Trái nghĩa của fitful

Alternative for fitful

Tính từ

Opposite of irregular and unsteady, characterized by fits
constant regular steady even continuous habitual periodic predictable repeated uniform continual equable orderly peaceful systematic unchanging undisturbed unvarying periodical lasting recurrent eternal perpetual occasional stable organised organized permanent methodical systematised systematized consistent cyclical intermittent seasonal standardised standardized infrequent recurring cyclic sporadic efficient businesslike fixed structured spasmodic planned uninterrupted persistent changeless routine sustained interminable standard precise logical practical careful formal coherent methodic abiding continuing enduring incessant never-ending ceaseless unceasing immutable unrelieved unchanged monolithic unabating unabated non-stop controlled methodized fastidious meticulous unremitting odd coordinated relentless exact never-changing well ordered well organized at fixed intervals well thought out joined-up invariable firm settled unchangeable reliable usual certain common steadfast unwavering stationary unbroken unfluctuating dependable frequent balanced undeviating normal secure stabilized established stabilised smooth level linear customary solid natural sure ordinary calm longstanding straight unalterable resolute definite connected long-standing invariant nonrandom full-time resting irreversible general staunch keen extended lengthy long-term everyday numerous many often punctual countless level-headed rational trustworthy unspotted endless clear manifold chronic complete profuse daily flowing perennial several successive sensible reasonable very many set unfaltering immovable durable deep-rooted well grounded long-lived set in stone

Tính từ

Opposite of lacking a coherent sequence or connection

Tính từ

Opposite of characterized by abrupt stops and starts

Tính từ

Opposite of made up of small parts that seem unrelated

Đồng nghĩa của fitful

fitful Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

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