminal more exaggerated more indefensible more enormous more unbecoming more unacceptable more groundless more ill-advised more inflated more illogical more senseless more absonant more wrong more ungrounded more expensive more unpardonable more unforgivable more ruinous more punitive more overpriced more dear more exacting more ludicrous more nonsensical more unneeded more uncivilized more inconceivable more unthinkable more ungodly more reprehensible more appalling more conscienceless more horrifying more barbarous more uncivilised more knavish more far-fetched more unseasonable more illegal more unapt more sinister more ill-timed more forbidden more untimely more indecorous more underhanded more exceeding more inapt more unfitting more inept more wrongful more arbitrary more unlawful more peremptory more far-out more unrightful more imbalanced more off more overinflated more causeless more redundant more avoidable more unreasoning more indiscriminate more careless more brutish more unessential more dispensable more unsupportable more reasonless more assumed more de trop

Tính từ

Comparative for different from each other
absurder bizarrer odder stranger perverser unseemlier unfitter unhappier crosser adverser more diverse more distinct more different more unlike more contradictory more contrary more dissimilar more diversified more incongruous more indiscriminate more mixed more omnifarious more unalike more unique more unrelated more contrasted more discriminable more eclectic more heterogeneous more manifold more unconnected more varied more disparate more distinctive more divergent more motley more variant more contrasting more conflicting more contrastive more discrepant more distinguishable more inconsistent more incompatible more particular more clashing more incongruent more distant more mismatched more incomparable more distinguishing more antithetic more unequal more other more offbeat more unmistakable more differentiable more contradistinct more foreign more irregular more irreconcilable more contradistinctive more incommensurable more oppositional more differential more independent more discrete more express more especial more individual more discordant more uneven more uncoordinated more inappropriate more unsuitable more unsuited more improper more unbecoming more dissonant more disconsonant more inapt more incoherent more inconsonant more alien more unpredictable more unintelligible more fantastic more twisted more illogical more unavailing more lopsided more unbalanced more fitful more jumbled more unmixable more antithetical more wrong more jarring more off-key more incorrect more inapposite more unapt more graceless more amiss more indecorous more malapropos more infelicitous more untoward more inept more diametric more ironic more reverse more diametrical more removed more remote more incongruitous more hostile more inimical more oppugnant more competing more incommensurate more violative

Tính từ

Comparative for not suitable or proper in the circumstances
unseemlier unfitter perverser unhappier funnier awkwarder impoliter unworthier coarser ruder rougher uncouther clumsier vulgarer slower duller stupider cruder tawdrier poorer rowdier cheaper crasser unhandier flatter unlovelier uncomelier tackier unfairer looser wantoner more inappropriate more unsuitable more improper more incongruous more unbecoming more inapt more indecorous more unfitting more inapposite more unbefitting more wrong more amiss more tasteless more infelicitous more malapropos more unacceptable more unprofessional more untimely more unfortunate more ungentlemanly more unladylike more untoward more inadvisable more inexpedient more injudicious more misguided more misplaced more regrettable more tactless more undue more unsuited more unwarranted more graceless more incompatible more incorrect more inept more inopportune more unapt more uncalled-for more ineligible more undesirable more inconsonant more insensitive more irrelevant more off more unseasonable more ill-suited more ill-timed more ill-advised more ill-considered more ill-judged more unconventional more impolitic more gauche more unfitted more detrimental more unmatched more discordant more dissident more inconsistent more disparate more inadmissible more clashing more dissonant more disagreeable more inharmonious more discrepant more inadequate more senseless more jarring more out of character more indelicate more undignified more indecent more indiscreet more ungodly more maladroit more unmannerly more unrefined more disreputable more inexpert more inelegant more raffish more malodorous more shameful more ruffian more inexperienced more unproficient more unmeet more banal more insipid more offensive more unhandsome more salacious more immodest more shameless more unvirtuous more ill-bred more immoral more discourteous more boorish more churlish more ill-mannered more uncivil

Trái nghĩa của more disproportionate

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