Đồng nghĩa của more bastard

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Comparative for low in quality or below expectations
poorer lousier badder wretcheder paltrier lamer crummier wacker punker crumbier sourer rottener faultier junkier cheaper terribler shoddier weaker crappier nastier uselesser awfuller miserabler unworthier trashier duffer horribler shabbier bummer schlockier abjecter sleazier direr cruder suckier sadder commoner pitifuller grottier ropier coarser cheesier crapper baser slovenlier poxier sorrier shittier yuckier beastlier thinner rattier scummier seedier scurvier scabbier dirtier ghastlier grosser meaner sordider woefuller grubbier shlockier cruddier gruesomer flimsier harmfuller stupider tinnier unpleasanter hatefuller tattier tackier viler lower ignobler disgustinger tawdrier fouler squalider snider wickeder measlier meagrer horrider grungier pettier dingier obscener meagerer scruffier eviller viciouser crueler unfairer filthier vulgarer beggarlier dodgier uglier skankier punier slummier feebler unseemlier scrubbier fulsomer dinkier scanter scantier seamier scuzzier grimmer unkinder spitefuller smaller mangier mingier slighter ickier shackier stinkier ricketier dumpier less scungier dastardlier cowardlier naffer shadier smuttier bitterer blacker unholier grodier loathlier lowlier ruder minuter piddlier rougher humbler sneakier cattier crasser slimier smellier acrider ranker whiffier pongier funkier yukkier niffier grimier unlovelier harsher dustier uncleaner muddier muckier barrener skimpier fairer merer unfriendlier mournfuller gaudier surlier wankier darker uncouther emptier benter wantoner sillier kitscher scroungier worse-tempered unfitter brassier drossier wetter sicker showier perverser unhappier lewder sloppier foolisher shier unluckier simpler tougher hairier craftier raunchier sparser sparer absurder profaner slier wilier severer slenderer stingier shiftier obscurer shrewder angrier shorter slicker leaner lighter scrappier slimmer scarcer barer untidier hollower ornerier vainer chaffier bloodthirstier narrower more unacceptable more deficient more substandard more unsatisfactory more dissatisfactory more wanting more wrong more off more bush more ill more bush-league more inadequate more mediocre more insufficient more pathetic more defective more second-rate more low-grade more atrocious more deplorable more imperfect more disappointing more dismal more execrable more dreadful more unsuitable more rubbishy more displeasing more pants more offensive more rubbish more damaged more distressing more abysmal more disagreeable more unspeakable more appalling more lamentable more trifling more frightful more negligible more unsatisfying more cheapjack more unimpressive more chickenshit more minimal more trivial more worthless more insignificant more minor league more tenth-rate more unsound more subnormal more lemon more inexpert more amateurish more unskilful more below average more dilapidated more abominable more lacking more desperate more undesirable more intolerable more insufferable more inadmissible more impermissible more inappropriate more hopeless more piss-poor more careless more tinhorn more amiss more disconcerting more disquieting more disturbing more regrettable more horrendous more hideous more godforsaken more unsightly more calamitous more disastrous more repulsive more unwelcome more outrageous more uncomfortable more diabolical more direful more contemptible more egregious more off-color more despicable more pitiable more detestable more disgraceful more ignominious more dishonourable more dishonorable more shameful more odious more reprehensible more loathsome more abhorrent more low-down more disreputable more obnoxious more chronic more repugnant more scandalous more revolting more distasteful more heinous more currish more degenerate more ordinary more middling more unsavoury more average more sickening more unsavory more repellent more stinking more laughable more immoral more objectionable more unprincipled more villainous more indifferent more neglected more depraved more godawful more nauseating more corrupt more ramshackle more inconsequential more unscrupulous more dishonest more tumbledown more inglorious more noisome more derisory more uncharitable more nefarious more nauseous more no-account more malicious more undignified more unimportant more degrading more accursed more footling more infamous more flawed more noxious more unfortunate more unbecoming more monstrous more menial more piffling more rancid more bedraggled more repellant more improper more sinful more downmarket more insalubrious more low-end more unexceptional more pedestrian more degraded more hellish more insubstantial more servile more horrifying more ineffectual more minor more illegal more cursed more broken-down more damnable more beat-up more inconsiderable more ungodly more humiliating more malevolent more unethical more hurtful more demeaning more deceitful more iniquitous more uncared-for more underhanded more treacherous more exiguous more decayed more malignant more mortifying more indecent more crooked more tatterdemalion more threadbare more underhand more slipshod more unpalatable more timeworn more confounded more cheapo more mean-spirited more grievous more ineffective more abandoned more infernal more uncongenial more unmaintained more uninviting more sullied more moth-eaten more despisable more unsportsmanlike more bombed-out more disgustful more shambly more disdainable more picayune more unbefitting more poisonous more chicken more pimping more dissolute more inexcusable more commonplace more decrepit more louche more impure more unrefined more limited more opprobrious more meretricious more undistinguished more nickel-and-dime more plebeian more ragged more deceptive more pointless more futile more unappetizing more inelegant more unlawful more indecorous more criminal more unavailing more meaningless more flaming more malodorous more nugatory more unproductive more indefensible more hellacious more fetid more mephitic more putrid more polluted more dog-eared more scurrilous more miasmal more uncleanly more soiled more draggled more stained more blackened more unpleasing more inutile more olid more festy more sterile more unessential more bogus more counterproductive more waste more unprofitable more profitless more off-putting more meanspirited more subsidiary more unwarranted more shameless more heartbreaking more ungentlemanly more debauched more hostile more dislikable more unfitting more ungenerous more worn more untoward more unrighteous more unbearable more unkempt more exceptionable more slumlike more inconsiderate more senseless more makeshift more reprobate more perverted more reduced more barbarous more unpretentious more churlish more unconscionable more graceless more vindictive more modest more malign more abusive more venal more lowering more restricted more flagitious more cantankerous more deteriorating more mercenary more ruined more indelicate more desolate more insupportable more notorious more unforgivable more unrespectable more inept more venomous more murderous more brutal more sparing more catastrophic more tragic more illegitimate more caitiff more foul-smelling more warped more black-hearted more illicit more fiendish more humdrum more ridiculous more uncalled for more poopy more ruthless more ill-humored more low-born more pinchbeck more poverty-stricken more lower-class more ill-tempered more god-awful more ill-natured more doggish more piteous more depressed more overcrowded more peripheral more thoughtless more crook more out of sorts more unladylike more untrustworthy more misbegotten more callous more corny more garbagy more shiftless more disrespectful more inefficient more ropey more dislikeable more amoral more garish more tasteless more feckless more unsuccessful more unheroic more impotent more unpopular more undesired more unceremonious more bungling more embarrassing more preposterous more melancholy more despised more brackish more tremendous more disheveled more dishevelled more unpardonable more hated more abhorred more secondary more subordinate more narrow-minded more unfavourable more unfavorable more perfidious more faithless more hateable more craptacular more plastic more pretentious more alarming more run-of-the-mill more passable more unjustifiable more depressing more proletarian more junior more unassuming more subservient more hateworthy more overwhelming more afflictive more dolorous more fraudulent more cataclysmic more bribable more slavish more upsetting more ill-advised more blah more swinish more outcast more revulsive more uninspiring more uninspired more discomfiting more unsporting more rebarbative more negligent more dubious more questionable more unreasonable more ancillary more fallacious more erroneous more aggressive more belligerent more antagonistic more underprivileged more wrongful more condemnable more incompatible more incongruous more inconsistent more ludicrous more affecting more rueful more sacrilegious more impious more blasphemous more irreligious more devious more cunning more unremarkable more inacceptable more unappealing more inhospitable more vitriolic more combative more bellicose more confrontational more pugnacious more wrathful more frayed more calculating more Machiavellian more designing more cheating more guileful more conniving more decadent more undeserving more savage more faded more unsportsmanly more diabolic more godless more joyless more unsociable more rancorous more unsympathetic more militant more unwanted more avaricious more scheming more knavish more plebby more half-baked more ineligible more tainted more lawless more roguish more subjacent more undersized more inhuman more viperous more furious more skimp more ruinous more calculated more covetous more scoundrelly more rascally more malfeasant more working-class more tired more blamable more unmerited more out of character more recreant more horrific more Janus-faced more miserly more satanic more barbaric more fruitless more annoying more despiteful more virulent more heartless more brutish more devilish more sarcastic more self-seeking more banal more null more demonic more ferocious more merciless more pitiless more disparaging more slighting more denigratory more bootless more derogatory more sadistic more brute more truculent more butcherly more unfeeling more inhumane more implacable more contemptuous more disdainful more scornful more demoniac more Mephistophelian more deprecatory more pejorative more uncomplimentary more set more unconsequential more depreciatory more depreciative more derogative more denigrative more detractive

Trái nghĩa của more bastard

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