Đồng nghĩa của more wonted

Tính từ

Comparative for very commonly encountered or observed
commoner normaler widerspread plainer rifer currenter mundaner older better-known steadier truer comfortabler ancienter wider broader duller staider simpler humbler likelier vulgarer longer-term sounder securer boringer fairer ornerier triter drearier staler blander tamer drabber stubborner hackier lowlier meaner homelier slower longer-lasting heavier perfecter squarer prosier seriouser stodgier stuffier arider flatter stupider drier dustier moderner deader homier supremer uselesser paltrier deeper better completer arranter realer severer grayer emptier greyer wearier acuter cleaner fuller dimmer rigider direr graver extremer straighter wholer worldlier tidier goodlier ampler more accustomed more customary more familiar more usual more conventional more habitual more regular more frequent more traditional more given more routine more used more chosen more preferred more typical more standard more ordinary more established more general more commonplace more expected more set more prevailing more popular more fixed more accepted more quotidian more natural more average more settled more prevalent more run-of-the-mill more universal more orthodox more workaday more mainstream more time-honoured more unexceptional more prosaic more unremarkable more day-to-day more recognized more constant more recognised more acknowledged more time-honored more rampant more classic more ritual more predictable more classical more chronic more public more prescriptive more pervasive more ritualistic more repeated more historic more proven more characteristic more predominant more vanilla more rooted more fashionable more methodical more enduring more lasting more tried and true more tried and tested more persistent more inveterate more overall more long-lived more old-time more undistinguished more acceptable more domestic more mechanical more permanent more consistent more extensive more humdrum more representative more favorite more proverbial more monotonous more canonical more native more par for the course more obvious more diurnal more agreed more respected more gut more seasonal more venerable more inconspicuous more indifferent more mediocre more discreet more understood more traditionary more orderly more numerous more uneventful more basic more obligatory more unopposed more legit more archetypal more archetypical more casual more informal more unimaginative more banal more acquainted more ceremonial more profuse more incessant more communal more global more national more overarching more plastic more white-bread more boilerplate more unsophisticated more unadventurous more conformist more symptomatic more de rigueur more recognizable more whitebread more comprehensive more reliable more anticipated more foreseeable more emblematic more indicative more recognisable more periodical more distinguishing more idiosyncratic more proper more distinctive more stereotypical more societal more wholesale more epidemic more total more sweeping more individualistic more cliched more matter-of-fact more repetitious more practised more addicting more practiced more systematic more seasoned more perfunctory more disciplined more cyclic more generic more congruous more official more dyed-in-the-wool more well-established more stable more ingrained more old-fashioned more traditionalistic more vested more unshakable more pedestrian more characterless more uninteresting more unmemorable more uninspired more unexciting more colourless more colorless more nondescript more middling more uninspiring more hackneyed more OK more lacklustre more lackluster more tedious more modest more unoriginal more unnoteworthy more second-rate more inbred more standardized more passable more tolerable more deep-seated more unmitigated more abiding more unpretentious more tired more derivative more unvaried more obstinate more forgettable more repetitive more correct more appropriate more certain more quintessential more wearisome more vintage more ever-present more unyielding more tenacious more compulsory more bog standard more platitudinous more insipid more mandatory more unimpressive more ho-hum more tiresome more protracted more prototypical more adequate more moderate more signature more unvarying more blah more insignificant more overused more dominant more corny more decent more ideal more banausic more determined more intermediate more required more straightforward more authoritative more present more okay more definite more defined more absolute more exemplary more consummate more textbook more definitive more paradigmatic more overworked more essential more unquestioned more necessary more fundamental more practical more preponderant more central more undoubted more prolonged more in fashion more plebeian more ponderous more undisputed more catholic more worldwide more suburban more worn out more amateurish more amateur more leaden more inconsequential more prototypal more satisfactory more run of the mill more bush-league more sustained more fitting more contemporary more supported more lamestream more precise more explicit more diagnostic more decided more valid more long-drawn-out more well-worn more honored more specified more unspectacular more long-winded more ho hum more exact more express more cyclical more in-between more overdone more predetermined more symbolic more unmistakable more mutual more annoying more irritating more honoured more trivial more mimetic more famed more famous more legendary more notorious more unimportant more ageless more primary more played out more rolling more like more midway more operative more influential more principal more vexatious more boresome more local more inescapable more imitative more random more unavoidable more uncontested more legal more lawful more canonic more symphonic more individual more timeless more medial more serviceable more apish more irrelevant more inconsiderable more jake more workday more deep-set more hard-core more bred-in-the-bone more pointless more immaterial more worthless more assured more peculiar more businesslike more anonymous more renowned more axiomatic more whatever more meaningless more haunting more drawn-out more neutral more slavish more formal more conservative more anaemic more memorable more undying more unforgettable more deathless more timeworn more ineluctable more special more distinct more personal more particular more royal more positive more thoroughgoing more thorough more ready-made more reputed more infamous more tiring more anemic more adamant more specific more dangerous more irksome more lusterless more emulative more unprogressive more paleoconservative more buttoned-down more ultraconservative more old-school more unheretical more mossbacked more hidebound more reactionary more plodding more monotone more toneless more bromidic more lifeless more imitable more kosher more methodic more alarming more religious more legitimate more punctilious more considerable more bien pensant more astronomical more stellar more diffuse more cosmic more pandemic more all-over more unlimited more unrestricted more cosmopolitan more identifiable more discriminating more substantial more noticeable more marked more sizeable more appreciable more worthwhile more sizable more abundant more significant more generous more biggish more in line more done more respectable more reasonable more intensive more unnoticeable more comme il faut more sufficient more au fait more up to standard

Tính từ

Comparative for of or suggestive of a wont

Trái nghĩa của more wonted

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