Đồng nghĩa của kicks around

Động từ

To behave or spend time in a frivolous way
doodles plays fribbles trifles potters around goof around hangs about monkeys around fiddles around putters around messes around fools around clowns plays around dawdles wastes time larks amuses oneself larks around horses around idles relaxes potters frolics fools about mucks about lollygags capers romps dallies gambols fiddles loiters has fun messes about rollicks larks about entertains oneself carouses has a good time plays games engages in games idles away acts the fool enjoys oneself entertains yourself twiddles lounges dilly-dallies lounges around chills out lolls around rests up lazes around mooches around faffs about footles futzes prats about mucks around has a lark clowns around plays the fool has a laugh kills time hangs around fiddles about sports frisks toys cavorts revels rests skylarks lets loose jumps jests fools diverts lets go rejoices occupies oneself goes on a spree kids lets one's hair down carries on cuts capers disports oneself occupies yourself disports makes merry cuts up kicks up heels diverts oneself enjoys yourself recreates jokes skips prances curvets monkeys about plays tricks whoops it up indulges in horseplay kids around kicks up your heels acts the goat wantons bounds about roisters celebrates jumps around bounds around jumps about springs around rollics springs about plays about acts foolishly dances leaps leaps about springs trips hops scampers acts the clown lets off steam caprioles bobs bounces goes on the town horses about engages in high jinks plays the goat bugs out acts crazy plays for laughs plays the giddy goat sprees riots makes mischief footles about raises hell cuts loose footles around clowns about kicks up one's heels goes on a tear fannies about acts the giddy goat plays up

Động từ

To consider or give serious or careful thought to
considers contemplates ponders studies deliberates questions weighs debates ruminates meditates cogitates revolves perpends turns entertains eyes mulls over thinks about chews over pores over wrestles with thinks over weighs up gives thought to reflects meditates on reflects on muses excogitates muses on broods over turns over ruminates on reviews thinks cerebrates speculates dwells on cogitates about pores on evaluates examines cogitates on thinks out puzzles over appraises broods deliberates about deliberates on figures ruminates about thinks on looks at sizes up brainstorms judges reasons broods on thinks through analyses analyzes assesses wonders ruminates over beats one's brains out about racks brains considers the pros and cons of puts on thinking cap chews on turns over in one's mind stews over rolls investigates researches scrutinizes probes explores enquires into looks into imagines ponders on gives consideration to scrutinises agonizes over envisions meditates over worries about broods about minds takes stock of deliberates over muses over speculates about sums up sorts out surveys compares puzzles dissects schemes ponders over inspects delves into conceives turns over in your mind noodles around bats it around consults argues asks oneself takes into consideration talks over runs up a flagpole knocks around chews the cud meditates upon entertains the idea of tracks asks oneself about wonders about pictures gives much thought to thinks hard reflects upon sweats over discusses moons hammers away at pours it on turns over in mind gives some thought to woolgathers mulls dwells contemplates on bats about kicks about bats around bethinks stops to consider takes under consideration stews about uses one's head mulls over things chews over things considers as an example takes as an example takes deals with looks at as an example moots eyes up rehashes sweats makes enquiries into estimates deliberates upon hashes over rates takes something under advisement supports plans designs reflects about purposes intends maintains devises digests percolates pores thinks of aspires to expects takes in anticipates ruminates upon cools out holds harbors fosters harbours projects proposes identifies plots brooks cherishes tolerates countenances thinks deeply views entertains idea engages in contemplation says to oneself debates with oneself has in mind dreams suffers conceives of digs into checks out goes over works over looks over inquires into tests has a look at sounds out tries leaves no stone unturned opens up goes into determines picks apart recognizes heeds approves of allows yourself to consider recognises keeps in mind bears in mind agrees to conjectures monitors guesses surmises peruses supposes hypothesizes agonizes theorizes experiments canvasses conducts research into dives into daresays beats one's brains reads between lines has a hunch figures out theorises forms theories makes guesses psychs out calls it presumes dopes out hazards a guess dopes runs it up flagpole assumes suspicions builds castles in air guesstimates suspects hypothesises postulates reads makes suppositions calls the turn worries conducts a survey of does research envisages flashes on agonises inquires stews daydreams goes through enquires regards interprets discerns ideates chews toys with wallows in lingers upon lingers on understands soul-searches self-reflects picks at goes on about spends too much time thinking about plays around with keeps thinking about keeps talking about looks inward observes comprehends intellectualizes discovers rationalizes lucubrates introspects processes logicalizes self-questions intellectualises rationalises clarifies perceives makes sense of ratiocinates decides on puts on one's thinking cap forms formulates beholds sees cerebrates on visualizes visualises images balances has a think about parses winnows audits delves recollects feels makes infers appreciates deduces resolves entertains the thought of considers the possibility of marvels thinks hard about cudgels stargazes chaws registers gets a load of contextualizes contextualises stares into space digs learns coaches grinds plunges refreshes plugs crams tutors accepts assimilates checks scans quests speculates on metabolises revolves in one's mind trips out zones out tunes out spaces out queries eyeballs tackles scopes out looks anatomizes assays esteems treats has one's head in the clouds learns the ropes buries oneself in polishes up burns the midnight oil burns midnight oil cracks the books elucubrates pulls an all-nighter hits the books applies oneself reads up bones up getd down to brass tacks metabolizes obsesses senses cuts deconstructs doubts moralizes lets one's thoughts wander indulges in wool-gathering frets mopes breaks down looks upon looks on concentrates apprehends asks yourself sulks about languishes over moons over mopes over grieves over frets about repines uncovers brings to light unearths glooms languishes bleeds laments sighs desponds sulks grieves feels despondent about cudgels your brains fantasizes preaches sermonizes pontificates pronounces cudgels one's brains sleeps on it fancies sweats out chafes inwardly thinks upon fantasies visions depictures cultivates pioneers hatches innovates conjures up an image of fantasises dwells upon eats your heart out eats one's heart out contrives moralises philosophizes philosophises sermonises dreams up performs trumps up realizes realises sparks off sparks creates cooks up thinks up

Động từ

To waste or spend time idly and unfruitfully
lounges lazes loafs idles dallies lolls dawdles lazies bums chills dillydallies footles drones hangs about goofs off kicks back vegges out hacks around hangs around hangs out loiters relaxes kills time wastes time takes it easy vegetates potters passes time slacks lounges around fools around lies around sits around fritters away fritters away time rests stalls trifles goldbricks skives whiles away the time twiddles your thumbs lounges about does nothing lolls around bums around slows down hangs round sprawls reclines remains stays slouches lingers lies saunters languishes outspans waits hovers drifts mooches fritters basks lollygags unwinds messes around lazes about chills out loafs around twiddles thumbs sits on one's hands loafs about lolls about kicks your heels mooches about amuses oneself lies about consumes time marks time fills in time malingers stagnates passes the time stands around idles away time idles away the hours knocks around lazes around whiles away hours mooches around does nothing in particular vacillates strolls shirks takes things easy lets down evades dreams piddles lies dormant twiddles one's thumbs messes about fiddles around futzes slumps flops slouches around bobs off ambles stooges molders kicks one's heels slummocks slouches about sits back bats about bludges degenerates goes to seed fannies about droops bats around whiles moons wanders moulders sits back and do nothing whiles away haunts frequents puts your feet up chillaxes takes a break takes a breather takes five meanders bats sits reposes fools away daydreams piddles about vegges whiles away the hours piddles around veges dosses luxuriates leans hangs drapes oneself stretches oneself fritters time away makes yourself at home slackens leans back lies back stops tarries sits tight delays kicks about pauses sticks around stays put bides sags stretches out wilts unbends lies down de-stresses slacks off loosens up flags swags sinks plays takes time off eases off eases up entertains oneself enjoys oneself stretches collapses stays loose subsides weakens lets it all hang out unbuttons lets up takes time out sleeps extends drapes straddles spreads out winds down takes your ease falters mellows out lies spread-eagle hunchs flumps settles bends drowses slumbers couches naps decompresses stands down plops oneself lets yourself go settles back cools off puts one's feet up goes to bed straggles spreads trails rambles crumples falls tires deteriorates exists spread-eagles decays hibernates quietens down quietens lets one's hair down sits heavily calms down quiets down sunbathes retires goes to pot siestas stretches oneself out turns in covers stoops dozes suns warms oneself grows tired becomes fatigued grows weak loses energy loses strength grows weary drapes yourself snoozes falls back suns oneself warms yourself toasts yourself withers extends over stretches over toasts oneself swims in fades catnaps zizzes kips dries crouches bows has a kip sits down gets some kip takes a siesta takes life easy has a rest catches some Zs has a nap refreshes oneself has a snooze nods off has forty winks has a spell puts feet up takes a rest lies still snatches forty winks lies by takes a nap gets some shut-eye refreshes yourself has a siesta shrivels becomes flaccid shrivels up becomes limp wastes away goes into a decline lollops unlaxes lays down simmers down makes less tense composes oneself takes one's time lightens up stops work lets your hair down breathes easy knocks off collects oneself has a break makes oneself at home takes ten lets oneself go feels at home rests upon settles down lies upon

Động từ

To aimlessly move or drift from place to place
wanders roams meanders rambles roves drifts ranges traipses maunders gallivants cruises galavants mooches bats floats knocks about gads about strolls ambles straggles gads strays stravaigs peregrinates moseys walks saunters tootles goes walkabout prowls vagabonds circumambulates tramps jaunts treks hikes knocks around travels potters dawdles bimbles globe-trots follows one's nose traverses streels pootles journeys coasts mills around hopscotches circumnutates trudges mills round rolls mills about walks the tracks mooches around tours promenades swans perambulates trails hits the road backpacks gets sidetracked takes a walk circumlocutes divagates wanders about moves idles runs flits goes hither and thither travels about goes for a walk clambers bats around zigzags tromps winds loafs globetrots runs around dilly-dallies twines twists and turns changes extravagates recoils travels around deviates passes over crosses scours encompasses makes circuit explores reconnoitres hits the trail spreads through reconnoiters searches sweeps wanders aimlessly goes off at a tangent dallies moves aimlessly gets off the point troops schleps marches struts lumbers strides parades prances paces goes on foot travels on foot bums struggles along treks through bums around plods shuffles loiters toddles stumps treads goes slogs mopes legs it footslogs hoofs yomps sashays takes the air proceeds voyages lingers hoofs it trips steps ambulates putters advances lags tarries patrols crawls makes your way shambles hangs about migrates takes a trip walks slowly files canters pounds percolates ankles gets some air gets some exercise foots it pads lolls takes a turn scuffs trogs creeps limps scrambles walks casually progresses hits the bricks sloughs skulks drags departs drags oneself pilgrimages follows takes a stroll passes makes one's way pokes tails foots wends one's way shilly-shallies falls behind sets out gets no place fast goes slowly moves slowly brings up the rear sets forth hangs around hangs boogies ganders oozes trills climbs gallops transitions goes for a stroll steps out stooges ventures wayfares stalks locomotes races pounds the pavement strolls along takes it easy plods on swings minces pushes on trots delays skips tiptoes descends ascends goes on a journey goes on a trip goes on a excursion hobbles staggers socializes parties raves stretches your legs walks up and down marches up and down roams around socialises flits around jaunts around goes by foot goes up goes forward goes down moves forward presses on toils slouches walks to and fro walks back and forth goes for a constitutional goes clubbing goes partying dillydallies diddles lollygags lallygags stumbles lives it up raves it up hangs back drags yourself drags along tags along drags one's feet tags along behind totters paints the town red passes time dabbles puts off lurks slackens procrastinates fritters away flags hovers pauses halts hangs out dodders waddles has a night on the town stomps barges scuffles lumps galumphs clumps flounders stamps shifts lurches flogs covers rides circumnavigates courses tracks transits navigates sails cuts across transmits wends junkets hops drags your feet droops dangles sags overnights goes round proceeds along moves round covers ground takes a boat makes a journey passes through goes into orbit gets through wends your way goes riding takes a train takes a plane spreads hangs down errs straddles strings out lags behind pokes around trails behind drops behind

Động từ

To inflict emotional or physical harm or distress upon
abuses maltreats mistreats manhandles mishandles bullies misuses brutalises brutalizes ill-treats ill-uses messes over harms hurts injures knocks about mauls knocks around treats badly molests beats handles roughly roughs up beats up hits strikes persecutes does over damages wrongs oppresses batters treats roughly takes apart torments harasses misemploys prostitutes victimizes neglects messes up victimises shakes up roughhouses bungs up tortures spoils taints wastes overtaxes overburdens exhausts dissipates overworks squanders dumps on outrages totals cuts up pushes pulls bangs up ruins interferes with assaults shoves hustles jostles profanes misapplies perverts paws exploits desecrates corrupts mismanages misappropriates blows runs through goes through rousts handles bundles mangles slaps around bashes backbites rips gives black eye chops trashes pushes around wounds waxes does wrong harries afflicts agonizes racks excruciates agonises harrows plagues martyrs anguishes crucifies punishes inflicts suffering on inflicts pain on distresses bedevils besets besieges curses smites martyrizes works over picks on causes pain to bothers pains attacks worries mortifies thrashes troubles beats up on bashes up beats the living daylights out of duffs up executes hunts causes agony to causes suffering to inflicts anguish on kills hounds pursues bloodies scourges traumatizes tyrannizes nails to cross hangs on a cross puts to death hangs nails to a cross traumatises discommodes disserves incommodes inconveniences tyrannises discriminates against tramples on causes injury to lashes out at puts down lays a finger on does violence to crosses up whips impales mutilates lacerates grills maims puts on the rack gives someone the works

Động từ

(about a particular subject) To express or communicate one's opinion or ideas with a person or a group of people

Động từ

To inflict, or threaten to inflict, physical or emotional harm to
pushes someone around bosses about bosses around bullies domineers tramples on treads on abuses browbeats bulldozes intimidates kicks about leans on maltreats mistreats rides roughshod over tyrannises tyrannizes picks on terrorises terrorizes threatens torments victimises victimizes oppresses dominates subjugates persecutes menaces hectors overbears walks all over pushes around pushes about pressurizes rules bosses railroads prevails predominates preponderates reigns blusters squeezes swaggers bends henpecks dictates to runs things is in the saddle puts the screws on pressurises runs the show rules with a rod of iron rules the roost gives orders to lords it over calls the shots orders around uses strong-arm tactics on pushes the buttons throws weight around are in the saddle rules with an iron hand keeps under thumb orders about strong-arms bends to one's will leads by the nose hounds scares aggrieves distresses manhandles harries harasses cows overwhelms misuses frightens overpowers brutalizes ill-uses puts down messes over brutalises plays the heavy with mishandles ill-treats tortures treats harshly dictates controls coerces lays down the law badgers directs commands bullyrags governs dragoons pushes bogarts mau-maus blackjacks leads represses sways runs nags heads calls the tune presides over pulls rank on chivvies plagues worries steamrollers rides heckles baits irritates hassles teases orders masters influences suppresses hegemonizes crushes subordinates eclipses vanquishes subjects conquers overshadows subdues enslaves monopolizes outshines pacifies overrules tramples oversees superintends brings someone to their knees holds down treats brutally rules despotically tramples underfoot keeps down domineers over has someone under your thumb grinds down handles has upper hand has the whip hand over keeps under your thumb exercises control over has mastery over has one's way heads up wears the trousers has ascendancy over sits on top of prevails over takes over plays first fiddle has the upper hand over monopolises holds sway over rules the roost in has the upper hand in quarterbacks supervises captains spearheads manages administrates acts the tin god takes charge tells what to do is in charge gives orders tries to control are in charge pressures compels forces bludgeons goads overawes pesters despotizes castigates puts the chill on puts heat on twists somebody's arm puts through the wringer

Trái nghĩa của kicks around

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