Trái nghĩa của inhospitable

Alternative for inhospitable

Tính từ

Opposite of unfriendly or aggressive in nature
hospitable friendly nonantagonistic nonhostile sympathetic welcoming amicable generous genial gracious sociable kind nice amiable affable cordial outgoing convivial social companionable extroverted neighborly warm approachable gregarious conversable extrovert jovial open matey neighbourly clubbable easy communicative chummy lively easy-going easy to get along with warm-hearted hail-fellow-well-met easy to get on with agreeable kindly congenial warmhearted pleasant affectionate likable obliging happy likeable good favorable cheerful approving cheery engaging lovable favourable gentle responsive well-disposed supportive easygoing receptive warm-blooded hearty polite amenable chirpy courteous unreserved complaisant bonhomous enthusiastic accessible helpful pro good-natured peaceful positive good-humoured good-humored mild benign company-loving encouraging benevolent decent perky complimentary excited cooperative accommodating pleasing considerate mellow wonderful appreciative well disposed jolly extraverted annoyed clubby pacific nonaggressive calm unbelligerent uncontentious uncombative peaceable nonbelligerent meek couthy demonstrative clubable forthcoming watery unfrozen lovely charming good company open-handed laid-back blithe delightful beautiful sweet captivating joyous pleased bubbly personable enchanting fun fine thoughtful soft-hearted charitable caring inclined consenting delightsome sensible disposed predisposed auspicious giving feeling ardent eager animated interested willing propitious comradely compliant biddable admiring constructive in sympathy in favour favourably disposed recommendatory commending praiseful approbatory in favor acclamatory flattering respectful approbative rapturous appreciating esteeming commendatory congratulatory praising laudatory acclaiming congruous compatible consistent applauding promising affirmative cool consonant open-minded down encouraging of in favor of supporting of in favour of on the side

Tính từ

Opposite of hating or disliking mankind

Tính từ

Opposite of barren and devoid of inhabitants

Tính từ

Opposite of unsuitable for, or inconducive to, growing crops or vegetation

Đồng nghĩa của inhospitable

inhospitable Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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