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Opposite of superlative for clear in meaning without uncertainty or ambiguity
clearest surest baldest broadest lucidest plainest directest writ largest boldest simplest sharpest grossest bluntest candidest starkest user-friendliest vividest rankest fullest crispest arrantest straightest frankest most decided most distinct most definite most unequivocal most absolute most obvious most positive most pronounced most unambiguous most unmistakable most certain most clear-cut most manifest most patent most undisputed most categorical most express most indisputable most emphatic most marked most noticeable most striking most unquestionable most apparent most assured most evident most runaway most explicit most palpable most particular most unambivalent most pellucid most perspicuous most sensible most transparent most unalterable most bald-faced most barefaced most open-and-shut most straightforward most ringing most luculent most luminous most glaring most conspicuous most blatant most visible most understandable most comprehensible most undisguised most perceptible most discernible most observable most open most intelligible most perceivable most recognizable most incontrovertible most prominent most salient most unconcealed most indubitable most recognisable most detectable most tangible most graspable most distinguishable most self-explanatory most limpid most flagrant most unsubtle most apprehensible most conclusive most fathomable most definitive most knowable most well-defined most undoubted most lucent most clear cut most demonstrable most blinding most inescapable most axiomatic most downright most precise most coherent most graphic most articulate most specific most comprehendible most crystalline most cogent most distinctive most user friendly most discernable most transpicuous most perspicacious most appreciable most understood most notable most decisive most egregious most revealed most seeable most telltale most notorious most irrefutable most unqualified most obtrusive most unique most unquestioned most exclusive most controlled most hard and fast most undisputable most uncontestable most uncomplicated most colorable most believable most remarkable most plausible most credible most ostensible most seeming most accessible most logical most readable most legible most public

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