Đồng nghĩa của sleazier

Alternative for sleazier

sleazy /'sli:zi/
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Tính từ

Comparative for displaying severe degradation and neglect
seedier sordider squalider tackier meaner grungier scruffier cheaper crummier rattier seamier slummier unpleasanter dumpier grottier lower mangier miserabler scrubbier scuzzier shabbier tattier scungier skankier baser dodgier grubbier limper paltrier skeezier slimier dingier untidier slovenlier messier frowzier sloppier dirtier shoddier wretcheder daggier poorer older raggedier ricketier dowdier shackier sorrier blowsier blowzier shaggier pitifuller slobbier frowsier tawdrier raunchier knottier nastier filthier frumpier holier trashier yuckier barer meagerer meagrer scragglier schlumpier shakier tanglier scraggier ruggeder cruder vulgarer gaudier rougher showier kitscher badder stragglier ancienter lousier sadder scroungier commoner louder grodier wilder crumblier scabbier mankier sicker gungier stickier gunkier muckier ranker flashier naffer droopier sicklier pokier stodgier creakier rottener infirmer flimsier fragiler unsteadier uncouther wobblier frailer weaker feebler better-read faultier unhealthier rockier more insalubrious more unprepossessing more beat-up more bombed-out more dilapidated more dog-eared more low-class more moth-eaten more neglected more tatterdemalion more threadbare more timeworn more tumbledown more disreputable more broken-down more unkempt more bedraggled more ragged more decrepit more ramshackle more worn more disheveled more dishevelled more decayed more faded more slatternly more uncared-for more battered more frayed more unmaintained more ill-groomed more draggletailed more worn out more ruinous more derelict more dismal more ruined more shambly more draggle-tailed more deteriorating more tired more tousled more rumpled more matted more uncombed more depressed more desolate more slobbish more slipshod more rumpty more poverty-stricken more beat up more weather-beaten more second-rate more slumlike more ragtag more damaged more mussy more disordered more untended more windblown more knotted more wrinkled more overcrowded more ripped more frazzled more broken more crooked more dishonest more deprived more underprivileged more tasteless more outworn more garish more unsavoury more unsavory more withering more mediocre more old-fashioned more substandard more ordinary more used more low-grade more middling more menial more windswept more wrecked more flash more shattered more peaked more tottering more marred more unsound more messed up more impoverished more indigent more unimproved more beat more overgrown more wilted more ailing more drooping more sagging more used up more ostentatious more unsuitable more unbecoming more out-of-date more waxy more outmoded more messed-up more insecure more precarious more unsafe more abandoned more antiquated more clapped out more perishing more forsaken more godforsaken more historic more uncultivated more unweeded more unlivable more done more hazardous more treacherous more dangerous more perilous more worm-eaten more dateless more weedgrown more unkept more uninhabitable more overused more overworked more imperfect more superannuated more well-thumbed more busted more lined more wizened more woebegone more defective more contaminated more blighted more infected more septic more unwholesome more wavering more tottery more geriatric more rachitic more unbalanced more unstable more effete more haggard more insubstantial more anile more well-worn more shot more fordone more munted more irreparable more hurt more spoiled more spoilt

Tính từ

Comparative for characterized by having loose morals

Tính từ

Comparative for of low or mediocre quality
poorer badder shoddier cheaper terribler trashier lousier miserabler rottener wretcheder junkier commoner schlockier bummer coarser cheesier duffer shabbier tawdrier awfuller tattier tackier uselesser crummier direr ropier gaudier poxier faultier pitifuller paltrier cruder grottier showier tinnier abjecter sorrier cruddier punker horribler baser crumbier suckier sadder meaner vulgarer nastier naffer chintzier flimsier woefuller wacker lamer rattier dirtier seedier weaker frowzier unpleasanter dodgier grimmer yuckier beastlier ricketier scummier scurvier scabbier ghastlier grosser sordider grubbier shlockier gruesomer lower dingier scruffier feebler sourer harmfuller slovenlier flashier brasher crasser louder sportier glitzier jazzier kitscher viler horrider thinner disgustinger meagerer meagrer unworthier shallower unfitter hatefuller unlikelier ignobler obscener fulsomer fouler uglier eviller sketchier hollower tamer snider mournfuller measlier wickeder absurder fishier phonier punier falser stinkier less rougher trickier unseemlier ickier grodier loathlier foolisher grungier cowardlier patchier pettier stupider raunchier unhappier beggarlier sillier filthier scungier slimier flatter vaguer obscurer shakier slighter airier wackier vainer nuttier flabbier stranger weaklier more mediocre more rubbishy more execrable more cheapjack more second-rate more low-grade more substandard more worthless more unsatisfactory more rubbish more atrocious more dreadful more appalling more inadequate more abysmal more frightful more pants more deficient more pathetic more dismal more unacceptable more deplorable more imperfect more lamentable more hopeless more defective more diabolical more dissatisfactory more chronic more bush-league more laughable more tinhorn more piss-poor more meretricious more tasteless more wanting more abominable more wrong more unspeakable more bush more garish more dilapidated more plastic more disappointing more off more careless more makeshift more insufficient more middling more poopy more tenth-rate more direful more egregious more garbagy more corny more average more commonplace more ordinary more trifling more lemon more regrettable more unsound more unfortunate more cheapo more slipshod more amiss more ramshackle more insubstantial more horrendous more hideous more godforsaken more unsightly more calamitous more disastrous more repulsive more inglorious more low-down more broken-down more pretentious more craptacular more lacking more below average more desperate more tinselly more flash more tinsel more raffish more glittering more flaunting more offensive more obtrusive more blatant more screaming more flamboyant more glaring more brazen more disgraceful more negligent more amateurish more contemptible more pitiable more disagreeable more ineffectual more inept more odious more ineffective more shameful more loathsome more flawed more revolting more inefficient more abhorrent more subnormal more despicable more distasteful more reprehensible more unexceptional more godawful more pedestrian more unconvincing more repugnant more implausible more stinking more detestable more indifferent more downmarket more incapable more half-baked more impotent more repellent more scandalous more obnoxious more intolerable more sickening more distressing more heinous more damnable more insufferable more dishonorable more transparent more grievous more dishonourable more incredible more unpersuasive more indefensible more low-end more powerless more repellant more ill more ignominious more objectionable more rancid more questionable more undesirable more unsuitable more displeasing more nauseating more suspect more dubious more unsuccessful more hellacious more unbelievable more disreputable more unreasonable more horrifying more villainous more inconceivable more unimpressive more fallacious more unproficient more bungling more inexpert more inefficacious more preposterous more noisome more noxious more nauseous more inappropriate more inadmissible more impermissible more improbable more outrageous more tenuous more catastrophic more doubtful more heartbreaking more degenerate more senseless more insupportable more hamstrung more inexpedient more feckless more counterproductive more currish more fantastic more specious more opprobrious more unbearable more tragic more illogical more ludicrous more far-fetched more derisory more ridiculous more groundless more scurrilous more god-awful more reduced more limited more unequal more unskilful more inconsiderable more sparing more restricted more uncomfortable more unqualified more broken more inexcusable more flaming more cursed more blah more inapt more unforgivable more excruciating more accursed more infernal more confounded more erroneous more rebarbative more disgustful more hellish more exceptionable more improper more unpardonable more unconscionable more monstrous more sinful more unfitted more disdainable more despisable more footling more indecisive more iniquitous more immoral more underwhelming more off-color more unprincipled more unrefined more unpolished more condemnable more disconcerting more disturbing more damaged more disquieting more unjustifiable more hateworthy more unscrupulous more inacceptable more unappealing more uninviting more swinish more outcast more criminal more cataclysmic more affecting more rueful more anticlimactic more melancholy more unsatisfying more unfulfilling more untenable more caitiff more infamous more degrading more unsavoury more unsavory more futile more insignificant more profitless more fruitless more uninteresting more bathetic more irrational more overwhelming more afflictive more dolorous more unsubstantiated more contradictory more nonsensical more nebulous more farfetched more inconclusive more trivial more unsupportable more impossible more invalid more irreconcilable more spurious more unsustainable more incongruous more puzzling more unsubstantial more unrealistic more fanciful more illegitimate more fatuous more inconsequential more unreasoning more inconsequent more unpleasing more incredulous more uncompelling more fantastical more unconceivable more unimaginable more strained more unthinkable more off the wall more frivolous more laboured more forced more ponderous more remote more labored more full of it more inane more puerile more ungrounded more assailable more controvertible more superficial more wishful

Tính từ

Comparative for flimsy, or made of flimsy material
gauzier filmier flimsier cobwebbier frothier sheerer lighter thinner finer floatier wispier airier lucider featherier infirmer meagrer meagerer tackier fragiler silkier slighter clearer lacier fluffier slenderer softer looser glassier daintier subtler smaller minuter less dustier frailer skimpier smoother subtiler frillier nicer bubblier foamier plainer gentler choicer puffier flossier fancier slimmer downier reedier narrower twiggier glossier more gossamer more gossamery more insubstantial more unsubstantial more transparent more diaphanous more gauzelike more see-through more delicate more translucent more chiffony more pellucid more lightweight more translucid more transpicuous more superficial more decrepit more slapdash more unsound more papery more defective more ethereal more threadlike more limpid more fine-grained more exquisite more porous more crystalline more elegant more lucent more finespun more vaporous more permeable more cottony more quality more powdery more impalpable more powdered more granular more tissuelike more pulverous more pulverulent more frangible more semitransparent more refined more deficient more incorporeal more intricate more open more liquid more nebulous more wisplike more graceful more nuanced more detailed more meshy more colourless more hyaline more vitreous more recherche more pillowy more buoyant more attenuated more lacelike more netlike more ornate more clear-cut more luminous more colorless more floatable more tenuous more iridescent

Tính từ

Comparative for dirty or unclean, especially disgustingly so
filthier dirtier uncleaner grimier fouler muckier grubbier cruddier muddier dustier grungier smuttier grottier dingier nastier sordider sootier blacker squalider messier slimier scuzzier scummier skankier smellier yuckier shabbier rottener smokier mirier sloppier slovenlier murkier crummier horrier mankier gungier scungier grodier grosser seedier ickier disgustinger greasier cloudier unpleasanter duller sludgier yukkier darker horribler duskier viler untidier awfuller terribler horrider lousier beastlier acrider ghastlier gruesomer ranker stinkier whiffier pongier uglier unlovelier eviller harsher scurvier lamer wickeder obscener pitifuller loathlier bitterer meaner unfairer niffier sorrier sourer rattier wretcheder funkier badder fulsomer scabbier paltrier cheaper unholier bummer stickier dreggier dungier milkier slushier oozier slummier dowdier miserabler spottier scruffier frowzier raunchier gloopier roilier tattier grimmer clammier stragglier gauzier drabber flatter soupier smoggier mushier foggier filmier gloomier shadier frostier more soiled more stained more sullied more polluted more draggled more contaminated more blackened more bedraggled more uncleanly more unhygienic more festy more unsanitary more putrid more fetid more defiled more feculent more bogging more unkempt more smeary more disheveled more dishevelled more loathsome more repulsive more revolting more slipshod more soily more verminous more muddied more uncleaned more discolored more marked more blemished more tainted more tarnished more ruined more discoloured more insalubrious more spotted more insanitary more clouded more distasteful more disagreeable more sickening more offensive more nauseating more repugnant more odious more repellent more obnoxious more dreadful more objectionable more abominable more unappetizing more nauseous more undusted more horrendous more unpalatable more hideous more noxious more appalling more impure more noisome more frightful more malodorous more atrocious more unsavoury more rancid more stinking more uninviting more unswept more mephitic more diabolical more unsportsmanlike more repellant more illegal more deplorable more contemptible more unpleasing more unsavory more miasmal more scandalous more despicable more uncongenial more displeasing more unwelcome more abhorrent more pitiable more disgustful more olid more ungodly more hellish more off-putting more turbid more blurred more fuliginous more slatternly more nubilous more foul-smelling more opaque more sloughy more caked more flea-bitten more arenose more arenaceous more dust-ridden more dullish more mucous more muculent more viscous more glutinous more unsightly more brumous more opalescent more washed out more lustreless more lusterless more impervious more solid

Tính từ

Comparative for depraved, perverted or extremely wrong in a moral sense

Tính từ

Comparative for extremely unpleasant to the senses
viler disgustinger horribler fouler awfuller unpleasanter horrider terribler grosser obscener yuckier badder lousier beastlier ickier loathlier miserabler filthier scurvier abjecter coarser nastier hatefuller eviller fulsomer rottener gruesomer creepier ghastlier uglier skankier grodier wickeder grottier grislier vulgarer sicker scuzzier raunchier crummier unlovelier harsher dirtier bitterer sourer wretcheder messier cruddier peskier slimier grimmer baser hairier muckier yukkier funkier tarter seedier blander sharper grubbier rougher sadder shiftier ranker shadier sordider direr squickier smellier niffier stinkier whiffier pongier acrider meaner fearfuller squalider blacker grimier grungier lamer pitifuller cheaper paltrier ornerier sorrier rattier scummier smuttier dingier dustier unfairer uncleaner muddier scabbier unholier bummer ruder adverser poorer bloodier sicklier cattier harmfuller unfriendlier bloodthirstier unhealthier mustier fustier higher stronger stenchier violenter frowsier frowstier frowzier curster rockier woozier riper deadlier seriouser fiercer eerier gnarlier uselesser gorier weirder ghostlier uncannier dimmer fainter unearthlier weaker crueler viciouser trashier punker lower darker wantoner unseemlier unfitter more dreadful more offensive more revolting more loathsome more sickening more odious more distasteful more repulsive more repellent more nauseating more obnoxious more disagreeable more atrocious more noxious more noisome more stinking more disgustful more bogging more vomitous more egregious more worthless more flagitious more off-putting more repugnant more abominable more hideous more nauseous more rancid more horrendous more appalling more repellant more abhorrent more reprehensible more detestable more contemptible more scandalous more despicable more execrable more heinous more unsavory more objectionable more unsavoury more unpalatable more displeasing more unappetizing more deplorable more frightful more uninviting more putrid more rebarbative more stomach-turning more stomach-churning more brackish more unwelcome more monstrous more unspeakable more unpleasing more intolerable more horrifying more damnable more undesirable more uncongenial more dislikeable more forbidding more diabolical more invidious more pestiferous more uncool more villainous more chronic more godawful more accursed more abysmal more brutal more cursed more revulsive more hellish more acid more shameless more shameful more outrageous more exceptionable more horrific more insupportable more grievous more unpardonable more inexcusable more unforgivable more galling more unlikable more tasteless more cloying more macabre more festy more insufferable more unacceptable more malodorous more fetid more mephitic more olid more hellacious more miasmal more foul-smelling more annoying more unbearable more upsetting more unsatisfactory more nightmarish more censurable more lurid more terrific more distressing more unwanted more poisonous more emetic more polluted more unsportsmanlike more stained more sullied more bedraggled more uncleanly more blackened more soiled more draggled more illegal more pitiable more ungodly more grewsome more terrifying more irritating more savage more infernal more spine-chilling more murderous more infamous more harrowing more unsightly more cussed more confounded more hateable more pestilential more opprobrious more off-color more dislikable more embarrassing more cutting more biting more unsuitable more inadmissible more rubbish more inappropriate more inexpedient more gut-wrenching more diseased more tainted more scabrous more hated more disconcerting more resentful more shuddersome more hostile more contradictory more inconsistent more incompatible more averse more antipathetic more inimical more antagonistic more alien more different more unconformable more foreign more extrinsic more unfitted more chunderous more hurtful more injurious more pernicious more deleterious more mischievous more reeky more sanguinary more baneful more unwholesome more discourteous more abusive more impertinent more insolent more miasmic more infuriating more exasperating more tremendous more unpopular more dreaded more insalutary more dangerous more immoral more alarming more unattractive more sanguine more depressing more godforsaken more unwished-for more blood-stained more frightening more morbid more mediocre more detrimental more inconvenient more defective more incommodious more bothersome more outcast more scorned more troublesome more disadvantageous more daunting more spine-tingling more funereal more ghoulish more anemic more haggard more deathlike more corpselike more wraithlike more sepulchral more unnatural more supernatural more anaemic more dismal more substandard more disastrous more barbaric more pathetic more deficient more lamentable more ruthless more fiendish more wanting more laughable more low-grade more rubbishy more inhuman more barbarous more nefarious more brutish more second-rate more merciless more low-down more flagrant more black-hearted more sadistic more brute more truculent more heartless more butcherly more inhumane more facinorous more desperate more indecorous more ill-favoured more ill-favored

Tính từ

Comparative for vulgar or coarse in nature
grosser vulgarer coarser cruder obscener ruder lewder smuttier bawdier dirtier filthier unseemlier crasser lower naughtier profaner raunchier saucier trashier uncouther fouler nastier steamier wantoner rougher spicier earthier fruitier pornier ruggeder cheaper fleshlier rawer racier sordider ignoranter grodier awkwarder blunter tackier sexier wickeder viler broader saltier disgustinger juicier ranker looser uncleaner maturer hotter impoliter sicker eviller randier shadier hornier baser lustier meaner faster purpler itchier perverser gruesomer badder livelier horribler toeier sootier gaudier viciouser scurvier slier callower bizarrer fleshier cheesier dowdier robuster wilder unworthier unhealthier frumpier naffer muckier more indecent more ribald more impure more offensive more improper more indelicate more tasteless more lascivious more lowbred more lowbrow more pornographic more raffish more adult more blue more carnal more concupiscent more gamy more lustful more corporeal more scatological more sensual more sexual more voluptuous more scatologic more near the knuckle more suggestive more salacious more licentious more depraved more off-color more hard-core more soft-core more unwholesome more explicit more inappropriate more boorish more prurient more unchaste more scurrilous more blasphemous more tactless more colorful more colourful more abusive more inelegant more unsophisticated more foul-mouthed more Rabelaisian more erotic more immodest more indecorous more titillating more immoral more lecherous more off more gamey more libidinous more libertine more unrefined more lubricious more arousing more degenerate more shameless more debauched more dissolute more corrupt more scandalous more rakish more scabrous more provocative more uninhibited more taboo more sinful more Fescennine more sickening more unrestrained more goatish more distasteful more outrageous more profaned more reprobate more atrocious more Cyprian more wrongful more unfashionable more graphic more satyric more passionate more lubricous more hypersexual more uncleanly more profligate more perverted more decadent more incontinent more noisome more loathsome more repugnant more unbecoming more orgiastic more ridiculous more bad-mannered more bodily more unvirtuous more exploitative more foulmouthed more unconventional more dishonourable more exciting more unstylish more hideous more unpolished more ithyphallic more malodorous more unscrupulous more lurid more dishonorable more obnoxious more disorderly more revolting more risque more embarrassing more libelous more libellous more low-down more shameful more illicit more unacceptable more graceless more profanatory more unmannerly more untoward more promiscuous more nauseating more rogue more devilish more ruttish more satirical more exuberant more rascally more amoral more untactful more brutish more abandoned more questionable more daring more undiplomatic more ill-bred more undecorous more physical more defiled more stimulating more entertaining more XXX more excessive more tempting more seductive more indiscreet more sizzling more jackleg more sullied more warped more rakehelly more degraded more rakehell more grown up more vigorous more irreverent more parodic more extravagant more tainted more sensuous more grownup more material more amorous more whorish more unjust more ungodly more unrighteous more unequitable more reprehensible more unrightful more disrespectful more contaminated more impious more disreputable more wayward more unprincipled more desirous more voyeuristic more vulgarian

Tính từ

Comparative for showing or involving a contemptible lack of moral standards
squalider sordider unseemlier baser cheaper fouler seamier seedier shoddier tawdrier viler lower nastier ignobler wretcheder disgustinger meaner badder abjecter dirtier paltrier snider viciouser poorer scurvier lowlier sorrier eviller vulgarer wickeder humbler pettier trashier coarser pitifuller commoner uglier skankier shadier unworthier slipperier shier fishier shiftier dodgier lewder beggarlier more improper more disreputable more unsavory more unsavoury more louche more corrupt more degenerate more depraved more dishonest more dishonorable more dishonourable more inappropriate more unsuitable more abhorrent more contemptible more despicable more disgraceful more ignominious more odious more shameful more unbecoming more undignified more unrefined more abominable more indecorous more indelicate more unbefitting more infamous more scandalous more immoral more execrable more currish more servile more detestable more unprincipled more unscrupulous more dissolute more low-down more iniquitous more wrong more sinful more reprobate more slavish more menial more debauched more offensive more loathsome more plebeian more decadent more impure more worthless more avaricious more repugnant more degraded more mercenary more venal more covetous more calculated more distasteful more self-seeking more notorious more villainous more rascally more reprehensible more untrustworthy more disorderly more suspect more opprobrious more questionable more outrageous more crooked more dubious more unwholesome more suspicious more unrespectable more inglorious more derogatory more libidinous more licentious more pitiable

Tính từ

Comparative for not in accordance with standards of honor, decency or fair play
dirtier nastier meaner unfairer baser lower viler sordider cheaper craftier beggarlier cowardlier rottener squalider slier wilier fouler paltrier scurvier shabbier shadier shiftier sneakier unpleasanter abjecter grubbier ignobler shrewder snider wretcheder lamer lousier scummier scungier slicker sorrier rattier scabbier shoddier vulgarer crasser cruddier slimier badder unworthier disgustinger hatefuller dastardlier beastlier obscener crueler eviller wickeder pitifuller viciouser profaner unholier pettier sadder miserabler measlier blacker horribler darker poorer benter more despicable more illegal more dishonest more contemptible more crooked more fraudulent more unscrupulous more corrupt more deceitful more dishonourable more ignominious more immoral more treacherous more unsporting more low-down more shameful more underhanded more unethical more ungentlemanly more unprincipled more cunning more devious more disreputable more nefarious more underhand more calculating more cheating more conniving more designing more detestable more dishonorable more guileful more Machiavellian more worthless more deceptive more execrable more illegitimate more unlawful more unsportsmanlike more unsportsmanly more currish more deplorable more knavish more scheming more illicit more off-color more Janus-faced more shameless more thoughtless more reprehensible more abhorrent more disgraceful more appalling more unsavory more despisable more degenerate more abominable more unsavoury more disagreeable more malicious more disrespectful more odious more meanspirited more loathsome more malevolent more slipshod more indecent more graceless more malignant more disdainable more depraved more no-account more wrong more heinous more offensive more villainous more undignified more uncharitable more unbecoming more lamentable more degraded more servile more menial more inelegant more uncalled for more unacceptable more unsatisfactory more unreasonable more unjustifiable more unjustified more unwarranted more unnecessary more off more unjust more sinful more pitiable more iniquitous more revolting more unspeakable more wrongful more ungodly more irreligious more impious more monstrous more unrighteous more blasphemous more sacrilegious more impure more pathetic more distasteful more hateworthy more atrocious more godless more diabolic more fiendish more murderous more barbarous more diabolical more outcast more swinish more notorious more dissolute more perverted more outrageous more infamous more reprobate more criminal more lawless more sullied more roguish more scandalous more tainted more egregious more scoundrelly more malfeasant more rascally more stinking more warped more flagitious more caitiff more black-hearted

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