Đồng nghĩa của more unrestricted

Tính từ

Comparative for not limited or restricted
freer clearer laxer looser slacker abler wilder wantoner rawer recklesser unrulier faster smoother violenter fitter gayer wickeder fuller stubborner noisier rabider crazier easier tartier slaggier lighter emptier barer starker barrener candider franker bizarrer blunter more open more unlimited more unhindered more absolute more unbounded more unhampered more unrestrained more unbridled more unconditional more unimpeded more unopposed more easygoing more flexible more public more relaxed more uncurbed more unqualified more unregulated more untrammeled more total more unobstructed more independent more liberal more liberated more limitless more uncommitted more uncontrolled more abandoned more unfettered more uninhibited more intemperate more rampant more runaway more unchained more immoral more ungoverned more footloose more licentious more unencumbered more dissolute more incontinent more immoderate more undisciplined more profligate more fugitive more irrepressible more carefree more corrupt more unprincipled more shameless more out of hand more unchallenged more excessive more impetuous more unstoppable more unquenchable more uncontainable more boisterous more passable more uncontrollable more free-range more uncontested more eligible more entitled more depraved more sinful more rakish more impulsive more uninterrupted more unlicensed more untamed more furious more sprung more unclasped more demonstrative more unsubmissive more emotional more disobedient more debauched more ungovernable more unchaste more libertine more immodest more effusive more crazed more turbulent more unconcealed more chaotic more hysterical more madcap more self-indulgent more enthusiastic more unmanageable more berserk more unattached more free and easy more touchy-feely more swinging more whorish more riggish more egalitarian more promiscuous more equal more vacant more evacuated more deserted more unoccupied more desolate more unfilled more vacuous more inordinate more boundless more outrageous more natural more classless more impotent more impertinent more saturnalian more indiscriminate more exaggerated more spontaneous more lawless more flamboyant more plenary more audacious more extravagant

Tính từ

Comparative for having no conditions or limitations
completer arranter blanker cleaner deader deadlier fairer flatter perfecter purer ranker sheerer simpler starker verier clearer firmer steadfaster steadier surer fuller wholer directer realer supremer wider extremer straighter plainer merer grosser huger horribler truer heartier earnester stauncher warmer seriouser loyaler intenser severer harsher candider franker honester bloodier balder austerer viler rigider blunter wholesomer grimmer excellenter colder harder deeper greater acuter more unqualified more unconditional more categorical more absolute more downright more thorough more total more unmitigated more thoroughgoing more unalloyed more unlimited more consummate more positive more unequivocal more wholehearted more unambiguous more unstinting more blooming more bodacious more categoric more definite more dreadful more plumb more profound more regular more solid more straight-out more abiding more blessed more certain more confounded more enduring more explicit more express more infernal more unfaltering more unrestrained more wholesale more genuine more unquestionable more plenary more decisive more final more indubitable more unmistakable more unmodified more emphatic more sweeping more conclusive more assured more open more unquestioning more sovereign more limitless more comprehensive more omnipotent more unbounded more infinite more peremptory more authentic more veritable more clear-cut more extraordinary more dyed-in-the-wool more unremitting more overwhelming more resounding more definitive more forthright more all-encompassing more unfettered more patent more gushing more effusive more uncompromising more palpable more specific more apodictic more adamant more insistent more fixed more resolute more assertive more transparent more obvious more undiminished more unmixed more exhaustive more overarching more undisputed more uninterrupted more inclusive more proper more totalitarian more inveterate more in-depth more everlasting more undying more untouched more untarnished more unblemished more habitual more predominant more committed more tyrannical more boundless more peerless more unshakeable more matchless more sincere more zealous more enthusiastic more fervent more determined more unswerving more unwavering more devoted more dedicated more stalwart more unfeigned more heartfelt more ardent more passionate more fullhearted more constant more impassioned more blatant more flagrant more naked more glaring more decided more brazen more undisguised more barefaced more egregious more pronounced more unregenerate more relentless more unstinted more shameless more atrocious more monstrous more notorious more infamous more unabated more stone-cold more untempered more unbending more concentrated more confident more convinced more unadorned more uncorrupted more oppressive more unembellished more unalleviated more persistent more unrelieved more satisfied more concrete more conspicuous more impeccable more errant more unsurpassable more transcendent more chronic more ideal more flawless more finished more self-assured more self-conceited more self-confident more affirmative more cocksure more forcible more factual more indisputable more incontrovertible more irrefutable more forceful more brutal more tremendous more grievous more hellacious more almighty more outrageous more thundering more preposterous more radical

Tính từ

Comparative for having a relaxed, friendly, or unofficial style, manner, or nature
easier blither calmer comfortabler laxer looser freer mellower milder slacker breezier tranquiler simpler unfussier softer friendlier cooler cozier cosier placider peacefuller subtler soberer pleasanter patienter homier lazier airier jauntier somberer sombrer chummier pallier quieter comfier sloppier sportier slouchier plainer baggier normaler homelier untidier more flexible more relaxed more carefree more casual more easygoing more chilled more composed more halcyon more liberal more nonchalant more uninhibited more collected more compromising more insouciant more liberated more unceremonious more unrestrained more unworried more conciliatory more forgiving more informal more leisurely more unconcerned more undemanding more easy-going more undisturbed more untaxing more untroubled more free and easy more happy-go-lucky more laid back more laid-back more permissive more unrestrictive more lenient more tolerant more accommodating more moderate more congenial more open more offhand more uninvolved more uncritical more unofficial more versatile more self-indulgent more laissez faire more indulgent more forbearing more latitudinarian more open-minded more libertarian more broad-minded more acquiescent more progressive more agreeable more hands-off more susceptible more nonjudgmental more overindulgent more approving more natural more affable more serene more unhurried more unpretentious more devil-may-care more unflappable more amenable more equable more subdued more low-key more unforced more together more familiar more understated more poised more inconspicuous more unostentatious more unstudied more spontaneous more discreet more even-tempered more amiable more cordial more free-and-easy more unstuffy more downbeat more unperturbed more overfamiliar more unstressed more relaxing more convivial more footloose more upbeat more restful more comforting more soothing more imperturbable more unruffled more fun more complacent more complaisant more indolent more unexcitable more easy-peasy more considerate more good-natured more generous more good-humored more good-humoured more understanding more downhome more transparent more careless more indifferent more unfazed more approachable more intimate more receptive more available more matey more amicable more restrained more unaffected more unstructured more uncommitted more welcoming more sociable more hospitable more genial more unbuttoned more obliging more communicative more conversable more accessible more unglamorous more modest more fancy-free more unspectacular more minimalist more unobtrusive more unflashy more softened more conservative more unassuming more repressed more circumspect more muffled more low-profile more ordinary more workaday more self-effacing more dishevelled more disheveled more day-to-day

Tính từ

Comparative for more than is necessary, normal, or desirable
extremer lavisher grosser immenser vaster wantoner huger steeper mightier sillier wilder recklesser violenter stiffer fancier heavier severer rawer greedier unfairer unseemlier harsher austerer unworthier fulsomer higher stricter wickeder verier gushier crueler unholier sneakier larger ambitiouser bolder bigger impoliter ruder direr lordlier showier sterner seriouser tougher sharper rigider rabider eviller uncommoner grander ballsier sheerer more excessive more immoderate more extravagant more undue more enormous more exaggerated more inordinate more intemperate more superfluous more unbridled more unrestrained more unwarranted more boundless more disproportionate more extortionate more gratuitous more needless more profuse more unconscionable more unreasonable more exorbitant more grandiose more improvident more limitless more plethoric more prodigal more profligate more substantial more tremendous more uncontrolled more unlimited more astronomic more astronomical more dizzying more fantastic more humongous more immeasurable more imprudent more indulgent more infinite more insane more intolerable more massive more monstrous more monumental more outrageous more overabundant more overdue more overweening more prodigious more redundant more stupendous more unbounded more uncurbed more unmeasurable more wasteful more colossal more devilish more epic more extensive more gargantuan more gigantic more ludicrous more mammoth more mountainous more overextravagant more overgenerous more overindulgent more preposterous more recrementitious more ridiculous more stratospheric more supernatural more thumping more towering more unfettered more unhampered more uninhibited more unnecessary more over the top more self-indulgent more super-duper more uncalled for more unjustified more egregious more baroque more unmerciful more uncalled-for more debauched more dissipative more unbalanced more unjustifiable more unwarrantable more irrational more supererogatory more untempered more passionate more uncontrollable more unhindered more rampant more runaway more abandoned more tempestuous more dissolute more decadent more ungovernable more incontinent more unjust more unacceptable more indefensible more inexcusable more improper more unprovoked more inappropriate more wrong more unpardonable more unforgivable more unmerited more undeserved more unsuitable more off more groundless more insupportable more reprehensible more irregular more inexpiable more drastic more draconian more unyielding more regrettable more swingeing more ungrounded more punitive more radical more indiscriminate more illegal more non-essential more disgraceful more fanatical more unbecoming more objectionable more ill-advised more unbending more unequal more unsatisfactory more criminal more deplorable more culpable more censurable more wrongful more unmitigated more unrelenting more zealous more punishing more incommensurate more de trop more overblown more overripe more abounding more unneeded more diabolical more indiscreet more incorrect more unseasonable more sinister more forbidden more untimely more indecorous more exceeding more inapt more unfitting more unapt more ill-timed more underhanded more inept more effusive more gushing more offensive more scandalous more distasteful more fancy-pants more inadequate more insufficient more inflexible more stringent more causeless more undesirable more insufferable more exceptionable more burdensome more unlawful more illicit more avoidable more senseless more illegitimate more tyrannical more ruthless more merciless more outré more savage more demanding more unreasoning more careless more dispensable more brutish more unessential more incommensurable more uncivilized more inconceivable more unthinkable more ungodly more illogical more appalling more conscienceless more horrifying more barbarous more uncivilised more knavish more authoritarian more ostentatious more imposing more inflated more crippling more crushing more unsupportable more assumed more reasonless more audacious more immodest more hardhanded more iniquitous more prohibitive more revolutionary more immoral more unethical more criticizable more unpermissible more untenable more blamable more unallowable more impermissible more commanding more elaborate more magnificent more uneven more desperate more uncompromising more heavy-handed more iron-fisted more iron-handed more momentous more far-reaching more forceful more lawless more felonious more unusual more consequential more exceptional more impressive more subversive more militant more rebellious more overzealous more diehard more fanatic more dishonorable more dishonest more rigorous more remarkable more downright more ferocious more oppressive more unconventional more thorough more flagrant more absolute more heroic more adventurous more fanciful more dishonourable more ultra more nonsensical more fabulous more combative more lopsided more top-heavy more asymmetric more inconsistent more unsymmetrical more disparate more swivel-eyed

Tính từ

Comparative for having or appearing to have no limits
vaster immenser lavisher fuller huger greater larger deeper wider open supremer wider extremer realer completer longer boringer duller more unbounded more limitless more unlimited more boundless more infinite more illimitable more immeasurable more uncontrolled more unrestrained more absolute more unbridled more unconditional more cosmic more everlasting more interminable more fathomless more indefinite more total more unfathomable more unflagging more amaranthine more constant more deathless more enduring more incalculable more incessant more indeterminate more monotonous more multitudinous more self-perpetuating more undying more uninterrupted more unsurpassable more undecided more indeterminable more unknown more extensive more enormous more unresolved more unsettled more uncertain more unceasing more abundant more unfailing more innumerable more tremendous more incomprehensible more abounding more innumerous more unplumbed more profound more unsounded more abysmal more permanent more priceless more invaluable more uncalculable more precious more valuable more prodigious more copious more lasting more bountiful more persistent more stupendous more perdurable more supertemporal more stellar more yawning more full-out more universal more all-encompassing more totalitarian more cavernous more chasmic more gaping more considerable more massive more unmeasurable more colossal more unmeasured more soundless more long-winded more long-drawn-out more wearisome more tedious more protracted more sustained more ponderous more meandering more laborious more interminate more timeless more looped more spun out more strung out

Tính từ

Comparative for open, honest, and direct in speech or writing, especially when dealing with unpalatable matters
franker candider directer plainer honester straighter blunter rounder freer balder bluffer easier realer bolder clearer simpler truer harsher trustworthier squarer curter brusquer starker barer ruder shorter gruffer fairer sharper terser snippier earnester juster rougher impoliter snappier heartier crisper rawer tarter purer crustier brusker severer briefer better homelier completer folksier homier dustier grittier sheerer harder austerer flatter brisker colder unworldlier greener callower ignoranter grimmer deeper leveler unwarier patchier friendlier cheerier louder trustier sillier robuster humbler cleaner unkinder crueler outdoorsier earthier mundaner grosser funkier duller lustier more open more straightforward more forthright more outspoken more plain-spoken more sincere more truthful more artless more explicit more guileless more matter-of-fact more unambiguous more unequivocal more upfront more free-spoken more no-nonsense more brutal more downright more forthcoming more foursquare more freehearted more openhearted more plainspoken more unguarded more unsparing more ingenuous more apparent more brazen more familiar more naive more natural more scrupulous more unfiltered more uninhibited more upright more transparent more unconcealed more undisguised more straight-out more unrestrained more unreticent more specific more distinct more patent more unevasive more unmistakable more categorical more unqualified more clear-cut more genuine more unaffected more unpretentious more abrupt more innocent more unfeigned more unpretending more tactless more undiplomatic more realistic more naked more unembellished more unceremonious more dinkum more unadorned more blatant more righteous more unexaggerated more reliable more kosher more heartfelt more unsophisticated more legit more unstudied more vocal more literal more pukka more legitimate more lawful more discourteous more legal more caustic more undissembled more unforced more barefaced more veracious more positive more undesigning more spontaneous more childlike more cavalier more indelicate more honourable more express more decisive more unbiased more unprejudiced more uncivil more insensitive more authentic more unmannered more proper more honorable more impolitic more wholehearted more unstinting more principled more unartificial more snappish more offhand more virtuous more uncompromising more basic more honest-to-goodness more full-hearted more visible more valid more unquestionable more unimpeachable more well-established more fundamental more licit more vociferous more indiscreet more personal more intimate more demonstrative more manifest more obvious more evident more unartful more communicative more opinionated more strident more unmodified more free-speaking more exact more parrhesiastic more unhypocritical more certain more flagrant more accountable more vigorous more ungracious more intolerant more heartless more total more palpable more businesslike more inexperienced more definite more open-and-shut more abrasive more pretenseless more profound more absolute more credulous more unsuspicious more gullible more trustful more worn more threadbare more approachable more good-natured more genial more faithful more for real more relaxed more right-on more unselfconscious more ethical more correct more right on more regular more modest more laconic more snippety more breviloquent more blustering more bearish more precise more believable more veritable more dependable more impartial more unassuming more equitable more objective more reputable more upstanding more dispassionate more decent more moral more unrefined more hard-hitting more trenchant more open-minded more equal more fair-minded more unpolished more inconsiderate more neutral more reasonable more unspoiled more unobtrusive more unostentatious more unimposing more disrespectful more hardheaded more practical more pragmatic more pragmatical more indifferent more nonpartisan more detached more evenhanded more easy-going more unpresumptuous more unambitious more discreet more self-effacing more prosaic more laid-back more uncomplex more inelaborate more unfeeling more impertinent more hurtful more thoughtless more uncaring more unsympathetic more uncorrupted more blameless more rational more civil more uncivilized more uncharitable more unconsiderate more unladylike more ungentlemanly more lowbred more hard-boiled more unidealistic more easygoing more uncivilised more confrontational more aggressive more confronting more uncalled for

Tính từ

Comparative for characterized by a disregard for rules or conventions

Tính từ

Comparative for situated in, designed to be used in, or carried on in the open air

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Comparative for free from an obligation or liability imposed on others

Trái nghĩa của more unrestricted

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