Đồng nghĩa của unearthlier

Alternative for unearthlier

unearthlier, unearthliest

Đồng nghĩa: eerie, ghostly, odd, peculiar, queer, spooky, strange, supernatural, uncanny, weird, wild,

Tính từ

Comparative for having or showing supernatural ability or powers
uncannier ghostlier eerier spookier weirder shadowier heavenlier creepier unworldlier airier stranger scarier ghastlier freakier rummer dreamier holier queerer odder bizarrer sublimer curiouser fearfuller flakier godlier blacker supremer saintlier deathlier perfecter grotesquer wanner paler crawlier awfuller uncouther dimmer vaguer slighter slenderer unsurer abstruser more supernatural more preternatural more magical more phenomenal more superhuman more transcendental more miraculous more transcendent more supernormal more spiritual more ethereal more spectral more wraithlike more incorporeal more insubstantial more immaterial more otherworldly more unnatural more disembodied more unreal more paranormal more mystic more phantasmal more mysterious more phantasmic more divine more apparitional more intangible more unsubstantial more impalpable more psychic more aerial more ghostlike more unfleshly more mystical more abnormal more dreamlike more transmundane more supernal more extraterrestrial more insensible more imponderable more eldritch more numinous more sinister more spiritlike more incorporate more haunting more spookish more formless more subjective more extramundane more frightening more occult more freakish more chilling more spine-chilling more hair-raising more terrifying more illusory more vampiric more haunted more cosmic more wraithy more mystifying more superterrestrial more fantastic more chimerical more supranatural more secret more corpselike more deathlike more ominous more cadaverous more godlike more awe-inspiring more goddesslike more immaculate more angelic more arcane more alien more beatific more deific more deitylike more saintlike more seraphic more sacred more blessed more hallowed more blissful more cherubic more omnipotent more ambrosial more deistic more deiform more rapturous more almighty more virtuous more astral more shadowlike more possessed more spine-tingling more discorporate more stellar more disturbing more cursed more imaginary more hallucinatory more unusual more astrological more wondrous more awesome more uneasy more unlimited more uncorporeal more inspiring more uplifting more boundless more inspirational more moving more far-out more indistinct more superstitious more disconcerting more peculiar more paradisical more horrific more dreadful more inscrutable more abstract more whacko more Jovian more untouchable more elusive more indefinite more evanescent more rare more uncertain more unapparent more hypothetical more imperceptible more evasive more indeterminate more bizarro more ghoulish more supranormal more devilish more unheard-of more inspired more inexplainable more singular more prodigious

Tính từ

Comparative for transcending physical matter or the laws of nature
ghostlier uncannier unworldlier stranger heavenlier weirder bizarrer odder eerier darker dreamier obscurer spookier sublimer greater immenser supremer uncommoner wonderfuller more supernatural more paranormal more preternatural more transcendental more transcendent more otherworldly more mystic more magical more mystical more phenomenal more ethereal more extramundane more miraculous more superhuman more unnatural more spiritual more spectral more supernormal more occult more numinous more mysterious more psychic more abnormal more unusual more demoniac more rare more inhuman more supermundane more mythical more secret more extraordinary more unaccountable more inexplicable more monstrous more non-human more demonic more devilish more subhuman more prodigious more fabulous more fantastic more hidden more supranatural more extraterrestrial more unintelligible more unfathomable more unknowable more legendary more superordinary more unrevealed more unknown more uncomprehensible more superphysical more unreal more exceptional more incorporeal more fey more visionary more remarkable more fantastical more unhuman more fanciful more airy-fairy more religious more abstract more daydreamy more astral more spiritualistic more heroic more unbelievable more cryptic more shamanistic more cabbalistic more arcane more thaumaturgical more wizardly more haunted more ghostlike more stupendous more diabolic more tranced more fairylike more witchlike more clairvoyant more godlike more enormous more Herculean more omnipotent more bionic more formidable more staggering more alien more peculiar more anomalous more singular more outstanding more atypical more aberrated more especial more aberrant more unwonted more wondrous more irregular more uncustomary more marvellous more unique more exceeding more unrepresentative more deviant more marvelous more untypical

Tính từ

Comparative for disturbing in nature due to references to death or dying
gruesomer ghastlier grimmer grislier horrider gloomier horribler wretcheder bleaker darker eerier miserabler somberer sombrer drearier ghostlier glummer gorier grotesquer moroser colder sadder sullener dingier direr drabber drearer graver grayer greyer mournfuller murkier shadowier terribler awfuller blacker scarier shadier spookier weirder sicker unhealthier creepier fearfuller unpleasanter disgustinger nastier uncannier hairier stranger dreader freakier badder sublimer fouler viler hatefuller obscener beastlier loathlier fainter dimmer weaker more macabre more morbid more hideous more dreadful more frightening more frightful more horrific more lurid more horrifying more horrendous more appalling more cheerless more depressing more depressive more desolate more dismal more dispirited more distressing more melancholic more melancholy more nightmarish more solemn more terrifying more disheartening more fearsome more funereal more monstrous more revolting more sepulchral more tenebrous more grewsome more loathsome more lugubrious more mirthless more pitiless more repugnant more repulsive more terrific more atrocious more chilling more offensive more sickening more spookish more spine-chilling more direful more hair-raising more ghoulish more harrowing more alarming more sinister more disturbing more ominous more unspeakable more eldritch more redoubtable more formidable more intimidating more forbidding more shuddersome more bloodcurdling more Kafkaesque more menacing more threatening more haunting more grievous more abominable more phantasmagorical more nightmarey more traumatic more unreal more disquieting more hellish more lamentable more abysmal more overwhelming more tremendous more astounding more baleful more thrilling more breathtaking more startling more exciting more spine-tingling more extraordinary more hair-curling more suspenseful more disagreeable more objectionable more repellent more displeasing more distasteful more unacceptable more undesirable more obnoxious more abhorrent more off-putting more odious more detestable more deplorable more contemptible more nauseating more reprehensible more intolerable more insufferable more despicable more noxious more nauseous more unsavoury more unpalatable more godawful more rebarbative more exceptionable more disgustful more corpselike more wraithlike more deathlike more unsavory more anemic more upsetting more unnatural more unbearable more supernatural more anaemic more haggard

Tính từ

Comparative for concerned with theories or hypotheses rather than with practical matters
purer vaguer uselesser absurder wilder unwiser likelier sillier foolisher crazier hairier unworldlier pottier unlikelier dreamier starrier more theoretic more imaginary more theoretical more abstract more academic more analytical more assumed more conjectural more contingent more formalistic more general more hypothetic more hypothetical more ideal more idealised more ideological more imaginative more impractical more intellectual more logical more notional more pedantic more philosophical more presumed more problematical more quixotic more speculative more suppositional more tentative more transcendent more transcendental more unproved more unsubstantiated more postulatory more suppositious more suppositive more conceptual more putative more unreal more unworkable more unfeasible more visionary more unrealistic more impracticable more romantic more idealistic more impossible more improbable more illogical more starry-eyed more presumptive more unserviceable more reputed more apparent more unattainable more fanciful more infeasible more chimerical more inefficacious more otherworldly more nonfunctional more supposititious more unbusinesslike more rational more groundless more cognitive more indefinite more suspect more uncertain more doubtful more inferential more accepted more seeming more ostensible more out of the question more illusory more utopian more ostensive more evident more unreasonable more asserted more delusory more unpractical more understood more rumored more half-baked more far-fetched more unpragmatic more paradigmatic more unresolved more figured more irrelevant more fundamental more basic more projected more dangerous more experimental more professed more recondite more unachievable more ill-considered more ineffectual more immaterial more intangible more specious more scholarly more scholastic more educational more crackpot more expected more assumptive more disputable more casual more contestable more equivocal more provisory more questionable more debatable more stochastic more indeterminate more hopeless more unviable more clueless more inept more senseless more irrational more made-up more fictional more invented more ratiocinative more perfectionist more deducible more reasoned more deductive more given more tacit more anticipated more naive more nonsensical more mental more cerebral more scientific more quixotical more a priori more pretentious more phrenic more mindly more intrapersonal more intellective

Tính từ

Comparative for having loops
loopier nuttier dottier absurder dafter sillier wackier zanier crazier stupider unwiser loonier kookier daffier dippier madder jerkier nerdier simpler weaker barmier battier screwier nutsier scattier crankier whackier fruitier balmier buggier squirrellier pottier flakier foolisher queerer odder wilder bizarrer sicker stranger weirder goofier rabider freakier kinkier violenter dingier foolhardier derpier daggier quirkier giddier dreamier topsy-turvier funnier faultier grotesquer flightier wonkier rummer curiouser quainter funkier messier softer in the head more witless more ridiculous more insane more senseless more brainless more fatuous more imprudent more incautious more indiscreet more injudicious more unintelligent more unreasonable more asinine more imbecilic more nonsensical more ludicrous more harebrained more lunatic more moronic more cockamamy more doltish more fantastic more feebleminded more idiotic more irrational more preposterous more softheaded more tomfool more half-baked more ill-advised more ill-considered more short-sighted more cockamamie more demented more deranged more unbalanced more cuckoo more unhinged more crazed more mental more wacko more nuts more psychotic more loco more crackers more gaga more crackpot more cracked more disturbed more bats more unstable more certifiable more meshuga more maniacal more touched more psycho more bananas more barking more kookie more whacko more unsound more crackbrained more haywire more brainsick more meshugge more bughouse more psychopathic more delirious more moonstruck more wud more distracted more nutso more raving more frenzied more mentally ill more looney tunes more loony tunes more off the wall more manic more hysterical more eccentric more distraught more frantic more schizoid more gonzo more berserk more doolally more disordered more screwball more unglued more peculiar more out there more erratic more schizophrenic more sociopathic more off one's rocker more screwed up more troubled more unsettled more off-the-wall more confused more paranoid more cockeyed more raging more dopey more outlandish more unrealistic more simpleminded more bubbleheaded more featherheaded more idiosyncratic more sappy more inept more illogical more uncontrolled more unconventional more impractical more manic-depressive more touched in the head more dysfunctional more paranoiac more paranoic more diseased more schitzy more mindless more gormless more laughable more inane more farcical more infantile more baked more fried more offbeat more incoherent more chaotic more pointless more risible more puerile more bemused more moonstricken more unworkable more ill-conceived more aberrant more invalid more unsafe more madcap more disorganized more dazed more wrong more off more demoniac more surreal more furious more uncontrollable more impracticable more phrenetic more rampant more gibbering more unusual more far-out more unpredictable more freakish more amusing more comic more clownish more shambolic more panic-stricken more incongruous more pixilated more fanatic more obsessed more unorthodox more far out more glaikit more broken more nonfunctional more queerish more bizarro more off-centre more remarkable more outré more spaced-out more off-kilter more amiss more disorganised more defective more out of whack more twisted

Trái nghĩa của unearthlier

unearthlier Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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