Đồng nghĩa của most pissed

Tính từ

Superlative for drunk
drunkest tipsiest tightest wooziest squiffiest stiffest highest merriest wettest blindest littest booziest fullest groggiest happiest sloppiest lushest unsteadiest beeriest most bladdered most blotto most intoxicated most pissed off most plastered most rat-arsed most smashed most wasted most inebriated most hammered most blitzed most bombed most sozzled most sloshed most drunken most soused most wrecked most loaded most sottish most stewed most steaming most legless most pickled most stoned most besotted most tanked most paralytic most zonked most inebriate most tiddly most lit up most ripped most juiced most crocked most befuddled most fried most cockeyed most oiled most stinking most looped most soaked most buzzed most ratted most arseholed most crapulous most crapulent most foxed most sotted most screwed most bibulous most half cut most cut most fou most maudlin most incapable most tired and emotional most monged most wired most ebrious most trashed most stinko most monged out most steamed most shickered most shot most lekker most munted most pixilated most sauced most kaylied most langered most mashed most broken most ossified most strung out most swacked most flushed most jacked most muddled most bacchic most Adrian Quist most well-oiled most laced most schnockered most tripping most hooched up most out of one's box most unsober most polluted most drugged most baked most doped most obliterated most cooked most intemperate most shit-faced most sodden most geeked most dazed most spaced-out most spaced out

Tính từ

Superlative for experiencing a feeling of anger or annoyance
angriest crossest iratest maddest sorest shirtiest testiest huffiest eggiest rattiest snakiest hottest under the collar lividest rabidest hottest grumpiest sullenest wildest unhappiest crabbiest sulkiest touchiest worst-tempered grouchiest snappiest tetchiest surliest crankiest prickliest crotchetiest chippiest crustiest stroppiest bitterest miserablest acridest narkiest sourest perversest snarkiest snippiest stuffiest raspiest mardiest uptightest sparest darkest mopiest snittiest hardest weightiest pickiest woefullest violentest pepperiest edgiest brusquest spitefullest nastiest tartest bentest morosest hatefullest glummest curtest dourest broodiest fiercest kittlest shortest moodiest jumpiest sickest weariest saddest gloomiest lowest forlornest saltiest blackest craziest wriest dirtiest filthiest curmudgeonliest jealousest droopiest sorriest mournfullest wretchedest baddest dolefulest most irritated most annoyed most exasperated most vexed most irked most furious most incensed most enraged most infuriated most piqued most displeased most disgruntled most aggravated most resentful most angered most aggrieved most miffed most wrathful most nettled most choleric most bothered most ireful most irritable most disturbed most troubled most miffy most crook most impatient most snuffy most flustered most wrath most put out most pissed off most teed off most cheesed off most fed up most browned off most peed off most brassed off most indignant most upset most fuming most inflamed most dissatisfied most steamed up most wroth most steamed most affronted most raging most ballistic most ticked most steaming most discontented most boiling most infuriate most hopping most hurt most incandescent most choked most ropeable most ill-humored most malcontent most petulant most frenzied most raving most aerated most soreheaded most frustrated most irascible most ill-tempered most agitated most peevish most splenetic most pained most short-tempered most worked up most perturbed most disaffected most churlish most distressed most heated most quick-tempered most acrimonious most afflicted most discontent most cantankerous most crabbed most waspish most fiery most waxy most bummed out most disappointed most hostile most rancorous most querulous most snappish most fractious most disagreeable most fretful most malcontented most ungratified most pettish most dyspeptic most antagonized most liverish most bugged most snippety most blue most shocked most frantic most antagonistic most huffish most passionate most hot and bothered most out of sorts most worried most confused most perplexed most PO'd most torqued off most critical most distressing most annoying most envious most anguished most restless most bitching most impassioned most grudging most overexcited most dogged most scandalized most depressed most oppressed most victimized most sick and tired most peckish most berserk most bilious most volatile most ill-natured most unforgiving most excited most revengeful most temperamental most desperate most insane most demented most unreasonable most crazed most manic most corybantic most breakneck most smoking most uncompromising most irrational most energetic most concerted most overheated most emotional most butthurt most vitriolic most saturnine most mopish most captious most sensitive most ill-disposed most scornful most dejected most excitable most agitable most disgusted most skittish most high-strung most sickened most faultfinding most nauseated most appalled most nauseous most aghast most mortified most discouraged most disheartened most downcast most dispirited most crestfallen most disconsolate most subdued most unsatisfied most bored most tired most melancholy most despondent most woebegone most heavy-hearted most restive most down in the dumps most down in the mouth most unimpressed most jaded most rebellious most flaming most reproachful most blasé most anxious most het up most crackers most factious most browned-off most unfulfilled most troublemaking most dissentious most unglued most dishonoured most dishonored most umbrageous most carping most dismal most satiated most sated most crushed most regretful most dismayed most jaundiced most unassuaged most plaintive most unappeased most insatiable most ticklish most whingy most humbled most drained most cowed most broken most stewed most weakened most melancholic most chapfallen most joyless most sorrowful most inconsolable most heartsore most brokenhearted most low-spirited most heartbroken most heartsick

Trái nghĩa của most pissed

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