Đồng nghĩa của tonier

Alternative for tonier

tony /'touni/
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Tính từ

Comparative for stylish, high-toned, upscale
chicer currenter faddier flier hotter moderner nattier newer posher smarter swanker swankier trendier trigger cooler sharper hipper kickier spiffier snazzier sassier snappier classier swisher fresher groovier niftier sweller bigger dapperer ritzier funkier dressier sprucer trimmer fancier deffer slicker jauntier flashier jazzier finer neater better-dressed plusher better-groomed cleaner crisper lovelier gnarlier cleverer excellenter showier sleeker steezier splashier pizzazzier pizazzier primmer daintier grander swishier gayer louder brighter statelier courtlier plushier dictier savvier larger fabber sexier richer sportier glitzier timelier better-off wickeder earthier younger nicer gimmickier smoother better suaver zeitgeistier shinier doper better-known livelier widerspread newsworthier glitterier gaudier stranger foxier splendider more elegant more expensive more fashionable more well-heeled more chichi more contemporary more customary more dashing more favoured more favored more genteel more modish more popular more prevailing more rakish more stylish more trendsetting more upscale more up-to-the-minute more usual more voguish more in more happening more up to date more exclusive more in fashion more au courant more supercool more on fleek more swinging more sophisticated more debonair more attractive more up-to-date more with-it more flash more de rigueur more high-class more glamorous more culty more tasteful more high-toned more massive more hep more avant-garde more faddish more understated more flattering more downtown more modernistic more ostentatious more beautiful more upmarket more red-hot more plugged-in more prevalent more sought-after more fashion-conscious more formal more in demand more elaborate more ornate more cosmopolitan more gorgeous more stunning more appealing more impressive more polished more on trend more styleworthy more exciting more fancy-pants more distinctive more ingenious more crucial more urbane more pretentious more sumptuous more deluxe more colorful more flamboyant more dressed up more majestic more handsome more graceful more refined more select more colourful more conscious more observant more knowing more alive more apprehensive more versed more knowledgeable more awake more aware more perceptive more informed more familiar more plugged in more up on more new-fashioned more advanced more progressive more forward-looking more cutting edge more go-ahead more recent more state-of-the-art more brand-new more modernised more new age more innovative more groundbreaking more innovatory more leading more novel more ultramodern more favorite more desirable more wanted more cutting-edge more coveted more topical more offbeat more unconventional more preferred more present more inspired more immediate more unique more futuristic more trailblazing more far-out more youthful more flippant more enviable more swaggy more celebrated more revolutionary more legendary more casual more informal more glorious more prompt more successful more spirited more active more marketable more ad hoc more thrilled more required more vivacious more raffish more merchantable more merchandisable more salable more vendible more relevant more touched more elated more moved more excited more animated more pressing more vital more important more flaunting more brazen more glittering more original more creative more accepted more buzzworthy more unaccustomed more innovational more unfamiliar more inventive more unheard-of more unknown more experimental more visionary more unexplored more artistic more different more far out more imaginative more subjective more interesting more alluring more charming more worked up more fired up more entrancing more charismatic more fascinating more bewitching more enchanting more unusual more seductive more beguiling more captivating more intriguing more fetching more elfin more magnetic more dazzling more engaging more tantalizing more irresistible more prestigious more righteous more opulent more tantalising more esoteric more specialist more intellectual

Tính từ

Comparative for elegant or stylishly luxurious

Tính từ

Comparative for smugly superior or dismissive of perceived inferiors
snootier snobbier snottier uppitier prouder haughtier pottier ritzier high and mightier sniffier snippier swankier toploftier pushier loftier cockier lordlier brasher smugger chestier bolder brassier smarter huffier flipper ruder sassier saucier wiser perter fresher cheekier cooler vainer posher nervier stiffer showier surer foolhardier rasher archer puffier phonier braggier stuffier flightier dizzier giddier louder higher windier ambitiouser freer impoliter wilfuller rigider curter recklesser hastier airier grander flowerier splendider jauntier terser brusquer glibber bragger more snobbish more high-hat more toffee-nosed more elitist more hoity-toity more arrogant more condescending more patronising more patronizing more pretentious more stuck-up more disdainful more exclusive more affected more aristocratic more fancy-pants more la-di-da more persnickety more supercilious more uppish more aloof more cliquish more conceited more egotistic more high-flown more ostentatious more overbearing more pompous more remote more presumptuous more overweening more overconfident more peremptory more cavalier more bullish more cocksure more domineering more dictatorial more bumptious more insolent more self-important more masterful more blustering more huffish more toploftical more assumptive more officious more highfalutin more hifalutin more important more opinionated more boastful more immodest more impertinent more unabashed more contumelious more hubristic more audacious more pushful more brazen more boldfaced more malapert more barefaced more procacious more smart-alecky more self-assertive more stiff-necked more high-handed more egotistical more vainglorious more prideful more contemptuous more swaggering more scornful more impudent more puffed up more self-satisfied more bigheaded more pontifical more egoistic more egoistical more bossy more narcissistic more swellheaded more self-conceited more full of oneself more self-centered more magisterial more self-centred more grandiose more self-assured more egocentric more self-confident more biggity more biggety more selfish more self-congratulatory more confident more assured more stuck up more bloated more complacent more mocking more sententious more autocratic more self-serving more self-righteous more authoritarian more orgulous more dismissive more blusterous more indifferent more consequential more inconsiderate more overbold more tyrannical more uncivil more despotic more careless more disrespectful more portentous more flaunting more high-minded more brazen-faced more bold-faced more full of hot air more self-complacent more extroverted more bombastic more braggart more extraverted more uninhibited more blustery more vaunting more arbitrary more thoughtless more complaisant more oppressive more obnoxious more offhand more inflated more poncey more selective more highhanded more derisive more puffed more familiar more undemocratic more heavy-handed more detached more self-aggrandizing more reserved more distant more refined more overfamiliar more anti-democratic more inflexible more willful more repressive more high falutin more casual more madcap more temerarious more daredevil more previous more premature more impetuous more precipitate more withering more disparaging more slighting more gracious more honorable more honourable more discriminatory more unconcerned more uninterested more insouciant more presumptive more commanding more standoffish more overoptimistic more heedless more spectacular more highfaluting more flatulent more overstated more exaggerated more magnificent more discourteous more unceremonious more insulting more abhorrent more shameless more inappropriate more improper more positive more ironhanded more dominant more hotshot more certain more ungracious more cursory more off more perfunctory more abrupt more averse more antipathetic more unsympathetic more pococurante more offish more peacockish more snot-nosed

Trái nghĩa của tonier

tonier Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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