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higher grander loftier noteworthier powerfuller uppermore greater better-known brighter auguster worthier mightier excellenter better bigger supremer heavier stronger statelier ritzier classier posher swankier fairer trustworthier chicer smarter honester splendider lordlier juster prouder superber archer seriouser better-connected sublimer praiseworthier vivider catchier eliter larger glitzier splashier weightier showier higher-quality gentler trustier peacefuller choicer richer kinglier portlier staider hardier robuster doughtier stouter sturdier lustier wieldier strengthier uncommoner sounder finer wonderfuller graver odder huger fabber heavenlier stranger curiouser immenser weirder vaster bizarrer queerer harder vastier bulkier earnester sombrer somberer ambitiouser haughtier heftier commoner intenser sager fatter difficulter tougher wiser courtlier soberer perfecter starchier niftier holier abler extremer daintier higher-octane goodlier tidier huskier more prominent more senior more distinguished more eminent more high-ranking more influential more authoritative more dominant more elevated more leading more notable more commanding more consequential more illustrious more principal more ranking more important more primary more top-notch more celebrated more famous more major league more renowned more supereminent more skookum more esteemed more acclaimed more noble more respected more outstanding more noted more famed more honoured more honored more reputable more venerable more recognized more estimable more respectable more glorious more recognised more revered more notorious more redoubtable more luminous more significant more reputed more astral more honourable more honorable more imposing more high-powered more conspicuous more valued more major more acknowledged more impressive more puissant more popular more remarkable more well-regarded more high-profile more big-league more dignified more vaunted more legendary more memorable more glamorous more predominant more major-league more extraordinary more prized more considerable more visible more storied more seminal more world-class more well-thought-of more exceptional more established more magnificent more aristocratic more distinctive more brilliant more potent more fabled more feted more big league more striking more key more upmarket more reliable more marked more expensive more momentous more creditable more central more decent more unforgettable more special more admirable more salient more peerless more iconic more heavy-duty more formidable more celebrious more high-minded more high profile more high-up more resonant more exclusive more upright more virtuous more upscale more regal more principled more majestic more monumental more pronounced more noticeable more pivotal more appreciated more royal more high-class more eye-catching more historic more righteous more controlling more magnific more professional more integral more essential more public more star-studded more glittering more prevailing more heroic more infamous more fundamental more incomparable more meritorious more historical more resplendent more arrestive more pompous more haunting more indelible more decorated more beloved more cardinal more hyped more overhyped more material more talked about more prizewinning more proverbial more prodigious more magnanimous more substantial more far-reaching more singular more overbearing more idealistic more matchless more learned more unparalleled more gifted more triumphal more dynamic more energetic more instrumental more upstanding more especial more shining more valuable more executive more trendsetting more sovereign more vital more winning more nonpareil more tinsel more dutiful more patrician more efficient more competent more lawful more palmary more praisable more meritable more deserving more appreciable more lionlike more leonine more intellectual more civilized more eventful more duteous more proper more select more eloquent more phenomenal more cogent more towering more successful more marvelous more orderly more moral more marvellous more responsible more effectual more fearless more valorous more tenacious more genteel more highbred more self-important more uplifting more overblown more excessive more immodest more exaggerated more hallowed more imperial more ethical more respectful more peaceable more solemn more well behaved more stand-up more right-minded more upper-crust more blue-blooded more massive more epic more heroical more grandiose more baronial more awe-inspiring more Homeric more gallant more civilised more solid more vigorous more strapping more stalwart more forceful more legitimate more indomitable more manful more obvious more omnipotent more almighty more conscientious more dependable more rare more unusual more particular more favored more truthful more faithful more straightforward more constant more sincere more copper-bottomed more legit more glaring more peculiar more favoured more tried and trusted more topmost more awesome more unique more stellar more amazing more astonishing more transcendent more gorgeous more tremendous more terrific more uppermost more refreshing more unreal more atypical more consummate more beautiful more abnormal more time-honored more exemplary more overmastering more mammoth more fantastic more unwonted more incredible more sovran more unconventional more mind-blowing more splendiferous more super-duper more far-out more triumphant more delightful more dazzling more effulgent more radiant more enormous more unfamiliar more uncustomary more colossal more titanic more gigantic more critical more inflated more anomalous more decisive more unexpected more ideal more crucial more surprising more familiar more gargantuan more mountainous more monstrous more elephantine more stupendous more divine more humongous more aberrated more aberrant more preternatural more exceeding more astronomical more novel more fabulous more refined more brobdingnagian more inconceivable more astronomic more sedate more oceanic more humungous more gigantesque more sizable more sacred more cyclopean more cosmic more cosmical more pharaonic more smashing more atypic more galactic more unordinary more mind-boggling more meaningful more splendorous more crowning more moving more pleasurable more splendrous more enjoyable more unmatched more extravagant more accomplished more recognizable more timeless more abiding more classic more time-honoured more traditional more ageless more enduring more requisite more intrinsic more thumping more ginormous more prevalent more outside more grandiloquent more indispensable more needed more necessary more recognisable more preponderant more urgent more ostentatious more opulent more sumptuous more pretentious more luxurious more ace more extensive more expansive more irresistible more mondo more decorous more formal more high up more ascendant more top-class more unaccustomed more untypical more fateful more experienced more patriarchal more worshipful more philosophical more matriarchal more upward more overhead more ceremonious more reserved more unheard-of more irregular more infrequent more strategic more earthshaking more rapturous more blissful more uncharacteristic more effective more gracious more composed more exquisite more magisterial more couth more assertive more demonstrative more domineering more inspiring more spiritual more transcendental more abstract more inspirational more outrageous more self-respecting more capable more efficacious more emphatic more sensational more spectacular more astounding more fearsome more elegant more delicate more invaluable more voluminous more sizeable more handsome more biggish more precious more priceless more oversize more recherche

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