Đồng nghĩa của most indeterminant

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Superlative for not exactly known, established, or defined
vaguest unclearest obscurest haziest fuzziest unsurest faintest foggiest shadowiest blurriest mistiest murkiest dimmest cloudiest iffiest bleariest gauziest sketchiest woolliest palest darkest dodgiest wooliest chanciest muddiest abstrusest muzziest loosest smokiest obliquest roughest greyest grayest shakiest deepest weakest flimsiest shadiest shiftiest broadest diciest hinkiest widest open densest crudest queerest fishiest feeblest filmiest dullest difficultest slipperiest dreamiest cagiest fragilest sloppiest squishiest hardest trickiest widest riskiest hairiest falsest softest squiggliest wishy-washiest most indeterminate most indefinite most uncertain most unsettled most inconclusive most unknown most imprecise most inexact most unpredictable most general most unclassified most ambiguous most indistinct most doubtful most equivocal most nebulous most dubious most questionable most undecided most debatable most blurred most opaque most ill-defined most enigmatic most cryptic most indistinguishable most confused most puzzling most up in the air most clouded most open most unresolved most borderline most unintelligible most blear most indecisive most confusing most indiscernible most enigmatical most arguable most perplexing most mysterious most dubitable most arcane most pending most disputable most ambivalent most nebulose most formless most tenebrous most occult most speculative most suspect most unfocused most unspecific most misleading most double-edged most inscrutable most mystic most moot most elusive most controversial most Delphic most unestablished most unascertained most intangible most in question most approximate most inconspicuous most gnomic most unforeseeable most contentious most irresolute most unexplicit most doubtable most amphibological most hesitant most noncommittal most wavering most undependable most unrecognizable most incalculable most contingent most marginal most unfathomable most contradictory most mixed most muddled most elliptical most hidden most suspicious most fuliginous most obfuscatory most tentative most unformed most incomplete most roundabout most circumlocutory most circuitous most problematical most evasive most faded most outstanding most unreliable most disputed most conjectural most impalpable most apocryphal most distant most hypothetical most vacillating most conflicting most polysemic most polysemantic most multivocal most inchoate most concerned most anxious most apprehensive most troubled most worried most incomprehensible most generalized most baffling most isolating most intermediate most amorphous most unsubstantial most superficial most approximative most disorganised most disorganized most inexplicable most mystifying most muffled most sweeping most insubstantial most imperfect most cursory most arbitrary most unprovable most controvertible most crepuscular most negotiable most indirect most recondite most undistinct most perfunctory most inadequate most illusory most spurious most dreamlike most esoteric most certain most given most visionary most deceptive most generalised most abeyant most unfamiliar most negligible most careless most unlimited most purblind most imperceptive most nubilous most touch-and-go most shuffling most devious most cunning most bewildering most insignificant most deceitful most coarse-grained most sophistical most indeterminable most innumerable most unsubstantiated most unconvincing most in-between most untrustworthy most elusory most unclassifiable most tenuous most precarious most peripheral most theoretical most duplicitous most touch and go most left most academic most pensile most pendent most in line most ominous most dependent most disreputable most assumed most suppositional most illegible most unassertive most putative most undecipherable most unreadable most indecipherable most theoretic most presumed most notional most unreal most imaginary most assumptive most suppositious most provisory most stochastic most presumptive most contestable most casual most impressionistic

Trái nghĩa của most indeterminant

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