Đồng nghĩa của more utopian

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Comparative for thinking about or planning the future with imagination or wisdom
perfecter airier starrier ambitiouser loftier supremer dreamier absurder wilder vaguer unworldlier sillier foolisher unlikelier vainer mistier excellenter gentler shadowier pottier crazier happier uselesser moonier unearthlier falser faker phonier ghostlier bizarrer weirder flimsier flightier unclearer emptier absenter curiouser spookier eerier flakier stranger hollower queerer tricker taller dimmer hazier kinkier fainter obscurer superber feebler shakier loster deader blanker pettier infirmer punier slenderer fresher fancier quirkier freakier keener wonderfuller vivider astuter fewer and farther between more romantic more idealistic more visionary more quixotic more fanciful more starry-eyed more ideal more idealised more imaginary more impracticable more perfectionist more quixotical more unrealistic more chimerical more illusory more impractical more abstract more arcadian more grandiose more hopeful more ideological more impossible more naive more otherworldly more pretentious more transcendental more unfeasible more unworkable more fantastic more unreal more optimistic more fantastical more whimsical more mythical more fabulous more improbable more theoretical more fictitious more extravagant more speculative more made-up more abstracted more imaginative more unreasonable more chimeric more hypothetical more delusory more illusive more high-flown more half-baked more notional more mythic more phantasmal more fictional more invented more phantasmic more fantasied more dreamlike more unpractical more unviable more radical more delusive more idyllic more exaggerated more hallucinatory more airy-fairy more illogical more senseless more irrational more legendary more far-fetched more farsighted more sentimental more Panglossian more nightmarish more preoccupied more phantasmagorical more immaterial more soothing more musing more relaxing more introvertive more pensive more phantasmagoric more marvelous more unsubstantial more astral more intangible more introspective more unbusinesslike more conceptual more nonsensical more hoping more chivalrous more impulsive more ineffective more inefficacious more unserviceable more impetuous more ineffectual more unattainable more overoptimistic more capricious more unachievable more poetic more mercurial more rose-coloured more marvellous more transcendent more mental more revolutionary more futuristic more millenarian more roseate more fictive more misleading more sham more untrue more supposititious more suppositious more fallacious more insubstantial more mistaken more seeming more apparent more deceitful more ostensible more deceptive more ethereal more fabled more spectral more folkloric more allegorical more specious more traditional more apocryphal more illusionary more spurious more storied more semblant more artificial more spiritual more erroneous more surreal more ghostlike more bogus more aerial more impalpable more incorporeal more supernatural more misguided more synthetic more wraithlike more incredible more unsound more psychedelic more symbolic more symbolical more mythologic more ridiculous more Kafkaesque more inventive more assumed more heroic more epic more indistinct more apparitional more formless more beguiling more vaporous more unbelievable more imponderable more wondrous more vampiric more idle more groundless more wraithy more fraudulent more crackpot more offbeat more kaleidoscopic more phantasmagorian more phantasmagorial more academic more delusional more trumped-up more imitative more deluded more mocking more disembodied more chimeral more ersatz more manufactured more factitious more nebulous more proverbial more insincere more preposterous more prepared more unnatural more distracted more extraterrestrial more trancelike more meditative more inattentive more thoughtful more reflective more distrait more ruminative more uncorporeal more absent-minded more rapt more absorbed more far out more unconvincing more indescribable more oneiric more dreamish more hypnagogic more untouchable more alien more wanting more lacking more wistful more beautiful more lost in thought more unsubstantiated more unwarranted more unsupported more lightweight more extraordinary more outlandish more unjustified more expressive more tenuous more gossamery more negative more defunct more extinguished more ungrounded more vacant more null more unprovoked more unfocused more enigmatic more astounding more creative more ephemeral more uncorroborated more decrepit more original more exotic more breathtaking more sensational more spectacular more glamorous more astonishing more incomprehensible more awesome more stupendous more glamourous more out there more uncalled-for more unjustifiable more artistic more inspired more originative more eccentric more invalid more unreliable more questionable more freakish more brilliant more fertile more experimental more ingenious more unconventional more artful more innovative more surprising more uncalled for more causeless more gratuitous more innovational more unorthodox more far-out more Promethean more avant-garde more unauthorised

Tính từ

Comparative for naively or unreasonably optimistic
brighter sunnier merrier happier higher rosier likelier fairer better superber finer splendider excellenter wonderfuller cheerier gladsomer winsomer gayer blither chirpier cantier joyfuller gladder pleasanter livelier peacefuller zippier zingier zappier smilier comfortabler playfuller lighter peppier mirthfuller perkier jollier wilder more Panglossian more hopeful more buoyant more cheerful more sanguine more positive more upbeat more confident more idealistic more assured more expectant more promising more hoping more roseate more rose-colored more auspicious more encouraging more propitious more heartening more optimistic more golden more favourable more favorable more reassuring more enthusiastic more opportune more valuable more advantageous more unique more special more tremendous more brilliant more providential more profitable more ideal more exciting more fortunate more terrific more blissful more beautiful more one-off more bullish more blithesome more chipper more Pollyannaish more lightsome more pleasurable more pleasing more ecstatic more fantastic more enjoyable more effervescent more welcome more delightful more heartwarming more jubilant more delighted more euphoric more jovial more joyous more elated more contented more overjoyed more vivacious more jocund more exuberant more rapturous more hilarious more wrapped more enraptured more amusing more pleased more chuffed more glowing more uproarious more carefree more stoked more humorous more rapt more boisterous more radiant more festive more satisfied more thrilled more jumping more fulfilled more enchanted more thankful more saturnalian more beatific more frolicsome more paradisiac more paradisiacal more orgasmic more entranced more paradisal more rousing more beaming more paradisaic more rocking more triumphant more untroubled more lighthearted more rhapsodical more fun more rollicking more gleeful more intoxicated more convivial more sportive more blessed more magical more content more smiling more cock-a-hoop more feel-good more full of beans more starry-eyed

Tính từ

Comparative for superseding others in importance or status
supremer completer perfecter bigger archer grander choicer greater higher better-known excellenter weightier mightier auguster eliter posher graver larger gentler huger loftier more dominant more peerless more matchless more predominant more unparalleled more ascendant more authoritative more consummate more incomparable more leading more transcendent more key more major more prevailing more principal more central more commanding more controlling more domineering more prevalent more primary more prominent more supereminent more unsurpassable more cardinal more exemplary more nonpareil more select more sovereign more overbearing more overmastering more sovran more top-class more record-breaking more outstanding more terrific more noted more ace more exceptional more distinguished more top-notch more notable more illustrious more superfine more high-class more vintage more estimable more renowned more famous more towering more uppermost more absolute more unmatchable more stellar more definitive more topmost more unmatched more decisive more total more untouchable more unconditional more preponderant more important more top-priority more supervisory more arbitrary more omnipotent more overpowering more potent more almighty more efficacious more effective more influential more official more elevated more noble more dignified more venerable more eminent more respectable more refined more aristocratic more honoured more esteemed more patrician more regal more revered more respected more celebrated more genteel more highbred more upmarket more honored more blue-blooded more upper-crust more major league

Trái nghĩa của more utopian

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