Trái nghĩa của leave

Alternative for leave

leaves, left, leaving, leaved

Đồng nghĩa: abandon, depart, exit, go, quit, vacate, withdraw,

Trái nghĩa: arrive, reach, remain, stay,

Động từ

Opposite of to cause to remain as a trace or record

Động từ

Opposite of to stop attending or belonging to a particular organization or institution

Động từ

Opposite of to lose by inadvertently leaving behind

Động từ

Opposite of to provide, or transfer possession of, something to someone

Động từ

Opposite of to depart or run away, especially secretly

Động từ

Opposite of to retreat or flee from a (hostile) place or situation

Động từ

Opposite of to resign from (a job)

Động từ

Opposite of to leave behind or stop caring for someone or something

Động từ

Opposite of to position or place something in a particular place or spot

Động từ

Opposite of to provide with a quality, ability, or asset

Danh từ

Opposite of a period of time when one has permission to be absent from work or duty

Danh từ

(arrival) Opposite of the act of leaving or exiting a place or vicinity

Danh từ

(stay) Opposite of the act of leaving or exiting a place or vicinity

Danh từ

Opposite of an extended period of leisure and recreation, especially one involving travel

Danh từ

Opposite of an extended period of leisure and recreation, especially one spent away from home or in travelling

Danh từ

Opposite of the state of not being at a particular place, especially when one's attendance is expected

Đồng nghĩa của leave

leave Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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