Đồng nghĩa của more oversexed

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Comparative for having a greater than normal sexual appetite
wantoner lewder randier hornier hotter itchier looser dirtier raunchier faster coarser naughtier filthier wickeder smuttier cruder pervier vulgarer toeier wilder sexier obscener grosser fleshlier laxer lustier ruder disgustinger trashier profaner bawdier fouler pornier nastier easier slacker tartier slaggier unrulier lighter friskier foxier squirrellier uncleaner viler perverser sordider sicker racier baser rawer eviller lower badder viciouser steamier earthier spicier saucier fruitier sleazier unseemlier cheaper rougher meaner shadier ignobler ranker crasser violenter unhealthier lusher uncouther unworthier rottener freer recklesser saltier slier dodgier slipperier harsher lovinger broader horribler kinkier gayer noisier crueler scungier greedier impoliter unfairer darker scurvier gruesomer dastardlier benter blunter bloodthirstier shiftier loster lavisher torrider sultrier purpler fervider trickier juicier callower heavier tenderer rowdier grimier grubbier muckier tackier awkwarder ignoranter grodier ruggeder commoner blacker brasher stubborner seedier foolhardier seamier shier shoddier hatefuller fishier squalider grislier craftier unpleasanter unkinder spitefuller bizarrer franker candider sorrier abjecter lowlier beggarlier rasher flightier giddier fiercer bloodier feller grimmer terribler awfuller rabider crazier beastlier faultier more lustful more lascivious more libidinous more licentious more lecherous more lubricious more salacious more concupiscent more passionate more goatish more lubricous more satyric more hypersexual more unchaste more prurient more dissolute more libertine more debauched more lickerish more impure more carnal more sensual more degenerate more immoral more promiscuous more depraved more indecent more sinful more abandoned more intemperate more corrupt more incontinent more profligate more decadent more perverted more ribald more desirous more ruttish more disorderly more uninhibited more erotic more immodest more excited more uncontrolled more wolfish more amorous more unvirtuous more blue more voluptuous more whorish more ardent more swinging more reprobate more hircine more unprincipled more bestial more suggestive more orgiastic more low-down more rakish more amatory more uncontrollable more aphrodisiacal more pornographic more unrestrained more uncurbed more shameless more impious more disreputable more unscrupulous more wayward more sluttish more unbridled more scabrous more amoral more unmoral more relaxed more riggish more stimulated more impassioned more inflamed more venereous more unrestricted more hard up more hot and bothered more sexual more unwholesome more improper more degraded more warped more offensive more indelicate more jackleg more rakehell more rakehelly more self-indulgent more scatological more scatologic more sybaritic more adult more louche more immoderate more near the knuckle more dishonourable more indecorous more scurrilous more villainous more hedonistic more dishonorable more off-color more indulgent more Rabelaisian more explicit more luxurious more epicurean more unhindered more defiled more gamy more foul-mouthed more titillating more unrefined more iniquitous more corrupted more tasteless more profaned more ungoverned more scandalous more unsavory more lawless more unsavoury more rampant more excessive more dishonest more sensuous more brutal more inappropriate more nefarious more unbounded more extravagant more crooked more uncleanly more outrageous more infamous more miscreant more bodily more physical more unethical more questionable more hedonic more wrongful more atrocious more luscious more unconscionable more runaway more devious more distasteful more colourful more contaminated more raffish more undisciplined more wrong more unconventional more unhampered more criminal more irrepressible more shameful more arousing more despicable more contemptible more saturnalian more off more open more colorful more hard-core more malicious more unimpeded more gamey more brutish more untrammeled more tainted more overindulgent more noisome more loathsome more sickening more repugnant more underhand more bacchanalian more careless more corporeal more chaotic more hideous more stimulating more ungovernable more blasphemous more imprudent more unmanageable more abusive more savage more Machiavellian more cutthroat more deceitful more romantic more violated more drunken more erotogenic more irresponsible more turbulent more taboo more unstoppable more uncontainable more unquenchable more unfettered more enthusiastic more rascally more repulsive more unbecoming more inhuman more barbarous more odious more unlawful more dubious more inelegant more impetuous more sadistic more ruthless more heartless more delightful more pleasing more merciless more bad-mannered more ungodly more unrighteous more callous more heinous more monstrous more animalistic more reprehensible more conscienceless more cold-blooded more inhumane more lowbred more exciting more audacious more sullied more heedless more flirtatious more erogenous more inconstant more obnoxious more material more rousing more illicit more gluttonous more unprofessional more degrading more embarrassing more prodigal more voyeuristic more impulsive more Fescennine more untoward more boorish more indiscreet more ithyphallic more Cyprian more warm-blooded more appetitive more unspiritual more notorious more retrogressive more retrograde more private more roguish more deviant more untactful more red-hot more sizzling more soft-core more discourteous more outlandish more fractious more anacreontic more effete more miserly more parsimonious more devilish more rogue more disgraceful more ignominious more uncivil more tactile more moving more ridiculous more undecorous more malodorous more ill-bred more foulmouthed more cheating more venal more double-crossing more uncultivated more uncultured more fraudulent more appealing more attractive more enticing more desirable more unlimited more tactless more hellbent more flagitous more twisted more unnatural more unsophisticated more insensible more incult more lowbrow more unpolished more illiberal more erotical more intimate more avid more obsessive more self-willed more inordinate more untrustworthy more carefree more disobedient more boisterous more natural more boundless more unjust more graceless more opprobrious more suspect more daredevil more devil-may-care more temerarious more frivolous more fast-paced more footloose more sinister more suspicious more unrespectable more malevolent more uproarious more irrational more corybantic more incautious more tyrannical more scheming more mean-spirited more disdainful more pernicious more exploitative more pitiless more vengeful more demonic more delinquent more despiteful more felonious more disparaging more scoundrelly more unfeeling more virulent more maleficent more rancorous more errant more objectionable more wrathful more inexorable more black-hearted more scrofulous more scornful more self-seeking more vindictive more contemptuous more underhanded more unconscientious more forbidding more indiscriminate more out of hand more exaggerated more limitless more spontaneous more plenary more impotent more impertinent more flamboyant more inglorious more pitiable more derogatory more raving more thrilled more ferocious more dangerous more fiendish more diabolical more barbaric more dreadful more brute more truculent more butcherly more murderous more worthless more madcap more crazed more hysterical more unconcealed more berserk more sanguinary more abhorrent more flagitious more putrid more untamed more insubordinate

Trái nghĩa của more oversexed

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